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This is a special event that looks to have writers create a polished entry. To that end, there's a lot more writing time. There's also a #mentors channel where you can get help and feedback from people that you are allowed to reveal your authorship to.
- 1ˢᵗ place $200
- 2ⁿᵈ place $100
- 3ʳᵈ place $50
My Little Pony: Guardians of Crystal Growth
Today, it is exactly three years. Three years since we left Ponyville and went on our journey to find out if we still have a purpose.
We were always good at what we did, ever since we earned our cutie marks... Who would have thought that, suddenly, new-born foals are unable to get a cutie mark? It was something nopony saw coming when all those foals got born ten years ago, but then we had to find it out when they were old enough for a cutie mark, but just didn't get one, no matter how hard we tried it with them.
No scientists, doctors or mages could explain why this happened. But all three of us were so hopeful that we would find enough foals who still had the ability to get cutie marks, that the disease (or whatever caused the disappearance of cutie marks) had only affected Ponyville. I still can't believe that we found the same conditions in all of Equestria!
It was only a few days ago that we had decided to give up and to return home. All foals who could still get a cutie mark that we found were over the age of seven and it didn't take us long to help them. This was the first time we ever cursed ourselves for having gotten so good at helping other ponies...
For three years, we tried to establish ourselves as simple talent scouts, but recently, we had to realize that it's no use. Turns out, if ponies can't get marks anymore that show them what they're best at, they don't care anymore what their special talent is and just pursue all sorts of occupations and jobs they're good at.
None of us know how to continue and what our own jobs should be, now that the Cutie Mark Crusaders became pointless... But at least we can be pointless in our hometown, that's something all three of us agreed on.
Focusing her magic, the white mare with the purple and pink mane put pressure on the journal she had just written in and slammed it shut, which freed her view of the landscape in front of her again; a brown dirt path, occasionally lined with trees protruding from the wild, tall grass.
With a heavy sigh, the mare hovered the journal and her quill behind her and let them disappear inside the wagon that was harnessed to her.
“We're almost there now.” Her voice was somber, yet could not conceal the small trace of a squeak, a remnant of foalhood days from long ago.
The mare and her two friends – one wearing a thick, brown cowmare hat on top of her flowy, red mane; the other one bearing several scars and missing one of her wings – had almost reached the peak of a steep hill now.
The cowmare looked over to the white unicorn, a longing expression in her eyes. “Ah can't believe it has been three years since ah saw mah family t' last time...” The tone of her voice was contrastingly deep compared to the unicorn mare's.
“Three years and it was all for nothing...” the mare with the scars spoke to their right, her voice raspy and frustrated.
The two other mares turned their heads, empathy for their friend in their faces.
Mere seconds later, the trio of young mares climbed over the crest of the hill. As they had reached its peak, they stopped. They looked down on the town that spread out under them. The sun was already glowing in a bright, orange light on the horizon, a sign that nightfall was nearing, but they did pay no attention to it.
“Has it gotten bigger?” the unicorn mare asked. She squinted, then lifted a hoof and held it over her eyes.
“I don't think so...” her pegasus friend answered. She turned her head around and scanned the town with her eyes. “Maybe a few more houses here and there. I think Ponyville stretches out farther beyond the castle than it did at our departure.”
In the distance, the crystal castle that was the town's landmark sparkled brightly, reflecting the light of the descending sun.
“Not much has changed,” the cowmare concluded, eyes resting on the crystal structure. “Looks like friendship is still magic here.” Her lips curled up into a smile.
Her two friends nodded, now wearing smiles as well.
“Should we go down now?” the unicorn mare looked at the other two, her voice sounding upbeat now.
“No point in waiting!” the orange pegasus responded, rearing up for a moment. “The town won't come up to us!”
Unable to argue over such a fact, the mares to her left agreed. Silent again, they detracted their eyes from the town and began to move down the hill...
