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Oooo nice, nice!
The color choice of this image is great and the square brush strokes make for a nice painter-ly look. The lines present on the character makes the image feel somewhat unfinished, but not necessarily in a way that makes it less pretty. What the character does and why they're there is ambiguous, and I think that's a really cool thing. It might make for some interesting stories!
The color choice of this image is great and the square brush strokes make for a nice painter-ly look. The lines present on the character makes the image feel somewhat unfinished, but not necessarily in a way that makes it less pretty. What the character does and why they're there is ambiguous, and I think that's a really cool thing. It might make for some interesting stories!

I like the style of this one, and the lighting, especially the shading in the folds of cloth and the growing intensity towards the whatever-that-is in the center of the image.
That being said, I have very little idea what this is actually about. There's a person on the side, looking at the thing in the center, but the center-thing is entirely too simplistic for me to actually recognize it. A door opening? An erupting volcano? A burning person? Sure, some ambiguity is good for prompting stories and pulling people into thinking about your piece, but for me, there needs to be some shape to that; a big '?' isn't much better than a blank sheet of paper as a prompt.
Nice painting skills, but the choice of subject seems too vague in comparison.
That being said, I have very little idea what this is actually about. There's a person on the side, looking at the thing in the center, but the center-thing is entirely too simplistic for me to actually recognize it. A door opening? An erupting volcano? A burning person? Sure, some ambiguity is good for prompting stories and pulling people into thinking about your piece, but for me, there needs to be some shape to that; a big '?' isn't much better than a blank sheet of paper as a prompt.
Nice painting skills, but the choice of subject seems too vague in comparison.

I have mixed feelings about this one.
On the one hand I'm a sucker for this kind of painting, and stylistically it is both consistent and high-quality. What little we see of the woman if very well-done, in terms of anatomy, and judging from her clothing I'd say this could be taking place in ye olden times.
But then there's the subject of the piece, or rather the lack of it. The woman is in a forest, and apparently she's looking at something, but we don't know what. We only see trees. Aside from the woman, then, there is little to grab our attention, because we don't know what we should be focusing on, if anything.
The title is also overly vague, and I'm honestly not sure what it could be applied to here.
So yeah, I think it's okay.
On the one hand I'm a sucker for this kind of painting, and stylistically it is both consistent and high-quality. What little we see of the woman if very well-done, in terms of anatomy, and judging from her clothing I'd say this could be taking place in ye olden times.
But then there's the subject of the piece, or rather the lack of it. The woman is in a forest, and apparently she's looking at something, but we don't know what. We only see trees. Aside from the woman, then, there is little to grab our attention, because we don't know what we should be focusing on, if anything.
The title is also overly vague, and I'm honestly not sure what it could be applied to here.
So yeah, I think it's okay.

That's interesting. I'd assumed she was wearing blue jeans and a tank top, with a jacket tied around her waist.
But the ambiguity is good. It is meant as inspiration for a story, rather than quite as much a standalone piece. If this told the whole story like, say, the one with the rats and the terrier, there would be much less room for someone to be inspired to write something truly original.
That's interesting. I'd assumed she was wearing blue jeans and a tank top, with a jacket tied around her waist.
But the ambiguity is good. It is meant as inspiration for a story, rather than quite as much a standalone piece. If this told the whole story like, say, the one with the rats and the terrier, there would be much less room for someone to be inspired to write something truly original.

A simple idea, and an ancient one (a burning tree instead of a bush). Simply but competently executed. This is a great piece for a pic to fic round.