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#20438 · 2
· on Moonlight Shadow · >>Pascoite >>Monokeras
I don't think cigarettes are canon in Equestria, so this needs to be marked AU.
#19380 · 1
· on No Need · >>Hap
The only way this story failed by was by not having Scootaloo be adopted by the end as well.

Overall pretty silly, with insanity that seems to ratchet up at every step until it all came crashing down with the reveal.
#19348 · 2
· on Help! My House Thinks It's a Castle!
A cute little story.
One thing I'd like to know is how the house even learned to talk in the first place...
#19347 · 1
· on Crash · >>Paracompact
This gives a pretty good perspective.
I hadn't considered before how RD would've grown up, especially considering how competitive/"gamified" her parents were. If all she's ever done was win, then she's never learned to lose.
Her need to win has consumed her entire life to where everything is about winning.
#19340 ·
· on A Colt Thirsty for Blood, Violence and Money
Odd, could've sworn I commented on this earlier.

I really liked how you started with a humorously serious character, and then moved on to absurdity with how the other characters reacted to him.

The ending was a good resolution with how it tied the story back to reality.

Hope he doesn't get sunburned too badly.
#19314 ·
· on Aligore, the Alicorn Princess of Gore
Well... this was certainly something
I'll be honest, I could not wipe the stupid grin off of my face the entire time.
#19304 · 2
· on Crepuscula
Twilight plays rough with her toys, doesn't she?
#14688 ·
· on My Little Pony: The Movie: The Unofficial Fix-Fic
The day would be won by a song, after all,

Songs to have power to the ponies after all :)
#14687 · 1
· on My Little Poe
It seems to follow the source in placing the body in the floor, except that Poe had it dismembered.
#14665 ·
· on Manifest Destiny · >>Dubs_Rewatcher >>Icenrose
For what does happen, Grand Wizard does fit the tone. Considering the last sentence, the crystal ponies don't seem too perturbed.
#14664 ·
· on Cymothoa Exigua · >>thisisalongname
Could it be that he's hallucinated the wings?
There's the wait to go to the doctor, would would imply a certain sort of doctor.
If your child grew wings, you could take them to likely any doctor. If your child thinks he's grown wings, then you need a special doctor. Those cost money.
And considering that Mother has to stay home to stop him from eating himself, money might be hard to come by.
#14576 · 4
submitted! Longer than I would've thought, but also shorter...
#13996 · 1
· on Analysis · >>Light_Striker
nanometers, son!


I realized that I had the perfect data to work colors with, and so I had to.
#13881 · 2
· on twi edit
Yes, but this one is an alicorn changeling with feathery wings! At least her tails not ratty like the rest of those nasty ole changelings.
#13765 · 1
· on For The Moon, The Night
I did get an inkling of what was happening early on, but I loved the surprise.
It didn't end exactly how I expected, but the ending was a great twist. I definitely was not expecting that to be the cause.

Since I haven't read any other stories yet, this one tops and bottoms my slate, though more tops than bottoms.
#13000 · 1
· on (Apple) Jacked In
"You were running too many excel macros in the barn, and it caught on fire!"

Anyone who's used Excel knows that it's the VLOOKUPs and the macros that can bring even the fastest computer to it's knees.

This has to be the fourth absurdity fic that I've read today, and I've loved ALL of them.
#12998 · 1
· on Preening 101
Reminds me of the joke where a man has a wife and a young mistress. Every time the man sees his mistress, she plucks out one of his grey hairs so that he seems younger. Every time he sees his wife, she plucks out one of his black hairs, so that way he looks older.

Eventually he becomes bald!

I liked this story. From the discussion in the writeoff chat, I was expecting to see a preen-fic.
#12994 ·
· on Counterfritter
When I read the title, I expected the Flim Flams to be selling counterfeit cookies, or something along those lines.

The start of this story had me giggling, and the absurdity of the ending had me groaning and laughing.

Wish you the best of luck on this entry. I loved it.
#12993 ·
· on What She Doesn't Know
So I guess this is Lesson Zero Twilight taken to the next level. Without an external problem to solve, she creates one (Much to thr detriment of her friend's lives ).

An interesting piece.
#12963 · 6
· on How Do Ponies Use a Computer? Just Use Your Imagination, Please
Flim and Flam's Fabulous Fidget Flanges

Knowing Hasbro, it's only a matter of time before this is canon. You've doomed us all!

Silly, questionably canon, but I liked it.
#12204 · 1
· on No Brakes · >>Fenton >>Trick_Question
Quifons, a silly place.

It's an interesting concept, a beautiful world that only the innocent children appear to be aware of.
#12181 · 1
submitted, yay
#11990 ·
· on Twilight, Sparkle
On fimfic, yay!

#11741 · 1
· on View from the Top · >>GroaningGreyAgony
Okay, this one got a chuckle.
#11677 ·
Paging WIP