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Welcome to this new WriteOff round, sponsored this month by Quill Scratch dictionaries ltd. and the Cold in Gardez printing group inc. This time, our beloved tyrant RogerDoger (please all kowtow) proposes us a Original Minific Round (OMR). In other words, this means:
1. That you can choose any backdrop world you like. Ponies are tolerated, but you should refrain to write any MLP-based fiction, otherwise Mr. Numbers risks lashing you, and nobody would want being lashed by Mr. Numbers. Some even most unsavoury mishaps may happen to you should you persist (for instance, Oblomov might decide to give you a personalised training in applied communism);
2. Minific means your story must tally no less than 400 (FOUR HUNDRED), but no more than 750 (SEVEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY) words. So mind your adverbs!
3. Writing period starts Saturday 12:00 (TWELVE) GMT and ends 24 (TWENTY-FOUR) hours later. A five minute gracious extension is given to make sure you correct every typo you might have left. Failure to submit before the deadline means that you won’t be allowed to compete and will watch your buddies have fun in the merry-go-round while you’ll remain seated on the bench outside.
You are naturally allowed to submit more than one entry. However, “interlinked” entries (a story and its sequel, for example) are forbidden on pain of disqualification, and we will mission Dubs Rewatcher to kick your butt should you flout this rule.
Rating is “T”, meaning while you can pander to some of your basest instincts, you’re not allowed to indulge in them.
Finally, remember that you should refrain from saying anything that might compromise your anonymity. Doing so is grounds for disqualification. It's recommended you do dummy reviews of your own stories should it otherwise be easy to deduce which you wrote.
And now, good luck to all, may the bestpet writer win!
1. That you can choose any backdrop world you like. Ponies are tolerated, but you should refrain to write any MLP-based fiction, otherwise Mr. Numbers risks lashing you, and nobody would want being lashed by Mr. Numbers. Some even most unsavoury mishaps may happen to you should you persist (for instance, Oblomov might decide to give you a personalised training in applied communism);
2. Minific means your story must tally no less than 400 (FOUR HUNDRED), but no more than 750 (SEVEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY) words. So mind your adverbs!
3. Writing period starts Saturday 12:00 (TWELVE) GMT and ends 24 (TWENTY-FOUR) hours later. A five minute gracious extension is given to make sure you correct every typo you might have left. Failure to submit before the deadline means that you won’t be allowed to compete and will watch your buddies have fun in the merry-go-round while you’ll remain seated on the bench outside.
You are naturally allowed to submit more than one entry. However, “interlinked” entries (a story and its sequel, for example) are forbidden on pain of disqualification, and we will mission Dubs Rewatcher to kick your butt should you flout this rule.
Rating is “T”, meaning while you can pander to some of your basest instincts, you’re not allowed to indulge in them.
Finally, remember that you should refrain from saying anything that might compromise your anonymity. Doing so is grounds for disqualification. It's recommended you do dummy reviews of your own stories should it otherwise be easy to deduce which you wrote.
And now, good luck to all, may the best

Sweet. It's been a while since the non-pony part of my brain engaged in some actual word-writing, as oppose to daydreaming. I have a BBQ party to go to on Saturday, so expect some alcohol-fuelled ramblings on why you shouldn't grill chicken on the same surface as pancakes, or an essay on the colour-scale of healthiness for barbecued sausages.
Maybe it'll even meet the prompt.
Maybe it'll even meet the prompt.

Anyone who listens to the Writing Excuses podcast is probably familiar with Brandon Sanderson, who wrote Elantris, Mistborn and finished the Wheel of Time series. He also gives a series of writing lectures at BYU, and I just went back and watched the course intro. I'd recommend watching the lecture (and the series) in its entirety, but I found his comments on workshoping particularly relevant for this forum:
Brandon Sanderson - 318R #1 (Course Overview)
I know the writeoffs are not a workshop, but I feel like there are still some strong parallels, especially in how we approach reviews.
Also, I can't help but wonder, are any writers here are working on longer pieces and thought of forming a writing group?
Brandon Sanderson - 318R #1 (Course Overview)
I know the writeoffs are not a workshop, but I feel like there are still some strong parallels, especially in how we approach reviews.
Also, I can't help but wonder, are any writers here are working on longer pieces and thought of forming a writing group?