The first, warm rays of the rising sun shone down on the barn of Sweet Apple Acres. They reached inside through the windows, their light gently gracing a cowmare hat situated on a nightstand on the second floor of the old building.
Steadily rising, the sun sent its rays further into the small room, until they warmed the face of the mare sleeping in the bed next to the nightstand. She stirred as she felt the slight heat, but it took until a voice from downstairs found its way into her ears that she awoke fully.
“Apple Bloom, are ya still asleep up there? We got breakfast ready fer ya!”
The mare in the bed stirred more. “Breakfast?” she mumbled. “Please don' be Sweetie Belle's half-burnt cupcakes again...” She turned to the side, her face grimaced in disgust.
Her eyes shot open as she finally recognized the voice and as the realization where she was now kicked in. Hastily, Apple Bloom sat up in her bed. “Breakfast!” she shouted. The young mare kicked the covers off her body and jumped on all fours. “Oh, I can' wait ta finally get some real breakfast again!” she cheered while she leaped down onto the floor and rushed out of the room.
A wide grin on her face that reached from ear to ear, Apple Bloom bolted down the stairs and zipped over to the kitchen table, almost running her big sister over in the process.
Still grinning, Apple Bloom found herself looking straight into the eyes of her big brother on the opposite side of the table. Big McIntosh stared back at her, eyes wide from surprise over the sudden appearance of his youngest sister.
“Good Mornin', Apple Bloom!” he said after a moment, as his mind had processed it. He smiled warmly.
“Mornin', Big Mac!” Apple Bloom replied politely, then immediately proceeded to stick her nose into the air. Eyes closed, she sniffed, which got a chuckle out of her big brother.
“What's this smell?” she asked. “Is it... pancakes? Or waffles?”
Before she could try any more guessing, Applejack appeared behind her and put a plate in front of her. “Both!” she exclaimed.
Apple Bloom opened her eyes and looked down in front of her, full of disbelief.
Applejack trotted around the table and put another plate in front of Big Mac, then sat down at his side, with a third plate full of the delicious treats for herself.
She looked over at her little sister, her face showing a content smile. “It's t' first time in three years me an' Big Mac have ya at t' table fer breakfast here, so ah made sure that it's extra special!” She took one of the pancakes into her hooves and began eating.
On the other end of the table, Apple Bloom was still staring down at her plate. Her face got reflected by the sirup on her pancakes. She gulped. As a little bit of drool began to form on her lips, she lifted a hoof and wiped it off, finally moving again.
The faces of her siblings couldn't have looked more amused over her reaction. “Ya don' wanna eat?” Applejack asked, her voice sounding ironic.
“Eeyup,” it came from Big Mac, the stallion signaling to be in agreement with this question.
Apple Bloom nodded, reverently, then finally reached for one of the pancakes and took a huge bite out of it. Following a sudden sparkle in her eyes, three more bites happened, then almost all of the pancake had disappeared inside her mouth.
“Thif if the bewt bweakfaft of mah life!” she spoke while simultaneously chewing down on the tasty bits.
Applejack raised an eyebrow. “Whadd'ya say?” she asked, still tongue-in-cheek.
Finished with her first bites, Apple Bloom swallowed. “Ah said: This is the best breakfast of mah life!” She did not wait for any response, instead, she grabbed one of the big waffles next and continued her feast.
“Ah, shucks, Apple Bloom!” Applejack looked down for a moment, slightly blushing. “But ah won't deny it!” she then said, looking in front of her again. “Ah don' even remember when we had pancakes and waffles fer breakfast t' last time! Must 'ave been when Granny Smith was still with us!” Applejack lifted her pancake to her mouth to take another bite, but then stopped and let her hooves slowly sink as she realized what she just said.
All of a sudden, the temperature in the kitchen seemed to drop. The three siblings hung their heads. Now feeling unable to eat, they stared at their food heavy-hearted. It had become completely silent in the room.
