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Between Day/Night


Oh that’s clever. Kind of troublesome to view fully, but a very fun and interesting concept. Many kudos for doing something original!

Yeah, this is a great use of a conceit. The only thing I think would make it better for me, would be if the moon/sun were actually integrated into Celestia/Luna somehow. That would probably be more effort than it's worth, though. Nice clean lines, clever concept, good execution.
Very nice work.
Very nice work.

As a gimmick, this is very clever. But as was said, the missing pieces of Twilight in day mode look odd. I don't know how to take this, though. A sun associated with a seemingly subjugated Luna? Would the opposite make more sense? And I realize you couldn't alter Twilight's expression the same way you altered Celestia and Luna's presence, but maybe giving her a more serious expression would have fit better tonally? Her mood fits better with Celestia there than Luna.

Let me get it out of the way up front, and say what everyone else has already said: there's a dark mode??
Oh, and that's a *wonderfully* thematic use of the website's tools.
All around, I think this is a really neat piece, especially for the creative use of the medium. I'd also give this my personal "Most Related to Prompt" award for this round. There's so many neat ways you can take this idea. Why do we see Luna with the sun and Celestia with the moon? What's the significance of their positions? What can be said about neither being present at the same time? Just a gold mine of story potential out of the symbolism in this one.
Putting aside the nifty gimmick, I'd say this also holds up decently on its own as a drawing. The characters are very cleanly drawn with some minor exceptions on the two sisters (see Celestia's muzzle, the top of her foreleg, and Luna's mane above the forehead). Kind of flat without more shadows, but it's obvious why this doesn't use them to excess.
Others have already mentioned the weird clipping on Twilight. I'm personally a bit put-off by Twilight's mane dissolving to ribbons in the back. I haven't really seen a mane work like that in flight, not even in a cartoony fashion. I think trying to round off the strands a bit, as you've done in the front of her mane, will make them look more like strands of hair and less like streamers. It's up to you, though. Far be it for me to judge an artist's style when I've tried to get away with weirder ideas simply because they looked/sounded cool to me.
Very good work! I wish you good luck, good health, and many more creative ideas from the Inspiration Gremlin.
(EDIT): I also want to mention that drawing silhouettes that actually look like characters and not featureless blobs is really impressive to me. Maybe just me, but kudos.
Oh, and that's a *wonderfully* thematic use of the website's tools.
All around, I think this is a really neat piece, especially for the creative use of the medium. I'd also give this my personal "Most Related to Prompt" award for this round. There's so many neat ways you can take this idea. Why do we see Luna with the sun and Celestia with the moon? What's the significance of their positions? What can be said about neither being present at the same time? Just a gold mine of story potential out of the symbolism in this one.
Putting aside the nifty gimmick, I'd say this also holds up decently on its own as a drawing. The characters are very cleanly drawn with some minor exceptions on the two sisters (see Celestia's muzzle, the top of her foreleg, and Luna's mane above the forehead). Kind of flat without more shadows, but it's obvious why this doesn't use them to excess.
Others have already mentioned the weird clipping on Twilight. I'm personally a bit put-off by Twilight's mane dissolving to ribbons in the back. I haven't really seen a mane work like that in flight, not even in a cartoony fashion. I think trying to round off the strands a bit, as you've done in the front of her mane, will make them look more like strands of hair and less like streamers. It's up to you, though. Far be it for me to judge an artist's style when I've tried to get away with weirder ideas simply because they looked/sounded cool to me.
Very good work! I wish you good luck, good health, and many more creative ideas from the Inspiration Gremlin.
(EDIT): I also want to mention that drawing silhouettes that actually look like characters and not featureless blobs is really impressive to me. Maybe just me, but kudos.

