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Face Off
The griffons in Griffonstone were right: ponies were a bunch of dumb dweebs. Gilda herself was a dweeb for expecting Rainbow to come around. She was in the clutches of that annoying pink menace, forever lost to the dweeb side.
Whatever. At least she was sure of Rainbow’s condition now. All she had to do now was gain some distance from that mad town, make sure none of the pegasi followed her.
Looking behind her, the town was out of sight and so were any signs of annoying ponies with wings or flying contraptions. Breathing a sigh of relief, Gilda settled down on the nearest rock, to catch a quick rest.
“Hey!” Came a growly voice from below. Snorting, Gilda peered down below to find yet another dweeb, glaring up at her. “Get off Holder’s Boulder!”
“Holder’s Boulder?” Gilda chuckled, then went on her back. “What kinda name is that?”
“A family one,” the pony grumbled. Stomping a hoof on the ground, she loudly declared, “Stay off it, or else face the wrath of Limestone Pie!”
Pie? No way. There was no way that annoying pink monster was related to this screeching goat. They weren’t even the same color, or mane styles. Nah, complete coincide. Dumb ponies must have run out of good names, although that implied Pie was anything but a name for dweebs.
Another stomp from Limestone, this one enough to send vibrations running up through the boulder and tickling Gilda’s back. Getting up, she clenched her claw and shook it at her, shouting, “Quit it! I’m trying to catch a break here!”
Muttering angrily to herself, Limestone marched away, leaving Gilda to her own devices. She relaxed once more, grinning. “Gilda, when it comes to ponies, you rule the roost—”
A single hard clamp down on her tail. A shiver down her spine. And then...
“What the—”
The world flashed before her eyes as suddenly, Gilda was hurtling through the air at a breakneck speed. Flailing her limbs, she spread her wings, flapping them erratically in a desperate attempt to slow her descent. Her traktory became wonky as her efforts slowed her down, before her claws and paws touched the ground, grinding into the dirt and bringing her to a stop.
Staring back at the boulder, she saw Limestone leap down, brushing a hoof across her chest.
That was the final straw. Enough was enough with these dumb dweeb donkeys. They could humiliate her in public, take her best friend from her even but there was no way she was ever gonna let a pony push her around like that.
She leapt and flew close to the ground, her powerful wingbeats blowing aside dirt and small pebbles in her wake. Limestone blinked, seeing Gilda come in all too late. A powerful blow to the cheek sent her tumbling back, landing in a heap across the ground.
“That’ll teach you for trying to push me around,” Gilda said, landing and spreading her wings wide in triumph. “I just wanted a damn break, is that so hard to understand?!”
“I think you’re the idiot here,” Limestone replied, rubbing a freshly bruised cheek as she picked herself up. “I told you repeatedly, get off Holder’s Boulder. Clearly your bird brain didn’t get the message.”
“It’s just a dumb rock!” Gilda cried, flicking it as an example. She smirked, seeing Limestone’s eyes flash open. “Don’t like that, eh?”
“Do it again and I’ll break your beak,” Limestone snarled.
Gilda drew her claw closer to the giant pebble, index claw trembling in anticipation, on the cusp of flicking out and striking it. She could Limestone’s eyes, her pupils like pinpricks. They reminded her of the fury she saw in her fellow griffon, at times. Heck, her eyes probably looked the same right now. And yet...
She hesitated and put down her claw. Rolling her eyes, she took to the air and flew away, leaving Limestone behind.
“That’s right! And don’t come back!” Limestone shouted after her.
Gilda couldn’t care less. It was pointless, going down to that dweeb’s level. It wasn’t worth fighting over a stupid boulder.
That pony, sure, she looked like a griffon a little. But there was something more to her, even if was completely insane—passion. Passion in defending that rock, even if it just a fool’s errand. It was something that every griffon in Griffonstone lacked nowadays. They had it once, according to the stories. Maybe that was a good thing.
Soon, she’d find out.
Whatever. At least she was sure of Rainbow’s condition now. All she had to do now was gain some distance from that mad town, make sure none of the pegasi followed her.
Looking behind her, the town was out of sight and so were any signs of annoying ponies with wings or flying contraptions. Breathing a sigh of relief, Gilda settled down on the nearest rock, to catch a quick rest.
“Hey!” Came a growly voice from below. Snorting, Gilda peered down below to find yet another dweeb, glaring up at her. “Get off Holder’s Boulder!”
“Holder’s Boulder?” Gilda chuckled, then went on her back. “What kinda name is that?”
“A family one,” the pony grumbled. Stomping a hoof on the ground, she loudly declared, “Stay off it, or else face the wrath of Limestone Pie!”
Pie? No way. There was no way that annoying pink monster was related to this screeching goat. They weren’t even the same color, or mane styles. Nah, complete coincide. Dumb ponies must have run out of good names, although that implied Pie was anything but a name for dweebs.
Another stomp from Limestone, this one enough to send vibrations running up through the boulder and tickling Gilda’s back. Getting up, she clenched her claw and shook it at her, shouting, “Quit it! I’m trying to catch a break here!”
Muttering angrily to herself, Limestone marched away, leaving Gilda to her own devices. She relaxed once more, grinning. “Gilda, when it comes to ponies, you rule the roost—”
A single hard clamp down on her tail. A shiver down her spine. And then...
“What the—”
The world flashed before her eyes as suddenly, Gilda was hurtling through the air at a breakneck speed. Flailing her limbs, she spread her wings, flapping them erratically in a desperate attempt to slow her descent. Her traktory became wonky as her efforts slowed her down, before her claws and paws touched the ground, grinding into the dirt and bringing her to a stop.
Staring back at the boulder, she saw Limestone leap down, brushing a hoof across her chest.
That was the final straw. Enough was enough with these dumb dweeb donkeys. They could humiliate her in public, take her best friend from her even but there was no way she was ever gonna let a pony push her around like that.
She leapt and flew close to the ground, her powerful wingbeats blowing aside dirt and small pebbles in her wake. Limestone blinked, seeing Gilda come in all too late. A powerful blow to the cheek sent her tumbling back, landing in a heap across the ground.
“That’ll teach you for trying to push me around,” Gilda said, landing and spreading her wings wide in triumph. “I just wanted a damn break, is that so hard to understand?!”
“I think you’re the idiot here,” Limestone replied, rubbing a freshly bruised cheek as she picked herself up. “I told you repeatedly, get off Holder’s Boulder. Clearly your bird brain didn’t get the message.”
“It’s just a dumb rock!” Gilda cried, flicking it as an example. She smirked, seeing Limestone’s eyes flash open. “Don’t like that, eh?”
“Do it again and I’ll break your beak,” Limestone snarled.
Gilda drew her claw closer to the giant pebble, index claw trembling in anticipation, on the cusp of flicking out and striking it. She could Limestone’s eyes, her pupils like pinpricks. They reminded her of the fury she saw in her fellow griffon, at times. Heck, her eyes probably looked the same right now. And yet...
She hesitated and put down her claw. Rolling her eyes, she took to the air and flew away, leaving Limestone behind.
“That’s right! And don’t come back!” Limestone shouted after her.
Gilda couldn’t care less. It was pointless, going down to that dweeb’s level. It wasn’t worth fighting over a stupid boulder.
That pony, sure, she looked like a griffon a little. But there was something more to her, even if was completely insane—passion. Passion in defending that rock, even if it just a fool’s errand. It was something that every griffon in Griffonstone lacked nowadays. They had it once, according to the stories. Maybe that was a good thing.
Soon, she’d find out.

