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The CMCs post season 5 around a campfire. Hmmm...
Interesting how the light, which is supposed to come from the fire, comes from the background.
And is it me or the flames seem to go to the fire and not come from it?
Interpretation: The CMCs are enthralled by the fire which has no light whereas the true light comes from behind them. So a reinterpretation of the allegory of the caves by Plato?
Interesting how the light, which is supposed to come from the fire, comes from the background.
And is it me or the flames seem to go to the fire and not come from it?
Interpretation: The CMCs are enthralled by the fire which has no light whereas the true light comes from behind them. So a reinterpretation of the allegory of the caves by Plato?

Slapdash and scribbly, but expressive. Some understanding of pone anatomy is demonstrated with Apple Bloom, but the other crusaders are present only in rudimentary form. And I am unsure if that is a fire or incoming meteorites.
Mid tier.
Mid tier.

I love this piece simple yet complex. The execution is small but the expression holds so much into it. Now what exactly is being burned that could cause such an effect? Perhaps the three fillies dropped into the Everfree Forest got lost and needed to camp out. The fire more so is the focus here while the three points it's end up becoming part of it background. The smoke and ash that flicker about melds I to the shape of the flame's life-giving counterpart/so. Careful ladies something may be watching you.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought the fire looked like meteorites.
I like the style here, and I think that it works rather well, except for the meteorite bits.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought the fire looked like meteorites.
I like the style here, and I think that it works rather well, except for the meteorite bits.

I love the clash between the smooth gradient of the background and the apparitional depiction of the CMC in this one. It sets a mood, but I think there's also symbolism to the agressive red. The CMC and whatever it is that rises from their fire add mystery to the piece. It's a clichee phrase, but I really think these two join to form something more than the sum of their parts. I'd put something like this in my living room wall without hesitation.

funny coincidences:
I almost titled this "Campfire" but couldn't think of a second word. "Campfire something..."
then I went with the Dark Souls reference because it was better than nothing.
also the original idea had the CMC roasting marshmallows, but it cluttered up how I wanted to focus on the fire so I dropped that.
I almost titled this "Campfire" but couldn't think of a second word. "Campfire something..."
then I went with the Dark Souls reference because it was better than nothing.
also the original idea had the CMC roasting marshmallows, but it cluttered up how I wanted to focus on the fire so I dropped that.

When I read "Lit," I actually assumed it was referencing/making a pun on "literature."
When I read "Lit," I actually assumed it was referencing/making a pun on "literature."