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>>John Cena
Actually I think there's a rich vein of crack to be mined out of Making Equestria Great Again.
I mean, it's pretty obviously not going to be chosen, but think of the delectable ridiculousness if it was...
Actually I think there's a rich vein of crack to be mined out of Making Equestria Great Again.
I mean, it's pretty obviously not going to be chosen, but think of the delectable ridiculousness if it was...

Definitely needs pagination. And it's weird not getting notifications for comment replies. I actually have to make a deliberate effort to come check this, rather than getting drawn back in when I'm mentioned in crosstalk.
Still, it'll be interesting seeing how it works out.
Still, it'll be interesting seeing how it works out.

>>Not_A_Hat Review tagging is an excellent idea. I like the idea of leaving story reviews in the main discussion thread.
But assuming we were to leave reviews in the actual story comments instead of the main thread, we'd need to come back to the main thread to at least announce them.
I guess I'm in 'wait and see' mode on the effectiveness of this format.
I really like the idea of being able to leave comments directly under a story, but this will definitely divide the cohesiveness that the FiM forum has. That multi-page FiM stream with reviews and discussion is visible to everyone (scanning through the thread to see what's happened since you last looked is natural), not just to the people who have read a particular story by slate assignment.
Most people will not read all of the inevitable 75-100 stories that will be posted in this round, which means most if not all of that natural discussion and review - and the unassigned story reads generated by those comments - will be shunted off to places we may not have time to look at.
Casual comments on stories will probably also become a lot more common (too much like FiM) with this format than actual reviews, but who knows... I'm interested to see how this plays out.
Side thought: Roger, can we get a Preview mode for comments?
But assuming we were to leave reviews in the actual story comments instead of the main thread, we'd need to come back to the main thread to at least announce them.
I don't think the distinction between "review" and "discussion" is that meaningful, however.
I guess I'm in 'wait and see' mode on the effectiveness of this format.
I really like the idea of being able to leave comments directly under a story, but this will definitely divide the cohesiveness that the FiM forum has. That multi-page FiM stream with reviews and discussion is visible to everyone (scanning through the thread to see what's happened since you last looked is natural), not just to the people who have read a particular story by slate assignment.
Most people will not read all of the inevitable 75-100 stories that will be posted in this round, which means most if not all of that natural discussion and review - and the unassigned story reads generated by those comments - will be shunted off to places we may not have time to look at.
Casual comments on stories will probably also become a lot more common (too much like FiM) with this format than actual reviews, but who knows... I'm interested to see how this plays out.
Side thought: Roger, can we get a Preview mode for comments?

The prompt should be announced about in about three hours (from the timestamp of this comment). That's when the writing begins!
The prompt should be announced about in about three hours (from the timestamp of this comment). That's when the writing begins!

This speaks to desirable features. Maybe not critical for the initial rollout but important to making this an enjoyable and usable platform in the long run.
I share these concerns; there's bound to be less natural cross-pollination inspired by reviews and discussion. I wonder, though, if this will lead to deeper analysis of each story in its comments thread, providing it attracts enough readers. By making review posts less monolithic, we may see more back-and-forth with smaller comments. But then we might also see more overt advertisement in the main thread, urging people to check out a given story.
This speaks to desirable features. Maybe not critical for the initial rollout but important to making this an enjoyable and usable platform in the long run.
I share these concerns; there's bound to be less natural cross-pollination inspired by reviews and discussion. I wonder, though, if this will lead to deeper analysis of each story in its comments thread, providing it attracts enough readers. By making review posts less monolithic, we may see more back-and-forth with smaller comments. But then we might also see more overt advertisement in the main thread, urging people to check out a given story.

No, it wasn't. It was remarkably easy. It wasn't perfect, but it wasn't "horrible" either.
This is part of a continuing trend of turning what used to be a FiM event into something completely different without polling the users to see if it's what we actually want.
99% of our members come from Fimfiction. It's where we advertise and promote this forum. I don't think we should be looking to find "authors everywhere" to join in on the competition. If you want to develop a popular general-fiction competition and advertise to amateur authors around the world, feel free. But please don't destroy a great competition we've all enjoyed in order to become #nonhorsefamous.
At this point I would almost prefer to join another writing competition group on Fimfiction than continue with where this is heading. I want to write and publish pony stories. I like the experience and practice of writing general fiction just fine, but that is not the main reason most of us are here.
A more general problem is that the countdown timer doesn't tell you whether it's counting down the time until voting starts or the time until it ends.
It probably shouldn't list any of the prompts until the submission period has passed. That would clear up any confusion. Ponies have used that fact previously to submit prompts related to other prompts which had already been submitted.
Finding particular reviews was horrible in the Fimfiction-thread-and-spreadsheet system
No, it wasn't. It was remarkably easy. It wasn't perfect, but it wasn't "horrible" either.
This is part of a continuing trend of turning what used to be a FiM event into something completely different without polling the users to see if it's what we actually want.
99% of our members come from Fimfiction. It's where we advertise and promote this forum. I don't think we should be looking to find "authors everywhere" to join in on the competition. If you want to develop a popular general-fiction competition and advertise to amateur authors around the world, feel free. But please don't destroy a great competition we've all enjoyed in order to become #nonhorsefamous.
At this point I would almost prefer to join another writing competition group on Fimfiction than continue with where this is heading. I want to write and publish pony stories. I like the experience and practice of writing general fiction just fine, but that is not the main reason most of us are here.
A more general problem is that the countdown timer doesn't tell you whether it's counting down the time until voting starts or the time until it ends.
It probably shouldn't list any of the prompts until the submission period has passed. That would clear up any confusion. Ponies have used that fact previously to submit prompts related to other prompts which had already been submitted.

I fundamentally disagree that polling the users is something that Roger should have to do*, and to be truly honest I'm pleased we get as much of a response to our feedback as we do because I don't think we're owed it. I'm not in any way trying to imply that your position is wrong or dumb (I actually think you've got some valid arguments, even if I disagree), but I figured a balancing response was probably something this thread could do with.
The way I see it, the writeoff site is Roger's project, just like an ongoing fanfic might be one of ours. A serialised fanfic can, sometimes, gain a large audience and a community of readers, just like the writeoff site has gained this awesome community of competitors. The difference is, users of a site (and I see the same thing going on with fimfiction, and other sites I've been a part of—I mean, hell, look at the backlash YouTube faces every time it makes major changes to its format) often come across as having this sense of entitlement to the site. I don't really understand this. The site isn't our's; it's Roger's, and while Roger may listen to our feedback to try to improve the functionality of the site (much like a writer may listen to feedback to try to improve a story) it remains Roger's prerogative to decide upon the direction that he wants to take the site (much like a writer might totally ignore a comment that says "this story will be so much better if you do [X] next chapter", though thankfully those aren't half as common and rarely come with the same air of entitlement).
Point is, we're not steering this ship—we're just coming along for the ride. We might make suggestions that we think will make the ride more fun for us, but ultimately Roger's going to choose the course that best suits his goals. And in this case, de-ponification of the contest's format to attract other groups of writers to other contests seems to be the goal. Of course we can complain if we don't like it—we're a community that has built up around this site, after all. But we have to remember that we aren't calling the shots, and Roger is not obliged to ask our opinion before implementing a change of course.
(Again, this is all just my perspective on the matter. I know there are plenty of valid counter-arguments out there. No antagonism is intended by this post—like I said, I just want to try to make sure this side of the argument is as well-represented as yours ^^)
((Also, I used way too many metaphors to make this point. Oops.))
*I also disagree that the trend is turning FiM events into something entirely different, but rather a trend of trying to expand FiM events/sites for a larger audience because they make sense as non-pony events/sites, too. But that's a discussion for another time, I think.
This is part of a continuing trend of turning what used to be a FiM event into something completely different without polling the users to see if it's what we actually want.
I fundamentally disagree that polling the users is something that Roger should have to do*, and to be truly honest I'm pleased we get as much of a response to our feedback as we do because I don't think we're owed it. I'm not in any way trying to imply that your position is wrong or dumb (I actually think you've got some valid arguments, even if I disagree), but I figured a balancing response was probably something this thread could do with.
The way I see it, the writeoff site is Roger's project, just like an ongoing fanfic might be one of ours. A serialised fanfic can, sometimes, gain a large audience and a community of readers, just like the writeoff site has gained this awesome community of competitors. The difference is, users of a site (and I see the same thing going on with fimfiction, and other sites I've been a part of—I mean, hell, look at the backlash YouTube faces every time it makes major changes to its format) often come across as having this sense of entitlement to the site. I don't really understand this. The site isn't our's; it's Roger's, and while Roger may listen to our feedback to try to improve the functionality of the site (much like a writer may listen to feedback to try to improve a story) it remains Roger's prerogative to decide upon the direction that he wants to take the site (much like a writer might totally ignore a comment that says "this story will be so much better if you do [X] next chapter", though thankfully those aren't half as common and rarely come with the same air of entitlement).
Point is, we're not steering this ship—we're just coming along for the ride. We might make suggestions that we think will make the ride more fun for us, but ultimately Roger's going to choose the course that best suits his goals. And in this case, de-ponification of the contest's format to attract other groups of writers to other contests seems to be the goal. Of course we can complain if we don't like it—we're a community that has built up around this site, after all. But we have to remember that we aren't calling the shots, and Roger is not obliged to ask our opinion before implementing a change of course.
(Again, this is all just my perspective on the matter. I know there are plenty of valid counter-arguments out there. No antagonism is intended by this post—like I said, I just want to try to make sure this side of the argument is as well-represented as yours ^^)
((Also, I used way too many metaphors to make this point. Oops.))
*I also disagree that the trend is turning FiM events into something entirely different, but rather a trend of trying to expand FiM events/sites for a larger audience because they make sense as non-pony events/sites, too. But that's a discussion for another time, I think.