Gilda, after the events of Griffon the Brushoff, picks the wrong boulder to sulk on.
Honestly, this felt a little bit pointless; while it was a confrontation between two characters, I just didn’t really get a whole lot out of it, and the final bit – about passion – didn’t really feel like it linked up so much with what we saw out of Gilda later on, in the Griffonstone episode.
I dunno. This just didn't really touch me.
Honestly, this felt a little bit pointless; while it was a confrontation between two characters, I just didn’t really get a whole lot out of it, and the final bit – about passion – didn’t really feel like it linked up so much with what we saw out of Gilda later on, in the Griffonstone episode.
I dunno. This just didn't really touch me.

A novel character interaction piece with a few unfortunate typos and dropped words. Not much to say beyond that. Playing up Gilda’s repressed regret or hostility towards Pies would help a lot. Apathy rarely makes for engrossing stories.

Well, it's not bad, but it's not outstanding either. Gilda is correctly depicted, but I've no idea who Limestone Pie is and why he defends that boulder with so much energy, so I feel I'm missing something. Besides, I agree with most people here: there's a skirmish, then the final message feels a bit forced, because I just didn't get why the pony couldn't put up with Gilda staying for a while on his boulder.

The ending needs a little work. The last line isn't necessary, and I'm left uncertain what Gilda is thinking about who or what is at fault for Griffinstone's decay.

Guh, stop stealing what I wanna say before I can say it! Gilda and Limestone work well here - it just needs a bit more work on Gilda's final inner monologue to tie it all together. I kinda get what you are trying to say, but not fully; clarify/expand on it.
Otherwise, liked this one!
Guh, stop stealing what I wanna say before I can say it! Gilda and Limestone work well here - it just needs a bit more work on Gilda's final inner monologue to tie it all together. I kinda get what you are trying to say, but not fully; clarify/expand on it.
Otherwise, liked this one!

This is good as a slightly actiony slice of life. There were some noticeable typos and missing words but a decent editing pass would clean this right up.

This was okay. By the end, the typos seemed to be popping up every few seconds though. Hmm. It felt like it was missing a few elements to make it a story. The meat of the writing was just Gilda and Limestone being angry at each other. Nothing else besides that really happened. Then the last line made it feel like there was more to come. If you were going for an open ended ending, I think perhaps talking about Gilda's emotional connection to Griffinstone might help the 'Soon she'd find out," feel like more of an ending since we would already feel connected to what she's connected to. I don't know if that is clear in the slightest. Probably not.