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Howl of the Foul Vowel


This probably would have been more effective if the U had actually been drawn in, and not just typed.

How about flour and velour and contour? Or pour or hour or your? Or our?
Just a simple idea here and very basic execution. In comparison to the other pieces in this round, this one will wind up in the lower tier. Sorry, Artist; thanks for contributing!
Just a simple idea here and very basic execution. In comparison to the other pieces in this round, this one will wind up in the lower tier. Sorry, Artist; thanks for contributing!

I agree with Dubs, it woulda been a lot more interesting had the U's been drawn in completely instead of typed and drawn over. And had the U's not been copy-pasted so there was at least a bit of variety or flow to it. As is, I feel like it missed it's mark.

Well, I'm not sure what I'm supposed to take away from this one. You conveyed the clever thought that you had regarding the prompt, but personally, I don't think the visual art medium really compliments this. I almost feel that it would have actually been better if you had only had "colour" up there, without the other words, which kind of add redundancy.

This one struggles from appearing low-effort regardless of how much effort was put in. I wonder how it would look if all of it were calligraphy-esque, not even just the u.

>>Miller Minus
Thanks for taking the time, folks:
Like I said here-->>Baal Bunny--I never meant to enter the art contest. I just wanted to see how the site's mechanism worked and then couldn't figure out the "delete" process. Thank you doubly, >>Miller Minus, for the info on how to do that.
But since I couldn't make this one go away, I figured "in for a penny, in for a pound," got my pen out, and threw my other entry together in about 15 minutes including the scanning. It didn't occur to me till after the submissions deadline that I could've replaced this one with the other one using the "edit" function and not suffered the penalties for both bad art and multiple entries. But now, due to my inability to figure out the website, I have -77 points on the art scoreboard. It makes me wonder--I know the scores in the fiction contest drop by a certain amount each round, but do negative amounts get more negative?
I guess we'll find out. :)
>>Miller Minus
Thanks for taking the time, folks:
Like I said here-->>Baal Bunny--I never meant to enter the art contest. I just wanted to see how the site's mechanism worked and then couldn't figure out the "delete" process. Thank you doubly, >>Miller Minus, for the info on how to do that.
But since I couldn't make this one go away, I figured "in for a penny, in for a pound," got my pen out, and threw my other entry together in about 15 minutes including the scanning. It didn't occur to me till after the submissions deadline that I could've replaced this one with the other one using the "edit" function and not suffered the penalties for both bad art and multiple entries. But now, due to my inability to figure out the website, I have -77 points on the art scoreboard. It makes me wonder--I know the scores in the fiction contest drop by a certain amount each round, but do negative amounts get more negative?
I guess we'll find out. :)