I understand what you're saying and I agree with the literal text, but the message is completely illogical.
When you host a free service, you might not be legally beholden to your users, but that doesn't mean what they want doesn't matter. The Writeoff is not Roger. A writing competition cannot exist without the authors who participate, and anypony can host a competition. There are competitions all the time on Fimfiction.
Somehow you've confused yourself into thinking we're participating as a service to Roger, but it's the other way around entirely: Roger is doing this as a service to us. We don't participate in order to help him get famous. We participate because we currently enjoy the service he provides.
The thesis "somepony who hosts a free service can do anything they want with it" is obviously true, but it's myopic. You wouldn't be defending Roger if he turned the Writeoffs into a Strawberry Shortcake competition. You're only defending him because you like the changes he's made.
And that's okay. You're free to continue using the service. But the implication that others should be forced to support Roger if we don't like the service anymore is bonkers.
I understand what you're saying and I agree with the literal text, but the message is completely illogical.
When you host a free service, you might not be legally beholden to your users, but that doesn't mean what they want doesn't matter. The Writeoff is not Roger. A writing competition cannot exist without the authors who participate, and anypony can host a competition. There are competitions all the time on Fimfiction.
Somehow you've confused yourself into thinking we're participating as a service to Roger, but it's the other way around entirely: Roger is doing this as a service to us. We don't participate in order to help him get famous. We participate because we currently enjoy the service he provides.
The thesis "somepony who hosts a free service can do anything they want with it" is obviously true, but it's myopic. You wouldn't be defending Roger if he turned the Writeoffs into a Strawberry Shortcake competition. You're only defending him because you like the changes he's made.
And that's okay. You're free to continue using the service. But the implication that others should be forced to support Roger if we don't like the service anymore is bonkers.

Point is, we're not steering this ship—we're just coming along for the ride.
I'd say we're the crew, rather than the passengers. The same could be said of the examples of Youtube and Fimfiction, though those have a higher ratio of consumers to content creators.
I strongly disagree that all opposing viewpoints should be dismissed as "entitlement." Sounds more like shutting down the discussion, rather than providing the opposing side.
(and Youtube may not be the best example, heh. I'd hardly say its critics are acting entitled, considering its recent policies)

The issue I see here is its simply 'Here is this thing that's coming, wham bam done' and it turns everything on its head suddenly. And I mean, the question I ask is - what's the advantage for the userbase?
I only come here during competitions. I have no reason to come to the site otherwise; I use an email for this that's not my regular one. Unlike with Fimfic, this doesnt tie into my regular browsing routines so even if notifications show up, I am less likely to notice them.
I can understand why there's a benefit in partitioning away long-term for OF, although I admit I am dubious this is going to grow much beyond the Fimfic crowd without a dedicated 'Let's advertise other places' effort.
But for the FiM group, at least, it seems like a lot of effort to fix something that wasn't broken, at least for general discussions.
The issue I see here is its simply 'Here is this thing that's coming, wham bam done' and it turns everything on its head suddenly. And I mean, the question I ask is - what's the advantage for the userbase?
I only come here during competitions. I have no reason to come to the site otherwise; I use an email for this that's not my regular one. Unlike with Fimfic, this doesnt tie into my regular browsing routines so even if notifications show up, I am less likely to notice them.
I can understand why there's a benefit in partitioning away long-term for OF, although I admit I am dubious this is going to grow much beyond the Fimfic crowd without a dedicated 'Let's advertise other places' effort.
But for the FiM group, at least, it seems like a lot of effort to fix something that wasn't broken, at least for general discussions.