(Looks at the collection of videos) Ouch. That'll kill my chance of binge watching Game of Thrones to catch up. (only five seasons behind)
All of us are working on larger pieces, but so far it seems like any writing group is mostly ad hoc. (or would that be Ad Hock in pony terms?)
>>Ceffyl_Dwr BBQ sausages (in my experience) should be carbon-black, or at least that's how mine turn out and I make excuses for them.
(Looks at the collection of videos) Ouch. That'll kill my chance of binge watching Game of Thrones to catch up. (only five seasons behind)
All of us are working on larger pieces, but so far it seems like any writing group is mostly ad hoc. (or would that be Ad Hock in pony terms?)
>>Ceffyl_Dwr BBQ sausages (in my experience) should be carbon-black, or at least that's how mine turn out and I make excuses for them.

Many of you probably know me by my stories. Oh wait. Actually you know me because I'm a convoluted psycho! Oh.... not even by that? Sooo....maybe you don't know me?! Either way it's nice to meet cha! Remedy is on the scene and I hope we can get along. I just wanna make some memories you won't forget anytime soon.

Oh, this is the first prompt that won that I really dislike.
Ah well, time to crank something out.
Ah well, time to crank something out.

Wooooooooow..... wow....... just....... wooooooooow by Lunas mane why?! Just WHY!!!!?

This is some really solid advice.
I dunno about this prompt though. I'm not all that keen on original minfics anyway. I've got the free time to write, but eh. We'll see.
Anyone who listens to the Writing Excuses podcast is probably familiar with Brandon Sanderson, who wrote Elantris, Mistborn and finished the Wheel of Time series. He also gives a series of writing lectures at BYU, and I just went back and watched the course intro. I'd recommend watching the lecture (and the series) in its entirety, but I found his comments on workshoping particularly relevant for this forum:
Brandon Sanderson - 318R #1 (Course Overview)
This is some really solid advice.
I dunno about this prompt though. I'm not all that keen on original minfics anyway. I've got the free time to write, but eh. We'll see.

Momma said there'd be prompts like this.
There'd be prompts like this, my momma said.
I do wonder about everyone kvetching about this, though. After all, enough of a majority voted for this prompt that it ultimately turned out to be the winner, so at least some of the folken around these parts have some semblance of an idea of what to do.
As for myself, well, it took a few hours ofgrumbling and grousing brainstorming, but I actually have some ideas. It is now time to see what can be done with them.
For everyone participating today, I wish you all an extra scoop of joyful inspiration and good vibrations, because, Christ on a fudge stripe, y'all are going to need it.
(If anyone out there wishes to send some of the same my way, I'll happily accept!)
Momma said there'd be prompts like this.
There'd be prompts like this, my momma said.
I do wonder about everyone kvetching about this, though. After all, enough of a majority voted for this prompt that it ultimately turned out to be the winner, so at least some of the folken around these parts have some semblance of an idea of what to do.
As for myself, well, it took a few hours of
For everyone participating today, I wish you all an extra scoop of joyful inspiration and good vibrations, because, Christ on a fudge stripe, y'all are going to need it.
(If anyone out there wishes to send some of the same my way, I'll happily accept!)

Genuinely surprised that I came up with an idea for this prompt so quickly. In the time honoured Ceffy way though, said idea has run away from me and will need considerable pruning.
Good luck everyone with your own entries. I hope you all succeed in getting something in.
Good luck everyone with your own entries. I hope you all succeed in getting something in.

