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What have we here: A Humphalump!
Inasmuch as Humphrey’s appearance was left to the reader’s imagination, I can’t fault his copious and redundant anatomy. I see that Humphrey’s tea is iced, and he’s doing a spit take. I like the flyswatter he holds. Little details like this help me to comfortably assign this piece to a top-tier position. Good work, Artist.
Inasmuch as Humphrey’s appearance was left to the reader’s imagination, I can’t fault his copious and redundant anatomy. I see that Humphrey’s tea is iced, and he’s doing a spit take. I like the flyswatter he holds. Little details like this help me to comfortably assign this piece to a top-tier position. Good work, Artist.

Once more, haven't read any stories this round.
This piece, I will admit, is... not really my style. But even so, I can recognize the skill and care that went into this. I really quite like the juxtaposition of the right (from the viewer) eye looking surprised and shocked, which coincidentally is the less shaded half of the... being, and the left eye, which looks sinister, crazed even.
It really is drawn well, even if not my style.
This piece, I will admit, is... not really my style. But even so, I can recognize the skill and care that went into this. I really quite like the juxtaposition of the right (from the viewer) eye looking surprised and shocked, which coincidentally is the less shaded half of the... being, and the left eye, which looks sinister, crazed even.
It really is drawn well, even if not my style.

There is quite a bit of skill on display here, and I can appreciate, Artist, that you selected a story that gave you a lot of artistic license to mes around with.
One thing I find weird is how you gave him such a clear and discernible face on the side that's facing the viewer. I get that he has many faces and parts thereof, but the way it's drawn seems to split his attention between me and the pest problem at... tendril.
But whatever, this is still great, and it's my favourite of the lot for the creativity on display. Good show!
One thing I find weird is how you gave him such a clear and discernible face on the side that's facing the viewer. I get that he has many faces and parts thereof, but the way it's drawn seems to split his attention between me and the pest problem at... tendril.
But whatever, this is still great, and it's my favourite of the lot for the creativity on display. Good show!