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Rising From the Ashes · FiM Short Story ·
A Thousand Years
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#1 · 1
· · >>Filler
Artist, you should be using a better tool than MS Paint. You have talent.

There’s some clumsiness around the execution of lines, but the scene is well composed and evocative, and the grayscale execution sets the right mood. This will be an excellent story seed.

Strong. Upper tier for this one.
#2 · 1
· · >>Filler
There was a small discussion in the chat about whether this was actually done in paint or not.

I initially guessed not, because I feel like this piece has very strong composition, and I guessed it was drawn with a pen tool from the fairly smooth curving lines. Cassius, however, suggested that it might have been done with shape tools and a mouse, and looking at the square bricks in the background, he might well be right.

Either way, I feel like this is an intentionally minimalist piece; strong composition, but very simple styling, possibly because (as GGA says) the artist was lacking tools, but also possibly because it was done quickly. I like combination, though, so on the whole it works very well for me. Some variance in line thickness might make this really pop, but even as it is, it seems like a very well done piece.
#3 ·
· · >>Filler
Nothing much to say with this one.

Very powerful and the setting is really great.

A top tier without a doubt.
#4 ·
· · >>Filler
I seem to remember a distinct lack of flowers in the palace in the second episode, so I can only imagine things are going to end poorly for it.

But jokes aside, this is great.
#5 ·
· · >>Filler
The perspective and the composition are awesome, but I think I have to agree that the artist and his/her art would benefit from using more sophisticated tools.
#6 · 1
· · >>Filler
"I'll make my entire piece in MSPaint, because I know barely anyone will care about overall quality anyways."

Proceeds to make a piece that I honestly can not remove from my upper tier.

#7 ·
· · >>Filler
mspaint is the tool of the gods, aliasing in non-pixel-art is incredibly underrated. Using "better" tools won't get you better results, often it just muddies the actual strengths you're showing off here - that is, really strong composition and focus.
#8 · 7
· · >>Cold in Gardez >>Filler
It's sorta bugging me that people keep saying this was made in mspaint. There's quite a few parts of it that would be way too difficult to do without at least basic layer support. So I checked the tags:

i_comment => Created with GIMP

So, yeah, the artist is in fact human. Or maybe you guys seriously overestimate what mspaint is actually capable of. ;p

The style looks basic because of what I imagine was a self-imposed limitation—not just being monochromatic, but only using 5 shades of grey for lighting—rather than lacking tools. Also, the strokes look smooth enough that I doubt they were done with a mouse.
#9 ·
people see pixel aliased lines and assume mspaint....

mspaint lost that feature since Win 7. the brushes now have this ugly anti-aliasing effect that you can't turn off. you couldn't efficiently create this effect even if you wanted to.
#10 · 2
· · >>FairyRave >>Filler

Some amazing things can be done in MS Paint.
#11 ·
· · >>Monokeras >>Filler
>>Cold in Gardez
I remember seeing a releastic Santa Clause piece done on MS Paint. Le Link
#12 ·
· · >>FairyRave >>Filler
Le Link

#13 · 5
· · >>Monokeras
I took three years of French and I needed to find ways to use it. :P
#14 ·
· · >>FairyRave
I was referring to your avatar…

(Not even true)
#15 ·
· · >>Monokeras
Oh, thank you. A friend did the lineart then I colored.
#16 ·
· · >>FairyRave
Next time, enter the art contest!
#17 ·
· · >>Monokeras
I did. I simply didn't do it in that style.
Though, I'll just let you guess which is/are mine.
#18 ·
· · >>FairyRave
Since you have an obvious knack for colouring, I suspect the watercolours one with the giant flower.
#19 ·
Although I definitely love that one, that isn't my work.
#20 ·
· · >>Filler
This caption knows that sometimes the best addition to beauty is silence. 8/10
#21 · 8
Congratulations to Haze, Haze, Haze, and GroaningGreyAgony for their medals! There were a lot of creative and amazing entries.

>>Cold in Gardez
Thank you all for your feedback!

As Roger pointed out, this was done in GIMP. I was surprised to see MS Paint brought up so much--Cold in Gardez's Rem video and FairyRave's Santa video are amazing, but my MS-Paint-fu isn't anywhere close to that level. The picture was hard enough with layers.

The picture was done entirely with mouse, though--lines were either free-handed or shift-clicked for straightness. (I don't have a tablet.)

I tried looking for a reference that had this camera angle looking up at the inside of a building, but I couldn't find one, so I made my own by taking a picture of the inside of a cardboard box. This made the flower a lot bigger than I expected it to be.