There's no inspiration quite like a BBQ party inspiration.
Well, maybe food poisoning induced inspiration.
There's no inspiration quite like a BBQ party inspiration.
Well, maybe food poisoning induced inspiration.

Hoe could this happen to me! I made my mistakes! And yet the night goes on. Well. I did it. Woooooooooooow......

Well, I've managed to excrete SOMETHING. I'll edit and polish it a bit more later... And hope a better idea springs up in the meantime. :/ Still, at least I'll have something to submit.

Am I the only one who instantly came up with an idea for it?
Oh, and since this is my first time, all fandoms are fair game, right?
Oh, and since this is my first time, all fandoms are fair game, right?

It's within the boundaries.
1. That you can choose any backdrop world you like. Ponies are tolerated, but you should refrain to write any MLP-based fiction, [...];
It's within the boundaries.

Like >>ZaidValRoa said, you can write for any fandom you want. But keep in mind that if you write about something that people here aren't familiar with, your story will basically be handicapped.
Like >>ZaidValRoa said, you can write for any fandom you want. But keep in mind that if you write about something that people here aren't familiar with, your story will basically be handicapped.

I got one in (woot). Couldn’t think of any other ideas, so it’ll just be that.
>>The_Letter_J Huh, so the ‘Fiction not dependent on work under U.S. copyright’ tooltip at the top of the page would actually be misleading, then.
>>The_Letter_J Huh, so the ‘Fiction not dependent on work under U.S. copyright’ tooltip at the top of the page would actually be misleading, then.

I'm out. I wanted to join the club and be a hero, but the prompt was too much of a grinder.

Got something in. Not sure if it's any good at all, but it beats nothing.

Yeah, this is a discussion that has been had several times. Basically, the "original" rounds are really "general" rounds, but they're called "original" to still encourage people to write original stories so that they don't accidentally handicap themselves.
Yeah, this is a discussion that has been had several times. Basically, the "original" rounds are really "general" rounds, but they're called "original" to still encourage people to write original stories so that they don't accidentally handicap themselves.

Please, mayo we have no more sub-par puns. Some turkeys relish the chance to catsup with their lower senses of humor.
Please, mayo we have no more sub-par puns. Some turkeys relish the chance to catsup with their lower senses of humor.

Heyla, everyone. Great news!
. . . or not.
I've got nothing. I concede defeat. The ideas I had related to the prompt turned out stillborn, and the only other piece I made any headway on at all is (a.) not related, and (b.) much longer than 750 words. I really feel a twist ashamed to sit this one out, but, given how many other notable folken have also done so, I can at least count myself in august company.
To those of you who managed to finish and submit something already (and I mean anything at all, no matter how sucky you believe it to be), you have this particular internet stranger's congratulations on being able to wring fiction out of a turnip. I eagerly await the chance to taste the fruits of your labor.
For those who are still laboring to finish and submit, I wish you success with all the chambers of my heart.
Good night, and good luck.
. . . or not.
I've got nothing. I concede defeat. The ideas I had related to the prompt turned out stillborn, and the only other piece I made any headway on at all is (a.) not related, and (b.) much longer than 750 words. I really feel a twist ashamed to sit this one out, but, given how many other notable folken have also done so, I can at least count myself in august company.
To those of you who managed to finish and submit something already (and I mean anything at all, no matter how sucky you believe it to be), you have this particular internet stranger's congratulations on being able to wring fiction out of a turnip. I eagerly await the chance to taste the fruits of your labor.
For those who are still laboring to finish and submit, I wish you success with all the chambers of my heart.
Good night, and good luck.

Well, I've now got two stories in (one for myself and one as an honorary >>Cold in Gardez submission) and I'm contemplating a third with my remaining couple of hours.
I wish I could explain why trash prompts seem to spark my inspiration so much.
I wish I could explain why trash prompts seem to spark my inspiration so much.