I'm not trying to call opposing views "entitled"—but I do think the language being used to argue for them carries that tone. And I don't expect anyone to just go along with something they enjoy being ruined for them, either. I think this is a discussion worth having, and I'm sorry if it came across as me trying to end it.
I think the point I wanted to make was that if any of us were running a service like this, and people came along suggesting that we should have been asking them about what direction we should go when we were simply trying to move forward to our own destination, we probably wouldn't like that tone regardless of what argument it was being used to support. I happen to like some of the recent changes to this site, yes. But I also think there's room for improvement, and I think that everyone in this forum is doing their damnedest to give good feedback. This is a good thing! I disagree only with the way that some of the feedback has been presented, and then only loosely.
[Although the above is kinda directed at everyone involved, I figured this was the closest to a distinction between my two responses I could get.]
No—I think we're participating in a fun thing because we enjoy it, and Roger's making this website as a thing he, presumably, enjoys. I don't think Roger is doing this specifically as a service to us. I might be wrong, but I suspect Roger is already doing his damnedest to try to accommodate our habits and traditions whilst trying to guide the site towards what he ultimately wants it to be—that's certainly the impression I've gotten from his tone in chat.
You make it sound like (and I'm sure this isn't your intention) we, as in this very specific group of people, are the only audience for this site, but Roger is a dispensable programmer whom we could replace at any time. And in a sense this is true—if we as a community felt the writeoff site were no longer serving us as well as we would like, we're free to up and leave and find another contest on fimficiton, or start a new one of our own. But this site needs Roger more than it needs us—there are hundreds upon hundreds of writers out there who would be attracted to a standalone writing contest site, but at the moment Roger's running the show (almost—iirc, a few people in the community have contributed changes) single-handed. You seem to argue that we don't need him, and that he should work to keep us around, but an equally valid argument could be made for Roger doing whatever he likes and just replacing us.
I don't like either of those arguments, I should probably point out. I like this community, and I like Roger, and I kinda just want us to stick together the best we can. Ultimately, everyone leaving for somewhere else is not in my best interests, and I would hope it wasn't in anyone else's best interests. And, again, I point out that all this is probably just me reading into a tone incorrectly, as you assuming that I thought we were offering a service to Roger was probably the same. For that I apologise.
I agree that nobody should be forced to support Roger's changes, and that without feedback any site like this can lose sight of its audience. I don't want to force anyone to support a change they don't like. I just feel that we should all be careful in how we communicate feedback—a lesson I evidently need to learn more than I need to impart, if this discussion is anything to go by! :)
Ugh, this comment is minific-length. I could have had an entry written by now!
Aaaaaand, just as I'm about to post, I see >>Morning Sun. Blergh.
All I really have to say in response is that... well, there isn't an advantage for the current userbase. This is objectively a more awkward system precisely because we're moving away from fimfiction, which is a part of (most of) our browsing habits. But these changes aren't meant to benefit us—which is precisely why I was using the language of entitlement, however poorly I was using it, above—and I don't see why they have to be. A small inconvenience for the current userbase is a price that probably has to be paid for widening the audience for this site, which seems to be the sole goal of this change.
Incidentally, I would argue that this was not necessarily the best move—after all, when genfic finally launches it would provide the same platform fimfic did for a more general audience, so there wouldn't necessarily be a reason to move everything on this site somewhere else. But I can kinda understand Roger wanting to be more independent, and I can kinda understand anyone not wanting to wait on genfic to launch because that's taking a while.
I don't really have a conclusion to end this with. I've kinda reached the point where I just want to post this now, regardless of how rambly it's gotten in places. Which is kinda stupid for a post with a core message of thinking through the way we post feedback.
I'm not trying to call opposing views "entitled"—but I do think the language being used to argue for them carries that tone. And I don't expect anyone to just go along with something they enjoy being ruined for them, either. I think this is a discussion worth having, and I'm sorry if it came across as me trying to end it.
I think the point I wanted to make was that if any of us were running a service like this, and people came along suggesting that we should have been asking them about what direction we should go when we were simply trying to move forward to our own destination, we probably wouldn't like that tone regardless of what argument it was being used to support. I happen to like some of the recent changes to this site, yes. But I also think there's room for improvement, and I think that everyone in this forum is doing their damnedest to give good feedback. This is a good thing! I disagree only with the way that some of the feedback has been presented, and then only loosely.
[Although the above is kinda directed at everyone involved, I figured this was the closest to a distinction between my two responses I could get.]
Somehow you've confused yourself into thinking we're participating as a service to Roger
No—I think we're participating in a fun thing because we enjoy it, and Roger's making this website as a thing he, presumably, enjoys. I don't think Roger is doing this specifically as a service to us. I might be wrong, but I suspect Roger is already doing his damnedest to try to accommodate our habits and traditions whilst trying to guide the site towards what he ultimately wants it to be—that's certainly the impression I've gotten from his tone in chat.
You make it sound like (and I'm sure this isn't your intention) we, as in this very specific group of people, are the only audience for this site, but Roger is a dispensable programmer whom we could replace at any time. And in a sense this is true—if we as a community felt the writeoff site were no longer serving us as well as we would like, we're free to up and leave and find another contest on fimficiton, or start a new one of our own. But this site needs Roger more than it needs us—there are hundreds upon hundreds of writers out there who would be attracted to a standalone writing contest site, but at the moment Roger's running the show (almost—iirc, a few people in the community have contributed changes) single-handed. You seem to argue that we don't need him, and that he should work to keep us around, but an equally valid argument could be made for Roger doing whatever he likes and just replacing us.
I don't like either of those arguments, I should probably point out. I like this community, and I like Roger, and I kinda just want us to stick together the best we can. Ultimately, everyone leaving for somewhere else is not in my best interests, and I would hope it wasn't in anyone else's best interests. And, again, I point out that all this is probably just me reading into a tone incorrectly, as you assuming that I thought we were offering a service to Roger was probably the same. For that I apologise.
I agree that nobody should be forced to support Roger's changes, and that without feedback any site like this can lose sight of its audience. I don't want to force anyone to support a change they don't like. I just feel that we should all be careful in how we communicate feedback—a lesson I evidently need to learn more than I need to impart, if this discussion is anything to go by! :)
Ugh, this comment is minific-length. I could have had an entry written by now!
Aaaaaand, just as I'm about to post, I see >>Morning Sun. Blergh.
All I really have to say in response is that... well, there isn't an advantage for the current userbase. This is objectively a more awkward system precisely because we're moving away from fimfiction, which is a part of (most of) our browsing habits. But these changes aren't meant to benefit us—which is precisely why I was using the language of entitlement, however poorly I was using it, above—and I don't see why they have to be. A small inconvenience for the current userbase is a price that probably has to be paid for widening the audience for this site, which seems to be the sole goal of this change.
Incidentally, I would argue that this was not necessarily the best move—after all, when genfic finally launches it would provide the same platform fimfic did for a more general audience, so there wouldn't necessarily be a reason to move everything on this site somewhere else. But I can kinda understand Roger wanting to be more independent, and I can kinda understand anyone not wanting to wait on genfic to launch because that's taking a while.
I don't really have a conclusion to end this with. I've kinda reached the point where I just want to post this now, regardless of how rambly it's gotten in places. Which is kinda stupid for a post with a core message of thinking through the way we post feedback.

(Also agreed on the youtube example. I was having far too much nostalgia for the good old days, when youtube would do little but benevolently change its appearance every couple of weeks, because thinking about modern youtube just upsets me.)
(Also agreed on the youtube example. I was having far too much nostalgia for the good old days, when youtube would do little but benevolently change its appearance every couple of weeks, because thinking about modern youtube just upsets me.)

Allow me to tone down my anger and apologize.
I want to make one thing crystal clear. I'm not on the verge of walking out on the Writeoffs. I like them, and I am exceedingly grateful for what Roger has done. This is very neat stuff, and I don't deserve how awesome it is.
Even though I'd prefer things be different, I will probably continue to follow along with Roger's changes even after his plan reaches fruition and Writeoff finally becomes a Gobots-themed nanofiction contest hosted on Omegle.
Allow me to tone down my anger and apologize.
I want to make one thing crystal clear. I'm not on the verge of walking out on the Writeoffs. I like them, and I am exceedingly grateful for what Roger has done. This is very neat stuff, and I don't deserve how awesome it is.
Even though I'd prefer things be different, I will probably continue to follow along with Roger's changes even after his plan reaches fruition and Writeoff finally becomes a Gobots-themed nanofiction contest hosted on Omegle.

Oh good. I've been looking forward to those gobot nanofics ;D
Don't worry too much about the tone. I think we both got a bit antagonistic there—if you're in the same situation as me, probably in the very act of trying to avoid being antagonistic! I apologise too. Shall we put this behind us and write some horsewords? ^^
Oh good. I've been looking forward to those gobot nanofics ;D
Don't worry too much about the tone. I think we both got a bit antagonistic there—if you're in the same situation as me, probably in the very act of trying to avoid being antagonistic! I apologise too. Shall we put this behind us and write some horsewords? ^^

