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Whiteout · Poetry Minific ·
Fic Results
# Artist Title Final ε
1 Gold medalMortarboard Syeekoh Ascension 1.56 0.41
2 Silver medal GroaningGreyAgony Fall to Rise 1.42 0.43
3 Bronze medalConfetti _Moonshot Little Moments 1.23 0.48
4 Ribbon Baal Bunny Queen of the North 1.22 0.45
5 Ribbon Anon Y Mous Still 0.82 0.44
6 Ribbon Bachiavellian i don't know 0.76 0.45
7 Anon Y Mous Ode to Whiteout 0.24 0.28
Syeekoh (2)Anon Y Mous (1)Pascoite (1)_MoonshotAnon Y MousBaal BunnyBachiavellianGroaningGreyAgonySyeekohQueen of the NorthStillOde to Whiteouti don't knowAscensionFall to RiseLittle Moments