Ugh. Ended up one minute late on my submission. :| Guess that's what I get for not having any ideas until the last minute.
Oh well. Good luck folks!
Oh well. Good luck folks!

So, I'm curious. Seventeen people voted for this prompt.
If you were one of them, would you mind posting your reason for doing so?
If you were one of them, would you mind posting your reason for doing so?

Dang it, you beat me to the punch by... 4 1/2 hours! :-p
I dunno, as much as I don't understand why this prompt was selected (beyond the proximal cause of getting votes), it seems like those who participated had fun with it.
I'm actually kinda interested in reading more of these, despite not having a dog (or a sandwich) in this race.
Dang it, you beat me to the punch by... 4 1/2 hours! :-p
I dunno, as much as I don't understand why this prompt was selected (beyond the proximal cause of getting votes), it seems like those who participated had fun with it.
I'm actually kinda interested in reading more of these, despite not having a dog (or a sandwich) in this race.

Random thought: as I read, I couldn't help but notice several entries had very similar concepts. You could almost pair them.

I eat sandwiches like that.
Well, I've now got two stories in [...] and I'm contemplating a third with my remaining couple of hours.
I eat sandwiches like that.

2 days before the prelims end. As it stands, the following fics have just three comments each:
18. Years Ago
21. Rain
30. Seven O'Clock Sharper
37. You'd Think She'd Have Seen This Coming
42. A Case of Sandwiches
Just in case anyone who has read them hasn't yet chipped in with some helpful feedback, and feels like doing so.
Hopefully not stamping on anyone's hooves here, but I thought these posts helpful last time I entered.
18. Years Ago
21. Rain
30. Seven O'Clock Sharper
37. You'd Think She'd Have Seen This Coming
42. A Case of Sandwiches
Just in case anyone who has read them hasn't yet chipped in with some helpful feedback, and feels like doing so.
Hopefully not stamping on anyone's hooves here, but I thought these posts helpful last time I entered.

Georg’s first Round Micro Reviews for the new stories on my slate Sandwich: Scores are letter grades for Plot, Technical Work, and Characterization mushed together, with an E for stories I find particularly Enjoyable (and a little mayo, with a few bits of pickle on top). Ranked by how I like them, not necessarily how perfect they are on the score. (and posted all at once, from top to bottom so they line up on the chat.) I’m using the advice of Brandon Sanderson in listing positives(+) of a story before the negatives(-), and since this writeoff seems to be unusually violent, I’m also including the number of weapons listed and the approximate kill count.