Reading over the concerns about the change, I have to say I fall on the side of the people who find adding another site to regular browsing habits to be awkward at best and a disincentive at worst. If Bradel hadn't mentioned that he might have an idea for the prompt, I probably wouldn't even have bothered to come here and look at it.
There's an issue here, and I'm trying to figure out how to articulate it... I guess the easiest way is to make the obvious suggestion, and then point out the problem. The obvious suggestion is:
Why not both?
There's the option for the official discussion here. There's also the option for discussion on FiMfic. People can participate in whichever they like, or more than one forum. There's the Skype chat and the Discord chat and people can use whatever's easiest.
When it comes to any other website, this would be a perfectly good compromise. I can use all sorts of functions on FiMfic to talk about pony stories... or I can start a thread on reddit, or a page on TV Tropes. I can comment on a story's fimfic post, or a story's EqD post. Knighty has no opinion on this; he offers the tools he wants, and we use or don't use them, or use totally different ones.
But... Roger seems to have opinions on this, from what I've seen in the past (when Bad Horse wanted to try splitting the discussion thread between two threads on the same forum.) If that's changed, and Roger doesn't care if I make a "Writeoff Underground" group on FiMfiction where those of us who are less into another site to follow can talk writeoff, let me know!
But I think that's the core of the problem. Think of it like a writer on FiMfiction: We write a story, it gains a following, and of course they shouldn't dictate the direction we go; it's our work and our story. But we don't get to dictate how our readers interact with the story. They can read it right when we post it, they can download it to their kindle, they can talk about it in the comments, or review it on a blog, or talk about it with their friends someplace totally different.
The creator creates what they want, the audience chooses how to interact with it. Neither side "owes" the other by default.
The only thing specific to the writeoff that I could see being a problem is if people were compromising anonymity on the alternate thread, but there are a million places on the internet we can compromise anonymity away from the watchful eyes of Roger, and he can't monitor all of them.
So... if Roger doesn't have a problem with it, would people want me to make a group on FiMficiton for off-site writeoff discussion?
If Roger, or someone else does have a problem with it, why?
There's an issue here, and I'm trying to figure out how to articulate it... I guess the easiest way is to make the obvious suggestion, and then point out the problem. The obvious suggestion is:
Why not both?
There's the option for the official discussion here. There's also the option for discussion on FiMfic. People can participate in whichever they like, or more than one forum. There's the Skype chat and the Discord chat and people can use whatever's easiest.
When it comes to any other website, this would be a perfectly good compromise. I can use all sorts of functions on FiMfic to talk about pony stories... or I can start a thread on reddit, or a page on TV Tropes. I can comment on a story's fimfic post, or a story's EqD post. Knighty has no opinion on this; he offers the tools he wants, and we use or don't use them, or use totally different ones.
But... Roger seems to have opinions on this, from what I've seen in the past (when Bad Horse wanted to try splitting the discussion thread between two threads on the same forum.) If that's changed, and Roger doesn't care if I make a "Writeoff Underground" group on FiMfiction where those of us who are less into another site to follow can talk writeoff, let me know!
But I think that's the core of the problem. Think of it like a writer on FiMfiction: We write a story, it gains a following, and of course they shouldn't dictate the direction we go; it's our work and our story. But we don't get to dictate how our readers interact with the story. They can read it right when we post it, they can download it to their kindle, they can talk about it in the comments, or review it on a blog, or talk about it with their friends someplace totally different.
The creator creates what they want, the audience chooses how to interact with it. Neither side "owes" the other by default.
The only thing specific to the writeoff that I could see being a problem is if people were compromising anonymity on the alternate thread, but there are a million places on the internet we can compromise anonymity away from the watchful eyes of Roger, and he can't monitor all of them.
So... if Roger doesn't have a problem with it, would people want me to make a group on FiMficiton for off-site writeoff discussion?
If Roger, or someone else does have a problem with it, why?

Well that's a first. Got an idea instantly that I committed to and finished!
As for the site, ehhhh... kinda awkward to use it. At least for pony stuff. Seems like more effort than it's worth on Roger's part to design a whole new feature of the website, especially if it's gonna be like Fimfic's system.
(Also I miss muh images. Send help.)
As for the site, ehhhh... kinda awkward to use it. At least for pony stuff. Seems like more effort than it's worth on Roger's part to design a whole new feature of the website, especially if it's gonna be like Fimfic's system.
(Also I miss muh images. Send help.)

>>bookplayer I honestly would not object to your creating another FiM forum, but I'd suggest that Roger simply unlock the current one so that we can use that.
This site is not ready yet. Roger's doing an excellent job, but as everyone's noted, the functionality we've come to enjoy on FiM is not here yet, and there's no tie-in that we don't create, ourselves, with IDs and avatars. So there's the whole argument of having to bounce back and forth between the two sites to write and discuss pony fiction.
I like where this site has gone so far, and I honestly think a lot of us will find it much more attractive to use more exclusively as it's enhanced. But forcing us to use one, more limited and unfinished forum seems like a good recipe for driving people away.
Some flexibility toward the wants of the users while the site is being refined would go a lot further than locking everything down to a single place and idea.
This site is not ready yet. Roger's doing an excellent job, but as everyone's noted, the functionality we've come to enjoy on FiM is not here yet, and there's no tie-in that we don't create, ourselves, with IDs and avatars. So there's the whole argument of having to bounce back and forth between the two sites to write and discuss pony fiction.
I like where this site has gone so far, and I honestly think a lot of us will find it much more attractive to use more exclusively as it's enhanced. But forcing us to use one, more limited and unfinished forum seems like a good recipe for driving people away.
Some flexibility toward the wants of the users while the site is being refined would go a lot further than locking everything down to a single place and idea.

If such a group is founded, may I suggest this as a logo image?
(The joke is that the flag only gets turned upside down in times of distress...)
If such a group is founded, may I suggest this as a logo image?
(The joke is that the flag only gets turned upside down in times of distress...)

I think the underlying problem is the idea that the Writeoff should have nothing to do with Fimfiction, despite the fact that every one of us uses Fimfiction and that's why we're here in the first place.
I think the underlying problem is the idea that the Writeoff should have nothing to do with Fimfiction, despite the fact that every one of us uses Fimfiction and that's why we're here in the first place.

Also I have already won this particular contest. /)^3^(\
Okay, not really. But this is the most confident I've ever been in a Writeoff entry. :yay:
Okay, not really. But this is the most confident I've ever been in a Writeoff entry. :yay:

The thing is, I agree with the assertion that Roger has the right to take his site in whatever direction he wants. He doesn't owe us a MLP based contest, anymore than someone who starts writing a fic about Twilight has to keep Twilight as the focus character of the fic. The audience might not like how it's done, or they might be split on it, but it's the author's choice to do that.
But for those of us who participate in the MLP events, and spend most of our time on FiMfiction, I don't see a reason why we shouldn't be talking about it in the places we gather (FiMfiction.) As the audience of the fic, we don't owe it to the author to read everything he writes, we can read only the sections about Twilight and talk about those on a Twilight group if we want.
If that's not how Roger wants us to interact with the contest-- if he wants to encourage full participation in every event or if he wants to entice us to gather all in one place-- it's back on him to take into account what the audience wants. He doesn't have to do that, but it's certainly worth looking at it if it's part of his goal for the writeoff.
The thing is, I agree with the assertion that Roger has the right to take his site in whatever direction he wants. He doesn't owe us a MLP based contest, anymore than someone who starts writing a fic about Twilight has to keep Twilight as the focus character of the fic. The audience might not like how it's done, or they might be split on it, but it's the author's choice to do that.
But for those of us who participate in the MLP events, and spend most of our time on FiMfiction, I don't see a reason why we shouldn't be talking about it in the places we gather (FiMfiction.) As the audience of the fic, we don't owe it to the author to read everything he writes, we can read only the sections about Twilight and talk about those on a Twilight group if we want.
If that's not how Roger wants us to interact with the contest-- if he wants to encourage full participation in every event or if he wants to entice us to gather all in one place-- it's back on him to take into account what the audience wants. He doesn't have to do that, but it's certainly worth looking at it if it's part of his goal for the writeoff.

I think I'm getting the jitters from what happened between me and the last contest. I'm gonna sit this one out.
And I apologize, Roger, but I don't know enough about the websites to make a comment on its layout or functionality. I'm just dumb like that.
And I apologize, Roger, but I don't know enough about the websites to make a comment on its layout or functionality. I'm just dumb like that.