After a few moments, Big Mac sighed. He looked up. “Let us not be like that, y'all. Ya know Granny wouldn't have wanted this.”
Apple Bloom looked up into her big brother's face and Applejack did a look to the left, only slightly peering at him. “Ya right, Big McIntosh.” This was all she said and then she returned her attention to her plate and slowly continued eating.
“Mhm.” Apple Bloom nodded, then followed her big sister's example.
Big McIntosh looked from Applejack to Apple Bloom, then he continued eating in silence, as well.
A few minutes later, Apple Bloom put the last piece of her breakfast into her mouth and swallowed it almost instantly. Then she broke the newly fallen silence.
“Ah need ta head out ta meet Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo now,” she announced.
Big McIntosh and Applejack looked up. “Right,” Applejack said, her voice sounding like she had forgotten her little sister's plans.
Apple Bloom slipped down from her seat, rounded the table to the other side and gave Big McIntosh, then Applejack, a hug, wishing goodbye to both.
“Give Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle mah regards, will ya?” Applejack inquired as Apple Bloom had released her hug.
“Sure thing!” Apple Bloom responded, now slightly more upbeat again. “An' maybe ah'll bring them fer lunch later, if that's okay.”
“Sure is, Apple Bloom.” Now a smile returned into Applejack's face. “Extended family is as welcome 'ere as our own family!”
Apple Bloom acknowledged the assent with a smile of her own and a nod, then trotted away to the door. “See ya'll later!” she said, turning around at them, then opened the door and slipped through it.
Outside, Apple Bloom took a moment. She let her eyes wander over the surrounding acres and took a long, deep breath of the fresh farm air. “Sure feels good ta finally be home again!” she spoke to herself. Then she started moving and left Sweet Apple Acres for the old, well-trodden path to Ponyville.
Arrived at Scootaloo's house, Apple Bloom wasted no time to trot up the few stairs between the pillars that flanked the entrance. She raised a hoof and knocked on the door, then did a step back to wait for it to be opened.
It did not take long. Apple Bloom could hear approaching footsteps and a second later, the door got opened and Scootaloo poked her head out. Her mane was messy and sticking out into all directions, like she had just gotten knocked out of bed. Though, there were crumbs in the corners of her mouth, which indicated that she had breakfast already.
“Howdy, Scoots!” Apple Bloom greeted her friend, once more raising a hoof. “Ahm headin' ta see Twilight. Ya ready?”
Instead of answering the question, the pegasus mare just stared at Apple Bloom from heavy-lidded eyes. After a few seconds, she closed them and looked to the side, releasing a strong yawn. Then she stared back at Apple Bloom.
“Uh, ya alright, Scoots?” Apple Bloom asked, ears dropping slightly. “How did ya sleep?”
“As well as in most nights,” the tired mare finally responded. She yawned again. “But I'm ready.”
Scootaloo stretched out her wing and flexed it a little, then bent her forelegs, a groan leaving her mouth. As she was done with her exercise and stood tall again, her face looked slightly refreshed. “Let's go and catch Sweetie Belle!” she said, doing a step forward.
“Not like this!” A stern and rather deep voice sounded over from further inside the house.
Scootaloo twitched and gritted her teeth.
Behind her, an older pegasus mare with a turquoise coat trotted through the corridor into her direction. She took position at Scootaloo's side and, right hoof under her chin, turned her head towards her. Using her left hoof, she wiped the crumbs off Scootaloo's face. “First we need to clean your face, you didn't really think you could leave the house like this, now, did you?” As she was finished and had let go of her victim, she smiled satisfactory.
Scootaloo grimaced. “Stop doing things like this, Lofty!” She turned at her stepaunt and growled. “I am an adult! I stopped being a filly years ago!”
Lofty scowled, unimpressed. “Then you shouldn't behave as careless as one.”