....Okay that's a neat trick.
As for our three characters, Twilight definitely looks the cleanest by far. I personally like this kind of borderless pastel-y vibe. Celestia, looks just a little wobbly around the shoulders and torso. Finally, Luna is kind of confusing, to me. I can't really tell if she's tumbling, or if she's flying, and it makes her smile seem a little out of place. Overall, just not exactly sure what's going on with her.
So, cool idea, but with an overall mixed execution to me. Thank you for submitting!
As for our three characters, Twilight definitely looks the cleanest by far. I personally like this kind of borderless pastel-y vibe. Celestia, looks just a little wobbly around the shoulders and torso. Finally, Luna is kind of confusing, to me. I can't really tell if she's tumbling, or if she's flying, and it makes her smile seem a little out of place. Overall, just not exactly sure what's going on with her.
So, cool idea, but with an overall mixed execution to me. Thank you for submitting!

Aside from commented-on educational factor, this is a solid piece.
Colors are accurate/provocative, the shapes get the job done, and the posing is clever; dynamic, and the non-visible characters impact Twilight just enough to make the viewer think something is going on, and then it turns out that there is.
Top tier; the artwork would be serviceable enough on its own, and the clever prompt-related use of site features takes it to the next level.
Colors are accurate/provocative, the shapes get the job done, and the posing is clever; dynamic, and the non-visible characters impact Twilight just enough to make the viewer think something is going on, and then it turns out that there is.
Top tier; the artwork would be serviceable enough on its own, and the clever prompt-related use of site features takes it to the next level.