I have considered this problem, and that I have thought of (what I think to be) a very elegant solution to it is the only reason we are here at all.
When you leave comments on a story, those comments will appear in the event's thread too. It will be marked as being a comment on that story. If you click to reply to that comment, you'll be taken to the story's page and jumped to the reply box with the >>reply filled in.
Each story will have a subthread, and those subthreads merge into the main event's thread.
In addition, you can have posts on stories you haven't read be hidden. They will just say "Post on <story> hidden to prevent spoilers". This way, you don't have to [spoiler] all your comments. It's done automatically for people that want it.
Remember that the Writeoff did not start at Fimfiction. It started at Ponychan. Ponychan died, and the Writeoff died with it. If Golden Vision didn't convince me this could get started back up on Fimfiction, that there would be a new community for this there, it probably wouldn't have happened.
Change can be scary, but it's also inevitable. Most of the people who were here at the start are no longer here. People move on to new things. Change happens as people come and go, and if people aren't coming as others go, then the community just fades away instead.
For the Writeoff to benefit and attract other people (and I do think this system is a great and unique way for people to improve their skill as writers), it can't be pigeonholed into being just a FiM contest half-hosted on a FiM website. Many people are not interested in FiM.
In any case, the FiM contests themselves aren't going to change at all. The comments are here right now. This is a test run. I want to see if the big advantage I see with having comments here (noted above) turns out to be true. If it turns out not to be much better, then I can disable comments on FiM contests and have the discussion back on Fimfiction.
As >>bookplayer notes, I am not a fan of splitting the discussion up. It makes it harder for authors to find discussion related to their stories. It makes it harder to follow the discussion in general. If you think watching one thread without notifications is hard, how about watching two threads without notifications on one? On top of that, less informed people may not be aware of the existence of the second thread at all. It's a recipe for disaster and confusion I'd rather avoid if possible.
I will certainly not try and ban any discussion outside the official channels. If you feel it's necessary, do what you feel is best. I only ask you try and see how this works out first.
I have considered this problem, and that I have thought of (what I think to be) a very elegant solution to it is the only reason we are here at all.
When you leave comments on a story, those comments will appear in the event's thread too. It will be marked as being a comment on that story. If you click to reply to that comment, you'll be taken to the story's page and jumped to the reply box with the >>reply filled in.
Each story will have a subthread, and those subthreads merge into the main event's thread.
In addition, you can have posts on stories you haven't read be hidden. They will just say "Post on <story> hidden to prevent spoilers". This way, you don't have to [spoiler] all your comments. It's done automatically for people that want it.
Remember that the Writeoff did not start at Fimfiction. It started at Ponychan. Ponychan died, and the Writeoff died with it. If Golden Vision didn't convince me this could get started back up on Fimfiction, that there would be a new community for this there, it probably wouldn't have happened.
Change can be scary, but it's also inevitable. Most of the people who were here at the start are no longer here. People move on to new things. Change happens as people come and go, and if people aren't coming as others go, then the community just fades away instead.
For the Writeoff to benefit and attract other people (and I do think this system is a great and unique way for people to improve their skill as writers), it can't be pigeonholed into being just a FiM contest half-hosted on a FiM website. Many people are not interested in FiM.
In any case, the FiM contests themselves aren't going to change at all. The comments are here right now. This is a test run. I want to see if the big advantage I see with having comments here (noted above) turns out to be true. If it turns out not to be much better, then I can disable comments on FiM contests and have the discussion back on Fimfiction.
As >>bookplayer notes, I am not a fan of splitting the discussion up. It makes it harder for authors to find discussion related to their stories. It makes it harder to follow the discussion in general. If you think watching one thread without notifications is hard, how about watching two threads without notifications on one? On top of that, less informed people may not be aware of the existence of the second thread at all. It's a recipe for disaster and confusion I'd rather avoid if possible.
I will certainly not try and ban any discussion outside the official channels. If you feel it's necessary, do what you feel is best. I only ask you try and see how this works out first.

I can't remember that because I've only been here for a little more than a year. :V
I'm uncertain why we want to attract a different group of ponies when all of us here like writing FiM stories. The Writeoffs are almost too big for their britches already, with the need to divide voting into two rounds now because we have so many submissions. Do you honestly believe going even larger will be better? If anything, it just means nopony will get to read all the stories.
I can't remember that because I've only been here for a little more than a year. :V
I'm uncertain why we want to attract a different group of ponies when all of us here like writing FiM stories. The Writeoffs are almost too big for their britches already, with the need to divide voting into two rounds now because we have so many submissions. Do you honestly believe going even larger will be better? If anything, it just means nopony will get to read all the stories.

At a bare minimum I feel this badly needs pagination implemented ASAP, because it's already growing unwieldy and we haven't hit the Turbodrive section yet.
Otherwise, I'm willing to give it a test run for this, but I do think keeping Fimfic's group active is good because that's where our audience of potential new authors is, at least for Ponyfic
The end goal as I understand it is to make the site a 'Anyone who wants to run stuff can run contests on whatever subject they want', so the growth isn't so much per-contest as it is 'Have a wider userbase doing more things'
At a bare minimum I feel this badly needs pagination implemented ASAP, because it's already growing unwieldy and we haven't hit the Turbodrive section yet.
Otherwise, I'm willing to give it a test run for this, but I do think keeping Fimfic's group active is good because that's where our audience of potential new authors is, at least for Ponyfic
The end goal as I understand it is to make the site a 'Anyone who wants to run stuff can run contests on whatever subject they want', so the growth isn't so much per-contest as it is 'Have a wider userbase doing more things'

>>RogerDodger Hmmm, that's an interesting solution. Thanks very much for taking our thoughts & gripes into consideration, Roger! I'm really curious to see how this works out.
Totally Unrelated But Really Important Public Service Announcement:
Daylight Saving Time change happens tonight.
For all folks in the US who aren't hiding out in their WWIII bunkers in Arizona, the time moves forward tonight by one hour at 2am local time.
This means we lose an hour, so the Writeoff submission deadline will happen an hour early, and anyone who forgets to set their clocks forward will lose out on last-minute submissions.
Good luck everyone!
Totally Unrelated But Really Important Public Service Announcement:
Daylight Saving Time change happens tonight.
For all folks in the US who aren't hiding out in their WWIII bunkers in Arizona, the time moves forward tonight by one hour at 2am local time.
This means we lose an hour, so the Writeoff submission deadline will happen an hour early, and anyone who forgets to set their clocks forward will lose out on last-minute submissions.
Good luck everyone!

Because it draws in folks like me who join for the original fiction rounds and then proceed to dabble in the FiM rounds as well for giggles.
I wouldn't have written One-Two-Zero if I hadn't joined Writeoff, and I wouldn't have joined Writeoff if not for the original fiction rounds; I wouldn't even have known that Writeoff was a thing if Cold in Gardez hadn't advertised that first OF round in xir blog.
Despite my chronic inability to actually put words on the page during the rounds, joining Writeoff has introduced me to an awesome community, changed how I view writing as an activity, and has had a tangible effect on my ability as a writer.
I'm uncertain why we want to attract a different group of ponies when all of us here like writing FiM stories.
Because it draws in folks like me who join for the original fiction rounds and then proceed to dabble in the FiM rounds as well for giggles.
I wouldn't have written One-Two-Zero if I hadn't joined Writeoff, and I wouldn't have joined Writeoff if not for the original fiction rounds; I wouldn't even have known that Writeoff was a thing if Cold in Gardez hadn't advertised that first OF round in xir blog.
Despite my chronic inability to actually put words on the page during the rounds, joining Writeoff has introduced me to an awesome community, changed how I view writing as an activity, and has had a tangible effect on my ability as a writer.

>>Morning Sun
If that were true, we wouldn't be postponing pony writeoffs by half a month each time to interleave the general ones like we do now.
The only reason we don't host pony writeoffs that conflict with the general ones is that few ponies would want to join the general ones. So, now we have fewer pony writeoffs as a result.
That's not "a wider userbase doing more things". That's "the exact same userbase being forced to do different things".
The end goal as I understand it is to make the site a 'Anyone who wants to run stuff can run contests on whatever subject they want', so the growth isn't so much per-contest as it is 'Have a wider userbase doing more things'
If that were true, we wouldn't be postponing pony writeoffs by half a month each time to interleave the general ones like we do now.
The only reason we don't host pony writeoffs that conflict with the general ones is that few ponies would want to join the general ones. So, now we have fewer pony writeoffs as a result.
That's not "a wider userbase doing more things". That's "the exact same userbase being forced to do different things".

No. The submission deadline will be an hour later for those among us stuck with stupid DST, and it will still be 24 hours.
No. The submission deadline will be an hour later for those among us stuck with stupid DST, and it will still be 24 hours.

