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I really like Cadance's face, here, and the easy way her mane flows over her Head and Shoulders (TM). There's a bunch of little details I liked as well, like the tuffs of fur on her ears or the work you did on her feathers. Really nice!
Maybe I'm being silly, but that strikes me as an awfully odd way to hold a bottle--it looks precariously balanced. And it's also a little strange that we can't see her back legs or her tail, even if the angle is straight-on.
Still, really liked it as a whole, despite my couple of nitpicks.
Maybe I'm being silly, but that strikes me as an awfully odd way to hold a bottle--it looks precariously balanced. And it's also a little strange that we can't see her back legs or her tail, even if the angle is straight-on.
Still, really liked it as a whole, despite my couple of nitpicks.

This is an interesting pencil drawing. I think it's pretty well done. I like the crosshatching on her wings and in her mane. Her expression is really well done, and I think the wings themselves are very well drawn. Her horn, I'd say, is really well done. It takes full advantage of the medium, I'd say.
Some things though: the shadow around her body doesn't seem to have a definite light source. The shadow on her right leg would indicate a light source from the front-left of the image, where her wings indicate a light source from above Cadence. Her ears and left hoof show a right-oriented light source. We could say the light is coming from in front of her, but this doesn't work with the shadow on the bottle. The bottle, also, seems kinda small. This could make a lot of sense logically (Cadence might be much larger than a human, so the bottle will seem this big compared to her, or, the hot wing sauce could just be in a very small bottle) but it doesn't do the image justice, as it's a major subject. One last thing: I think the image could use something to suggest the rest of Cadence's body is present. Adding just a few lines to show her tail or her hind legs would help. They're not 100% necessary, but without them, I can't help but notice they're not there.
I really like this drawing, and my few concerns are minor. Very well done!
Some things though: the shadow around her body doesn't seem to have a definite light source. The shadow on her right leg would indicate a light source from the front-left of the image, where her wings indicate a light source from above Cadence. Her ears and left hoof show a right-oriented light source. We could say the light is coming from in front of her, but this doesn't work with the shadow on the bottle. The bottle, also, seems kinda small. This could make a lot of sense logically (Cadence might be much larger than a human, so the bottle will seem this big compared to her, or, the hot wing sauce could just be in a very small bottle) but it doesn't do the image justice, as it's a major subject. One last thing: I think the image could use something to suggest the rest of Cadence's body is present. Adding just a few lines to show her tail or her hind legs would help. They're not 100% necessary, but without them, I can't help but notice they're not there.
I really like this drawing, and my few concerns are minor. Very well done!

Nuts. I should've given this an Honorable Mention as well, in the Sexy Mischievous Wink category.
--And she's not even winking!!!
--And she's not even winking!!!

Ah, what nice pencil work, and what a lovely expression. I love her wings and her eyes, and that understated bottle of hot sauce. This will go high on my slate, there to struggle against its true competition.