So, I've arted. It was fun.
Art Retrospective: Between Day/Night
Yeah, I don't even know why I got inspired to art this time. I was kind of looking at the prompt, and the random thought struck me that it'd be pretty cool if an artist hid something in the background color. Then, I realized that since Rog has blessed us with Dark Mode, there are two background colors. My mind promptly exploded.
So, I downloaded a drawing program for the first time in my life (is Krita supposed to be any good?), and since I don't have a tablet, I had to relly on my trusty Gamer Mouse*(R) to throw this together.
I did Twilight first, because I knew she would take the most time, and I wasn't sure that I'd have the energy to do her if I did her last. Twilight is based on three different screenshot reference pictures—one for her wings and torso, one of the angle of her legs, and one for her head/expression. I chose to go borderless and with flat shadows just to keep things simple, and also because I kind of like seeing this style. I still had no confidence in my own ability, so I kept the lines pretty close to my reference pictures, outside of her mane.
Celestia was next, and since she and Luna by nature were going to be much simpler (and since I'd developed a little bit of confidence at this point), I did a lot more of her off-model. Her wings and head and hind legs are still based on screens, but her torso and forelegs and mane are my own freehand.
Lastly, Luna, which is where I kinda flubbed up. By then, I was working mostly freehand (only her wings and head were based on a screenshot). Like a fool, I was feeling really confident at how easy this whole arting business was, and I wanted to go for a complicated pose. She's supposed to be doing a loop-the-loop while flying midair. Unfortunately, because I don't know how angles work, it looks like she's tumbling. Combined that with Celestia's outreached hoof, and it looks like Celly is giving the smack-down to Luna. Oops.
Yeah, so this is supposed to be a cutesy fun picture of three princesses out on a joy-flight, but it became something pretty different. Interesting, how things like that turn out!
Thank you so much for leaving your thoughts! I'm really glad you liked it!
Yeah, Rog just kind of quietly announced it on the Discord chat a few weeks back. As soon as I had the idea, I knew I had to cash in on it before a more clever person figured it out. :P
So basically, the Princesses overlapping against Twilight and the Sun/Moon symbols were supposed to be little hints that there was something more to the picture, no matter if somebody was seeing this for the first time in Dark or in Regular mode. I probably kind of overdid it, I admit. I was judging this aspect of the picture mainly from a version that I created with a split background where I could easily see both Princesses, and I guess it'd be easy to overlook details like this. And see above for why Luna is inexplicably smiling.
Thank you so much for your thoughts!
>>Rocket Lawn Chair
RE: Twilight's streamer-y mane, that's all on me. I've got no idea how it'd look. I was kind of going for the infamous season 3 premire's billowy mane sequence, but I didn't use a reference image and I flubbed it up. Bluh!
I appreciate your review and your kind words!
One thing I did not anticipate at all was how graphically demanding drawing programs are! I mean, this little old thing ended up having a 2 gigabyte file in Krita! And by the time I got to the 100th or so layer, my decently-spec'd desktop was really struggling. Wow!
Anyways, I had a bunch of fun with this, and I'm tickled pink at the medal! Thanks for the round!
Art Retrospective: Between Day/Night
Yeah, I don't even know why I got inspired to art this time. I was kind of looking at the prompt, and the random thought struck me that it'd be pretty cool if an artist hid something in the background color. Then, I realized that since Rog has blessed us with Dark Mode, there are two background colors. My mind promptly exploded.
So, I downloaded a drawing program for the first time in my life (is Krita supposed to be any good?), and since I don't have a tablet, I had to relly on my trusty Gamer Mouse*(R) to throw this together.
I did Twilight first, because I knew she would take the most time, and I wasn't sure that I'd have the energy to do her if I did her last. Twilight is based on three different screenshot reference pictures—one for her wings and torso, one of the angle of her legs, and one for her head/expression. I chose to go borderless and with flat shadows just to keep things simple, and also because I kind of like seeing this style. I still had no confidence in my own ability, so I kept the lines pretty close to my reference pictures, outside of her mane.
Celestia was next, and since she and Luna by nature were going to be much simpler (and since I'd developed a little bit of confidence at this point), I did a lot more of her off-model. Her wings and head and hind legs are still based on screens, but her torso and forelegs and mane are my own freehand.
Lastly, Luna, which is where I kinda flubbed up. By then, I was working mostly freehand (only her wings and head were based on a screenshot). Like a fool, I was feeling really confident at how easy this whole arting business was, and I wanted to go for a complicated pose. She's supposed to be doing a loop-the-loop while flying midair. Unfortunately, because I don't know how angles work, it looks like she's tumbling. Combined that with Celestia's outreached hoof, and it looks like Celly is giving the smack-down to Luna. Oops.
Yeah, so this is supposed to be a cutesy fun picture of three princesses out on a joy-flight, but it became something pretty different. Interesting, how things like that turn out!
Thank you so much for leaving your thoughts! I'm really glad you liked it!
Yeah, Rog just kind of quietly announced it on the Discord chat a few weeks back. As soon as I had the idea, I knew I had to cash in on it before a more clever person figured it out. :P
So basically, the Princesses overlapping against Twilight and the Sun/Moon symbols were supposed to be little hints that there was something more to the picture, no matter if somebody was seeing this for the first time in Dark or in Regular mode. I probably kind of overdid it, I admit. I was judging this aspect of the picture mainly from a version that I created with a split background where I could easily see both Princesses, and I guess it'd be easy to overlook details like this. And see above for why Luna is inexplicably smiling.
Thank you so much for your thoughts!
>>Rocket Lawn Chair
RE: Twilight's streamer-y mane, that's all on me. I've got no idea how it'd look. I was kind of going for the infamous season 3 premire's billowy mane sequence, but I didn't use a reference image and I flubbed it up. Bluh!
I appreciate your review and your kind words!
One thing I did not anticipate at all was how graphically demanding drawing programs are! I mean, this little old thing ended up having a 2 gigabyte file in Krita! And by the time I got to the 100th or so layer, my decently-spec'd desktop was really struggling. Wow!
Anyways, I had a bunch of fun with this, and I'm tickled pink at the medal! Thanks for the round!

You probably didn't know this, but the same light/dark mode play for hiding things was done to very good effect (among many other devices) in a story called "Broken Bindings."
You probably didn't know this, but the same light/dark mode play for hiding things was done to very good effect (among many other devices) in a story called "Broken Bindings."