>>Trick_Question I'm always cool with being wrong as long as I can correct my mistakes. However:
The submission time for California ends at 10am Pacific. That doesn't change, as far as I'm aware.
If I ignore the time change, my horrible irritating alarm clock will show 10am although it will actually be 11am Pacific Daylight Time - one hour forward. I will have missed the submission deadline by an hour.
Is my math wrong here? Freaking DST always makes my head hurt.
The submission time for California ends at 10am Pacific. That doesn't change, as far as I'm aware.
If I ignore the time change, my horrible irritating alarm clock will show 10am although it will actually be 11am Pacific Daylight Time - one hour forward. I will have missed the submission deadline by an hour.
Is my math wrong here? Freaking DST always makes my head hurt.

Jawohl, One-Two-Zero! Did you end up doing any revision and posting that? It was pretty cool. :-)
Jawohl, One-Two-Zero! Did you end up doing any revision and posting that? It was pretty cool. :-)

Duly noted, thanks. :)
Although, can't we just get an hour grace period to compensate as well? Especially since not all of the US uses DST?
Duly noted, thanks. :)
Although, can't we just get an hour grace period to compensate as well? Especially since not all of the US uses DST?

I'm pretty sure the deadline is 11 am PST/2 pm EST tomorrow and that any other minific rounds now start and end at 11/2. It threw me off a bit the first time after changing the clocks in the fall when the start and deadline changed from 2 pm to 1 pm (I had my story in on time thankfully, although it was a close one).
I'm pretty sure the deadline is 11 am PST/2 pm EST tomorrow and that any other minific rounds now start and end at 11/2. It threw me off a bit the first time after changing the clocks in the fall when the start and deadline changed from 2 pm to 1 pm (I had my story in on time thankfully, although it was a close one).

>>GrandMoffPony I'm not sure anymore! :D
>>Firelight_Flicker Thanks! That's actually sounding familiar now. You're probably right, and there's nothing to worry about. :)
>>Firelight_Flicker Thanks! That's actually sounding familiar now. You're probably right, and there's nothing to worry about. :)

I desperately wish I could upvote the comment about needing upvotes. Right now there's no way to say "I agree with this comment" without, well, spamming the thread with an "I agree with this comment."
Re the discussion about the benefits of FIMFiction thread vs. Writeoff thread, I'm with Roger in the "let's see how it actually works in practice" camp. Worst case scenario is everyone hates it in hindsight, at which point we actually have data to back up the "it doesn't work" argument, and can point to it when new users ask why it's done in a certain way. Best case scenario is that it's actually better. Either way, that's worth enduring change for a round.
I desperately wish I could upvote the comment about needing upvotes. Right now there's no way to say "I agree with this comment" without, well, spamming the thread with an "I agree with this comment."
Re the discussion about the benefits of FIMFiction thread vs. Writeoff thread, I'm with Roger in the "let's see how it actually works in practice" camp. Worst case scenario is everyone hates it in hindsight, at which point we actually have data to back up the "it doesn't work" argument, and can point to it when new users ask why it's done in a certain way. Best case scenario is that it's actually better. Either way, that's worth enduring change for a round.

The best way to approve of a comment is to simply not respond to it, or that's at least how I see it. If you've said something wrong then eventually there will be someone who will take up the torch to respond as to why. I don't know about you guys, but I prefer the no-thumbs system over to what Fimfiction has to offer.
The best way to approve of a comment is to simply not respond to it, or that's at least how I see it. If you've said something wrong then eventually there will be someone who will take up the torch to respond as to why. I don't know about you guys, but I prefer the no-thumbs system over to what Fimfiction has to offer.

Dearly beloved. We are gathered here to pay tribute to this hour, cut down in the prime of its life and snuffed out before it could live. Many of us treasured the time we spent with this hour long ago and were looking forward to doing it again, but alas, it is not to be, for it is gone.
But do not despair, for six months from now, we shall see this hour rise again, fresh and healthy from its long nap. So have hope, raise a glass in honor of its passing, and prepare for the return.
For Thine is the power, and the glory and the honor, every hour of every day.
Please remain seated as the ushers pass the collection plates among you.
But do not despair, for six months from now, we shall see this hour rise again, fresh and healthy from its long nap. So have hope, raise a glass in honor of its passing, and prepare for the return.
For Thine is the power, and the glory and the honor, every hour of every day.
Please remain seated as the ushers pass the collection plates among you.

Prompt isn't working any magic for me, and neither is DST. I guess I'll be starting my break from the Writeoffs a little earlier than planned.
Have fun, guys! I'll see y'all in a month or two.
Have fun, guys! I'll see y'all in a month or two.

Praise be, I managed to get something submitted.
By staying up super-late on the shortest night of the year.
I am an idiot.
...and I agree. Now all we also need are dem emoticons. I feel naked without them. :trollestia:
By staying up super-late on the shortest night of the year.
I am an idiot.
...and I agree. Now all we also need are dem emoticons. I feel naked without them. :trollestia:

>>georg I must inform you that it is in fact eight months, not six. For the holy word of Google doth state that November 6th shall be the ending of all things DST, and the hour which was stolen on this night shall be returned to us.
I shall continue to sip the sacramental Macallan in honor of the hour's passing, that the pain of our loss might be assuaged.
It's not going into the collection plate, though.
I shall continue to sip the sacramental Macallan in honor of the hour's passing, that the pain of our loss might be assuaged.
It's not going into the collection plate, though.

Well, I too stayed up too late on the "lose an hour" night. But, I finished something! :)

Got pagination happening.
The auto spoilering hasn't been implemented yet, so just manually spoiler posts for now if you think it's necessary.
The auto spoilering hasn't been implemented yet, so just manually spoiler posts for now if you think it's necessary.

Slow going (very), but still going. Part of that is that it's turned into a multi-chapter fic and part of that is massive writer's block.
Slow going (very), but still going. Part of that is that it's turned into a multi-chapter fic and part of that is massive writer's block.

Glory be unto the Roger,
Thy Son,
And the Dodger Spirit! :derpytongue2:
In honor of the already substantial improvement brought by pagination, I have submitted a second piece.
And yes, I plan to continue using FimFic emoticons until further notice. :pinkiecrazy:
Glory be unto the Roger,
Thy Son,
And the Dodger Spirit! :derpytongue2:
In honor of the already substantial improvement brought by pagination, I have submitted a second piece.
And yes, I plan to continue using FimFic emoticons until further notice. :pinkiecrazy:

Three entries complete. I've never felt this confident about my submissions.
Probably means they'll get panned, but I'm still stoked.
Probably means they'll get panned, but I'm still stoked.

Well this is a first. Not one, not two, but THREE entries done baby!
Maybe lightning will strike.... fourthice? What goes after thrice...
Whatever, I'm happy.
Maybe lightning will strike.... fourthice? What goes after thrice...
Whatever, I'm happy.

Welp, threw out my first idea because it was kind of junk. I have a good feeling about this one, though.

I'm pretty on-record as thinking pony suffering for OF is a dumb thing, has always been a dumb thing, and wish it didn't.
I was also outvoted, so I've given up fighting further.
I'm pretty on-record as thinking pony suffering for OF is a dumb thing, has always been a dumb thing, and wish it didn't.
I was also outvoted, so I've given up fighting further.

Okay, one fic cmpleted and submitted! Yay!
Now, do I go do some productve work around the house, or try to cram in another, inferior fic in the remaining two or three hours? Hmmmm...
Now, do I go do some productve work around the house, or try to cram in another, inferior fic in the remaining two or three hours? Hmmmm...

I wasn't that happy with my fic, but I wasted half the 24 hours unable to think of anything and wanted to sleep for some portion of the remaining 12. So it is what it is. At least I actually managed to submit something this time.
As far as general vs pony writeoffs, only the pony writeoffs interest me. But I'm happy with the current scheduling; I like having lengthy periods between writeoffs to do other things, so I don't hold anything against the non-pony writeoffs.
As far as general vs pony writeoffs, only the pony writeoffs interest me. But I'm happy with the current scheduling; I like having lengthy periods between writeoffs to do other things, so I don't hold anything against the non-pony writeoffs.