“Ugh... That's not something I looked forward to at our return!” Scootaloo hastily smoothed her mane, then looked at Apple Bloom, hectically. “Let's leave, before she gets the idea to put diapers on me!”
Without awaiting an answer by Apple Bloom, Scootaloo left the house and trotted out onto the street. Apple Bloom looked after her, then turned around one last time, glaring at Lofty, before she followed Scootaloo.
Having caught up with her, Apple Bloom gave her friend a look of empathy. “Hard ta believe she's still actin' like this after so many years... That event really turned 'er upside down.”
Scootaloo looked at her, a compassionate smile on her face. “Yeah...” She looked back at the path in front of her. “But let's not talk about this. I don't want that our first day back in Ponyville is sad and all that...”
Scootaloo had barely finished her sentence, as she suddenly got buried under a mountain of letters dropped right on top of her head. Hovering above her was a grey pegasus mare with blonde mane, giving Scootaloo a sheepish, apologetic grin. She flew down and landed in front of Scootaloo. “Oh, I'm so sorry!” she said. “I just opened my mailbag for one second... I free you of those letters right away!” She reached out to the mare in front of her and began to pluck the letters off of her.
“It's fine, Derpy!” Apple Bloom said, happily beaming at the clumsy mare. “Not like we aren't still used ta that... And ah kind of missed that even.” She came closer and helped Derpy with freeing her friend.
“Yeah!” Scootaloo agreed, as she could finally poke her head out from under the paper mountain. “Leave it up to you to prevent a conversation from becoming even more depressing!”
Derpy halted her efforts for a moment and looked to the side with a blush. “You're still so kind.”
“Don' mention it! And, hey, how's Dinky doin'?” Apple Bloom asked, using her chance.
Derpy stuffed the last letters into her mailbag, then looked up, smiling brightly. “Oh, Dinky is doing fantastic! She writes a letter every week and she is making so much progress at Princess Celestia's school, I'm so proud of her!” Her face turned into a grin and she reared up a little.
“Great ta hear!” Apple Bloom smiled in return. “But, uh, now me and Scoots need ta hurry. We're goin' ta pick up Sweetie Belle and then have ta go an' see Twilight.”
“Oh, that's okay!” Derpy closed her mailbag. “I need to continue my tour anyway, but I hope we can talk later. I'm really glad that you're back!”
“Sure thing!” Apple Bloom assured her.
Derpy exchanged a hoofbump with them and gave them a single wave, then took off into the sky again.
Apple Bloom and Scootaloo looked up and followed her with their eyes for a moment, still smiling, then they continued their way through the town.
As they knocked on the door of the Carousel Boutique, where Sweetie Belle had spent the last night, it was Rarity who opened the door for them. “Oh, good morning, darlings!” she said as she noticed their faces. Rarity stepped forward and presented each of them with a welcome hug. Back in the doorway, she gave them a charming smile. “Don't worry, I'm sure Sweetie Belle will be here any moment.”
She turned around, facing the inside of her boutique. “Sweetie Belle, darling? Apple Bloom and Scootaloo are here for your meeting with Twilight!”
“I'm coming!” it returned faintly from upstairs. A minute later, the door at the other end of the boutique opened with a green glow and Sweetie Belle trotted out gracefully. She carefully closed the door with her magic and joined Rarity's side.
“Hi, girls!” Sweetie Belle greeted them, giving them a smile. “I'm sorry for being late.”
“It's okay,” Scootaloo said. “We just arrived here. Are you ready?”
Before she could answer, Rarity interjected a question. “Sweetie Belle, darling, did you brush your mane?” Her face looked slightly nervous.
Sweetie Belle turned to her. “I did,” she confirmed swiftly, then turned her attention back to her friends. “Let's go, we don't wanna be late for–”
“A-Are you sure, Sweetie Belle?” Rarity interrupted her with another question. “Maybe I just brush it one more time!” She ignited her horn and hovered over a brush from a nearby table. Humming, she started to brush her little sister's mane.
