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The Hopeful Step · Poetry Minific ·
Organised by Anon Y Mous
Word limit 15–1000
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Always the Hardest
This is the part where you don't think
You pause on the brink of something new
If you knew what's beyond, what's awaiting you,
Would you back off or start without thinking too?

Now your leg's got lift off, left the ground
Flies right through that threshhold, future-bound
Then your foot falls down with thunderous sound

And you're there, and it's great, and it's done.
And that's just the first one.
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#1 · 2
A journey of 1000 miles starts with a single step, huh?

I don't know if the first pair of lines did this on purpose, but I like the way the oddball word ending line one rhymes with the middle of line 2 before settling in to the pattern of each stanza having the same rhyme end every line. There's no meter.

Pretty good. This stuck with me the most.