Well, wuld you look at that! I mnaged to squeeze in a second story at the last minute! AND it turned out.. Well... Not great... Even good might be a bit of a stretch... Let's just classify it as "Much Better Than I Had Expected For a Last Minute Entry." ;>

Well I finished and submitted (save any last minute fixes/edits). Probably should've gone with my other idea and saved this one for a short story round, it wound up being much too long and I could've easily added more. I think it may have some pacing issues now, but oh well.

The answer was, apparently, yes.
I'm almost tempted to write a fourth, but half an hour seems inadvisable for such. Even though I finished the last one in about that long.
Eh. I think I'm good.
Hope everyone else is meeting with success this morning.
I should really get some sleep.
The answer was, apparently, yes.
I'm almost tempted to write a fourth, but half an hour seems inadvisable for such. Even though I finished the last one in about that long.
Eh. I think I'm good.
Hope everyone else is meeting with success this morning.
I should really get some sleep.

Praise unto thee, last minute muse. May thy inspiration guide us unto writing fics worthy of thy gifts.

The Equestrian Candidate
It took me about 10 seconds to realize what was happening with this fic, a couple minutes to read it, and another to recognize how this fits the prompt.
Wow author, this really is your funeral. Good luck.
It took me about 10 seconds to realize what was happening with this fic, a couple minutes to read it, and another to recognize how this fits the prompt.
Wow author, this really is your funeral. Good luck.

Stat time!
65 stories
45746 words (Add to use an external source for this, where's my total word count? =( )
Mean: 703.785
Median: 747
Mode: 750 (duh)
400-449: 2
450-499: 1
500-549: 2
550-599: 5
600-649: 3
650-699: 1
700-749: 29
750: 22
Okay, this was a super top heavy event, with all 3 averages being higher than 700, and only one range aside from the top 2 having even 5 total entries. Wow.
Better get reading, folks.
65 stories
45746 words (Add to use an external source for this, where's my total word count? =( )
Mean: 703.785
Median: 747
Mode: 750 (duh)
400-449: 2
450-499: 1
500-549: 2
550-599: 5
600-649: 3
650-699: 1
700-749: 29
750: 22
Okay, this was a super top heavy event, with all 3 averages being higher than 700, and only one range aside from the top 2 having even 5 total entries. Wow.
Better get reading, folks.

Wow, a lot of 750/700-749 fics this time. Also, isn't there usually ~100 for a minific contest?

Quick note: Looks like comments/reviews on stories are correctly being reposted in the main discussion thread, but don't yet have any reference back to where they came from.
Edit: Aaaaand nevermind. Refresh made it add the reference.
Edit: Aaaaand nevermind. Refresh made it add the reference.

Gee, I wonder what the circumstances around this one were. ;)
In any case, while the desperation and lampshading were amusing, there’s one question you never addressed: Why is Dash in the library? Is there implicit Twidash here? Does her house not have a writing desk in its current configuration? Did she just want to be as close to Spike as possible?
Oh, right, it’s probably that last one. Still, took me a while to figure that out, and the question bugged me throughout the piece. In all, a fun bit of autobiographical metafiction, and it’s certainly a valid use of the prompt… but there’s very little to it, even for a minific.
In any case, while the desperation and lampshading were amusing, there’s one question you never addressed: Why is Dash in the library? Is there implicit Twidash here? Does her house not have a writing desk in its current configuration? Did she just want to be as close to Spike as possible?
Oh, right, it’s probably that last one. Still, took me a while to figure that out, and the question bugged me throughout the piece. In all, a fun bit of autobiographical metafiction, and it’s certainly a valid use of the prompt… but there’s very little to it, even for a minific.

The topic feels a bit heavy for something this brief, though it is addressed succinctly and clearly. Yes, we have a funereal prompt, but this is a really weighty subject. My discomfort aside, it is a powerful character moment between these two. Nicely done there.
Also, there’s the matter of Twilight not knowing about Crystal War Dash’s prosthetic since she was never at the front, but that’s nitpicking something that isn’t anywhere near the point of the story.
Also, there’s the matter of Twilight not knowing about Crystal War Dash’s prosthetic since she was never at the front, but that’s nitpicking something that isn’t anywhere near the point of the story.

Real person fiction with voice actors doing drugs. I am immediately uncomfortable with this.
To quote horizon, D: The sentiment is sweet, but the presentation is repugnant. This is a matter of personal preference, yes, but you just had a woman who actually exists in real life vomit into a sink and punch a mirror. Good fiction should inspire feelings in the reader, but this… I’m sorry, but no. This just isn’t for me, to the point where I don’t think I can fairly judge it. I’m abstaining for this one.
Also, I’m afraid I have little familiarity with the Kinks’ oeuvre. Could someone tell me which song the title means?
To quote horizon, D: The sentiment is sweet, but the presentation is repugnant. This is a matter of personal preference, yes, but you just had a woman who actually exists in real life vomit into a sink and punch a mirror. Good fiction should inspire feelings in the reader, but this… I’m sorry, but no. This just isn’t for me, to the point where I don’t think I can fairly judge it. I’m abstaining for this one.
Also, I’m afraid I have little familiarity with the Kinks’ oeuvre. Could someone tell me which song the title means?

I may not be the most experienced at writeoffs, but I know enough to recognize these characters.
But that's where it gets interesting. If I understand the anonymity rules correctly, Cold in Gardez couldn't have written this story. Which means someone else wrote a story with his characters and in his style. Clever.
I'll have to reread this one when it comes to voting; I think I was too distracted by the above to really pay much attention to the story itself.
But that's where it gets interesting. If I understand the anonymity rules correctly, Cold in Gardez couldn't have written this story. Which means someone else wrote a story with his characters and in his style. Clever.
I'll have to reread this one when it comes to voting; I think I was too distracted by the above to really pay much attention to the story itself.

Mane Six count (Don't mind me, I'm just curious as to how many times each of the Mane 6 appears):
Applejack: 1
I can totally see our favourite swindlers actually getting into such a line of work. And I can see AJ finding out about this and being none too pleased.
Problem is I can't really see Flim and Flam actually trying to kill ponies to drum up business. They're con artists, not murders. Even for the sake of a joke, I think that kind of worsens the story for me.
I also can't really see AJ locking them in a coffin, but that's an out of character joke I can actually get behind, so it didn't bother me.
Anyway, it's not bad, and I think it might do fine, but it's not really for me.
Verdict: Cute, but didn't really grip me.
Applejack: 1
I can totally see our favourite swindlers actually getting into such a line of work. And I can see AJ finding out about this and being none too pleased.
Problem is I can't really see Flim and Flam actually trying to kill ponies to drum up business. They're con artists, not murders. Even for the sake of a joke, I think that kind of worsens the story for me.
I also can't really see AJ locking them in a coffin, but that's an out of character joke I can actually get behind, so it didn't bother me.
Anyway, it's not bad, and I think it might do fine, but it's not really for me.
Verdict: Cute, but didn't really grip me.

The opening paragraph left me a bit perplexed, but then it may simply be that it tried a certain style I'm not familiar with.
Here we have a simple scene, which feels a bit context-less. Things happen and then nothing much changes. The conflict is almost non-existing and we don't learn much about any of the characters involved. This was my impression missing the reading key.
After briefly googling the book of the same title it dawned on me that this seems to be a bit of a subversion of it, which I suppose is fine. It gives us a bit more context, it explains a bit Fluttershy's role, it give it a bit more substance.
Still, it didn't leave me much else, probably because I'm disconnected from a part of the source material. Long story short, I'm probably not the right audience here.
Here we have a simple scene, which feels a bit context-less. Things happen and then nothing much changes. The conflict is almost non-existing and we don't learn much about any of the characters involved. This was my impression missing the reading key.
After briefly googling the book of the same title it dawned on me that this seems to be a bit of a subversion of it, which I suppose is fine. It gives us a bit more context, it explains a bit Fluttershy's role, it give it a bit more substance.
Still, it didn't leave me much else, probably because I'm disconnected from a part of the source material. Long story short, I'm probably not the right audience here.

