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The Hopeful Step · Poetry Minific ·
Organised by Anon Y Mous
Word limit 15–1000
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Those Were the Ways
The exercise bike just sat with dust
In the guest room, 'til I took disgust
And moved it out to the living room
So it could not be ignored in gloom.
And she took heart and the pedals turned,
And up went the count of the calories burned.
Such was a way that we would take
A tentative step for each other's sake.
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#1 · 1
Nice narrative about people minding their own health for the effect it has on the other. I do like when poetry doesn't necessarily have the rhymes occur at natural pause points. The rhymes themselves are fine here, but there's no meter. Not a bad starter for my slate.
#2 ·
My favorite part of this is the "calories burned" line. Felt like my pace when reading naturally went up for that line.