Special mentions not on my slate and finishing:
The Hideous Hambeast — A — First reaction: Hey Mikey! He likes it! (yeah, that’ll date me)
(+) Feeding the picky kid. As a parent, I’ve done that for so many years. Big Bro did well, characters fleshed (sorry) out correctly and vividly, with a start (Need to feed kid) and an end (Kid is fed) to the story and well wrapped up.
(-) Not much to complain about here.
Weapons: A huge knife. Fatalities: One Hideous Hambeast (may it rest in pieces)
Nobody Move — A — First reaction: Joy, a robbery fic. Oh, wait.
(+) Nice work on what it feels like when the adrenaline kicks in. Good work on CC training trumping events and shock.
(-) Seems a little over the top, like a fantasy instead of an event. (then again, it is a story in a writeoff…)
Weapons: Two pistols. Fatalities: One thug.
The Perfect Crime — A — First reaction: Murder mystery in 750 words is going to be tough.
(+) Everything about the setup. Most everything about the security followup. Truly, the TSA of the future is something to marvel at.
(-) Homeopathy? Really?
Weapons: Poison. Fatalities: My sense of belief in mankind’s future.
Total deadly weapons (not counting the last one and the coffee): 12
Fatalities: 7 (8 if you count the donut)
Verdict: What a violent bunch of writers we have here. Next prompt needs to be something like “The Perfect Crime” or “Blood, Blood Everywhere” or “I Would Have Gotten Away With It Too” so you can all take your frustrations out on imaginary victims.
The Hideous Hambeast — A — First reaction: Hey Mikey! He likes it! (yeah, that’ll date me)
(+) Feeding the picky kid. As a parent, I’ve done that for so many years. Big Bro did well, characters fleshed (sorry) out correctly and vividly, with a start (Need to feed kid) and an end (Kid is fed) to the story and well wrapped up.
(-) Not much to complain about here.
Weapons: A huge knife. Fatalities: One Hideous Hambeast (may it rest in pieces)
Nobody Move — A — First reaction: Joy, a robbery fic. Oh, wait.
(+) Nice work on what it feels like when the adrenaline kicks in. Good work on CC training trumping events and shock.
(-) Seems a little over the top, like a fantasy instead of an event. (then again, it is a story in a writeoff…)
Weapons: Two pistols. Fatalities: One thug.
The Perfect Crime — A — First reaction: Murder mystery in 750 words is going to be tough.
(+) Everything about the setup. Most everything about the security followup. Truly, the TSA of the future is something to marvel at.
(-) Homeopathy? Really?
Weapons: Poison. Fatalities: My sense of belief in mankind’s future.
Total deadly weapons (not counting the last one and the coffee): 12
Fatalities: 7 (8 if you count the donut)
Verdict: What a violent bunch of writers we have here. Next prompt needs to be something like “The Perfect Crime” or “Blood, Blood Everywhere” or “I Would Have Gotten Away With It Too” so you can all take your frustrations out on imaginary victims.

And that's every fic reviewed and placed. I have to say, I was really impressed with the varied and interesting takes on the prompt this round, particularly given how naturally it leant towards the comedic. I'm sorry that my reviews towards the end weren't as detailed, but real life got in the way somewhat. Still, a big thanks to everyone who shared their work this round. I enjoyed reading your stories, and I wish you the very best of luck in reaching the finals.

📣📣📣 ALERT 📣📣📣
Many sincere congratulations!!! :D I know you joined the Writeoffs to improve your English as a non-native speaker, and you've worked a long time to get to where your language wasn't standing in the way. Round after round, you've joked about your low finishes, but you kept picking yourself up and kept improving. This new achievement couldn't happen to a better guy.
And let me be the first to say I told you so. 😇
Many sincere congratulations!!! :D I know you joined the Writeoffs to improve your English as a non-native speaker, and you've worked a long time to get to where your language wasn't standing in the way. Round after round, you've joked about your low finishes, but you kept picking yourself up and kept improving. This new achievement couldn't happen to a better guy.
And let me be the first to say I told you so. 😇

Well, I'm done with my reading/reviewing/voting. If anyone's interested in a little egalitarianism, these are the fics that, by my count, only have five reviews while everything else has six+.
Nobody Move
Seven O'Clock Sharper
The Perfect Crime
My Kingdom for a Snack
A Regrettable Incident
Nobody Move
Seven O'Clock Sharper

Right, I have just a few hours to plow through reviews so I'm setting myself a challenge. As the stories are max 750 words my reviews will all be 7 words or less. Usual disclaimer, reviews are intended as constructive and humorous criticism, reviews may contain small parts and should be kept out of reach of small children.
Now, let's do this!
Now, let's do this!

Congratulations to our medalists (and to our finalists in general, it was a hard and interesting round).

Boop, incoming unrequested self-promotion at the end of a contest I skipped.
My darksadfic sequel to TKatK is now done. There.
And the first vote following the posting of the final two chapters is a downvote! :pinkiehappy: So maybe it's terrible? I can never tell.
I do put too much bucking math into my stories, though.
My darksadfic sequel to TKatK is now done. There.
And the first vote following the posting of the final two chapters is a downvote! :pinkiehappy: So maybe it's terrible? I can never tell.
I do put too much bucking math into my stories, though.