Fantastic hook. I’m immediately intrigued.
Okay, this was a really cool use of the sirens. My only complaint is that original songs don’t work well in a textual medium where we can’t hear the music. If the song does exist or is based on one that does, I’m afraid I don’t recognize it. Still, aside from the multimedia disconnect, great work.
Okay, this was a really cool use of the sirens. My only complaint is that original songs don’t work well in a textual medium where we can’t hear the music. If the song does exist or is based on one that does, I’m afraid I don’t recognize it. Still, aside from the multimedia disconnect, great work.

This felt extremely rushed and the formatting makes it hard to read. I wish there was more to it then just us being told that the vocals were expressive or the melody was sweet. Or in terms of Lyra's performance, anything at all. Actually, it probably would've been better to focus on Lyra's performance than Sweetie Belle's, since Lyra was the main performance that we are supposed to care about (I think). This story concept would've been better for a short story comp than for a minific.

On the iphone, the fic number on the gallery doesn't show up. But I can still see the comment numbers and the word count.
Still, I'll miss the spreadsheet. Oh well, penpal. Until next time.
Still, I'll miss the spreadsheet. Oh well, penpal. Until next time.

Dialogue only? Daring… or you just needed the words, since you’re right at the limit.
The bit about Pinkie is funny, but it breaks the mood.
Centuries? Dang. There’s definitely something more going on here.
Ah. Okay. Now I… kind of get it. This is definitely going to benefit from more space and some narration. The slow revelation largely works, but there are still quite a few questions left unanswered. I definitely look forward to seeing this expanded, because right now, this is so tightly packed that it should come with a “Contents under pressure” label.
The bit about Pinkie is funny, but it breaks the mood.
Centuries? Dang. There’s definitely something more going on here.
Ah. Okay. Now I… kind of get it. This is definitely going to benefit from more space and some narration. The slow revelation largely works, but there are still quite a few questions left unanswered. I definitely look forward to seeing this expanded, because right now, this is so tightly packed that it should come with a “Contents under pressure” label.

I expected a battle-themed story from the hook, which wasn't a bad start. It did not only not deliver (which wouldn't be that bad if we got to see an equally dramatic scene evolving), but also threw me off with extremely forced, purply language in the very first parargraph. In hindsight, I see it as an attempt at third person limited Luna POV, but it didn't work propperly for me.
I'm not really sold on the idea of keeping it a secret to the reader that Luna's getting rid of Nightmare Moon's armour to burry her once and for all. It adds more confusion than suspense IMO.
I don't really get the title.
The theme of the story is a nice one though, and fits the prompt propperly.
I'm not really sold on the idea of keeping it a secret to the reader that Luna's getting rid of Nightmare Moon's armour to burry her once and for all. It adds more confusion than suspense IMO.
I don't really get the title.
The theme of the story is a nice one though, and fits the prompt propperly.

I was guessing what the hook would be for the whole time. I didn't expect attempted murder. I can get behind it and Applejack's reaction in the context of it being a slightly black comedy.
Funny little story, grinned a couple of times, but I think our favorite business duo should use a more rapid bombardment on customers. Shock and awe and all that.
I also think that the last line is a bit superfluous.
Funny little story, grinned a couple of times, but I think our favorite business duo should use a more rapid bombardment on customers. Shock and awe and all that.
I also think that the last line is a bit superfluous.

I'm not sure if this one wants to be reviewed.
Alright, I chuckled at first. Started zoning out after a few paragraphs, because the novelty wore off. Not like it's the first meta-fic about the writeoff, but I give it credit for cranking this idea up to 11.
From this fic I learned that combining 1st and 2nd person at the same time is extremely disorienting. It's somewhat saved because the interaction between "you" and "I" is cute, with plenty of Discord gags.
So, do I do what it asks? ...... sure, I guess. better than throwing it randomly in the middle range of votes.
Alright, I chuckled at first. Started zoning out after a few paragraphs, because the novelty wore off. Not like it's the first meta-fic about the writeoff, but I give it credit for cranking this idea up to 11.
From this fic I learned that combining 1st and 2nd person at the same time is extremely disorienting. It's somewhat saved because the interaction between "you" and "I" is cute, with plenty of Discord gags.
So, do I do what it asks? ...... sure, I guess. better than throwing it randomly in the middle range of votes.

Did this story just imply that Fluttershy's father thinks unicorns are slave owners to earth ponies?
Whoa. O_o
Few gripes. The *knock knock knock* bits are distracting since they aren't separated from the mane points of dialogue/exposition. Also, I think the beginning of this could've benefited with a slight expansion, considering it's trying to set Fluttershy's depression and I'm sitting here not feeling anything other than shock at her behavior. This definitely would be better if it was a short story around 4k-6k words.
Oh, and this line:
"'Fluttershy, I don’t ever want you to go anywhere!'"
Rainbow Dash really sounds controlling here. Yikes. I understand that Fluttershy is suicidal but that doesn't mean that she needs to be under house arrest.
Lastly, is this also implied that Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy are shipped at the end? Or is Fluttershy now Rarity and she says dear?
Needs Work.
Whoa. O_o
Few gripes. The *knock knock knock* bits are distracting since they aren't separated from the mane points of dialogue/exposition. Also, I think the beginning of this could've benefited with a slight expansion, considering it's trying to set Fluttershy's depression and I'm sitting here not feeling anything other than shock at her behavior. This definitely would be better if it was a short story around 4k-6k words.
Oh, and this line:
"'Fluttershy, I don’t ever want you to go anywhere!'"
Rainbow Dash really sounds controlling here. Yikes. I understand that Fluttershy is suicidal but that doesn't mean that she needs to be under house arrest.
Lastly, is this also implied that Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy are shipped at the end? Or is Fluttershy now Rarity and she says dear?
Needs Work.

Mane Six count (Don't mind me, I'm just curious as to how many times each of the Mane 6 appears):
Applejack: 2
Wow, okay RNG. Not just two AJ stories in a row, but 2 AJ stories that rely on Flim and Flam (even if they don't actually appear in this story.
Also, glad to see I'm not the only one who knows who Apple Bumpkin is.
I do like the idea of someone genuinely manufacturing SSCS6000s for genuine reasons. And I like the idea of Applejack having to consider the implications of such a thing on farm life.
Unfortunately, we don't actually get to see much of that. We see all the steps leading up to it, with Bumpkin explaining all the benefits. But I really want to see Applejack's actual opinion on the matter. Instead, it's left annoyingly vague.
Now, I'm not saying being vague was necessarily wrong here, mind you, but it wound up not being right for me specifically. This feels too much like an appetizer and not enough like a main course for me. Maybe if you had more words.
Verdict: Good premise, but the conclusion's a little lacking.
Applejack: 2
Wow, okay RNG. Not just two AJ stories in a row, but 2 AJ stories that rely on Flim and Flam (even if they don't actually appear in this story.
Also, glad to see I'm not the only one who knows who Apple Bumpkin is.
I do like the idea of someone genuinely manufacturing SSCS6000s for genuine reasons. And I like the idea of Applejack having to consider the implications of such a thing on farm life.
Unfortunately, we don't actually get to see much of that. We see all the steps leading up to it, with Bumpkin explaining all the benefits. But I really want to see Applejack's actual opinion on the matter. Instead, it's left annoyingly vague.
Now, I'm not saying being vague was necessarily wrong here, mind you, but it wound up not being right for me specifically. This feels too much like an appetizer and not enough like a main course for me. Maybe if you had more words.
Verdict: Good premise, but the conclusion's a little lacking.

While I'm thinking about feature requests, would it be feasible to add buttons that would jump to either the top or bottom of the page? It would save me from scrolling like a madman on my phone. :heart:
While I'm thinking about feature requests, would it be feasible to add buttons that would jump to either the top or bottom of the page? It would save me from scrolling like a madman on my phone. :heart: