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#1116 ·
Heh. 11th.

Not to shabby given how much y'all shit on the ending XD
#890 ·
· on As You Wish
Very pretty, but ultimately bland.

Sounds like an ideal girl AMIRITE BOIIIIIIS?

(I'm tired, I'm sorry)
#863 ·
· on Twas Just a Prank
Enjoyable, no complaints. Also, 'Blueblood is a twat' is a theme that has shown up in two of the stories I've read. I guess some people find more story potential out of him than I do, XD
#809 ·
· on Tomorrow
Heh. I go from a story with all dialogue and no description to a story that's all description and no dialogue.

But yeah, this didn't really do much for me. It just felt mopey for the sake of mopey. Lots of telling emotions rather than letting us feel them.
#808 ·
· on Celestia's Fun-er-al
As someone who struggles with description and leans heavily toward dialogue, I can understand the temptation of a dialogue-only story. However, it really messes with the pacing. You've got a decent rapport between Luna and Celestia, but it all just moves too fast, nothing's given room to breathe since there's no bodily or facial reaction to compliment the dialogue.
#807 ·
· on We Only Live Twice · >>Trick_Question
I can't tell if you're actually aiming for a sentimental ending, or if it's sarcastic. I mean, the premise is really bonkers, and you don't have that much room to really make the audience take it seriously.

Still, an inventive idea. Just that if the idea was to tug at our heartstrings at the end, it feels unearned.
#508 ·
· on The Heirloom · >>Orbiting_kettle
Very amusing romp. As someone who ordinarily hates non-mane six and OCs, you managed to endear me to both in only a few hundred words with some snappy, well-written dialogue. Kudos.
#506 ·
· on Cursed Be He That Moves My Bones
Consistent tone, good atmosphere, cute story. All around acceptable stuff.
#451 ·
· on Mt. Saint Sparkle
I couldn't tell who was narrating throughout most of it. The irreverent tone made it seem like it was Rainbow Dash, but the verbose vocabulary suggested Rarity. Either way, like the others are saying, this just seemed too random and incoherent to really be all that enjoyable.
#335 ·
· on Face Off
Cute story. I actually missed the episode with Limestone, so I had to look her up to see what was up, but once I got it, I enjoyed it. Gilda seemed pretty spot-on in terms of narration and character.
#55 ·
Paging WIP