Sweetie Belle looked at Rarity from the corner of her eyes, doubtful. “Why? I said I brushed it. I even brushed it twice! What's wrong, Rarity?”
Rarity's face was calm again now. “Oh, nothing, darling. We just want to make extra sure that you really look fabulous enough for meeting a princess!”
Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo exchanged glances. “Uh, Rarity? We're just going to see Twilight... We know her for years. And you know her for years, too.” Sweetie Belle clarified, confused.
“Oho, darling, I'm not talking about Twilight! I'm talking about the other princess, of course!” She continued to hum while carefully going through Sweetie's mane.
Sweetie Belle stared blankly and so did Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. “The other princess? Who?”
Rarity stopped for a moment, disbelief forming in her face. “Oh, haven't you heard? It's spoken about all over town... Princess Flurry Heart arrives today!”
The pupils of the trio of young mares shrunk as they heard the name.
“Flurry Heart comes to Ponyville? Today?!” All of a sudden, the old squeak returned into Sweetie Belle's voice.
“Yes, darling,” Rarity answered, her voice sounding slightly uncomfortable now. “She is coming to see Twilight, one of the rare days she has time to visit her aunt... “
A cold glistening appeared in Apple Bloom's eyes. “Fer real?! She's comin' ta see Twilight just when we do, too?” Her voice was noticeably raised. It caused Scootaloo to give her a careful look, that was somewhere between empathic and worried.
“Uh, yes.” Her brush was shaking slightly now, but the fashionista covered it up excellently. “Twilight showed me a picture of her niece yesterday and you should have seen it! She has grown into such a beautiful, young lady! She is only twelve, but already gives Princess Cadance a run for her bits!” She returned to her humming for a few seconds, then hovered the brush back to the table. “And there, now we are done with you! What do you say?” She held a mirror in front of her sister.
Sweetie Belle did not answer, instead, she stared at her reflection with a less than enthusiastic expression. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom had similar looks in their faces, although the latter also showed traces of anger.
Rarity noticed the tension. She hovered the mirror away. “Don't worry, girls, I'm sure there will still be plenty of time for you to tell Twilight about your journey!”
Sweetie Belle shook her head a few times, freeing herself of the paralyzis. She looked at her sister. “It's not this, Rarity, but you know what... uh, nevermind.” She glanced at her friends, then back at her older sister. “We need to go now, Rarity, we don't want to let Twilight wait!” she said quickly, then turned away from her and trotted out of the boutique with hasty steps. In passing, she nudged Apple Bloom as a sign to come with her. “Bye, Rarity, I see you later!” she shouted back at her sister without turning around.
Scootaloo followed right in her tracks, while Apple Bloom stayed behind and gritted her teeth.
After a few seconds, both Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle called out for her. “APPLE BLOOM!”
It seemed to awaken Apple Bloom from a trance. She stopped gritting her teeth, gave a last, cold look into Rarity's direction, then she turned around slowly and trudged after her friends.
Rarity looked after her, frowning. “I hope this goes well...” she whispered, then stepped back into the boutique and closed the door behind her.
Now on the way to Twilight's castle, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle trotted at each other's side with frowning faces. In the distance, they could already see their destination. They weren't far away anymore.
“What a bunch o' horseapples!” Apple Bloom yelled, giving her frustration and anger free reign. “Ah don't wanna see this insufferable brat for even jus' one second!”
Her friends looked at her, understanding in their faces.
“I don't look forward to this either, Apple Bloom,” Scootaloo said. “We should avoid her as best as we can.”
“Flurry Heart has chosen the worst day for visiting Twilight...” Sweetie Belle added. “Even though it's been five years now, I still can't like her again. Now I wish we would have returned just a few days later...”
Apple Bloom and Scootaloo gave her agreeing nods.
“But maybe we don't even have to see her,” Scootaloo suggested. “It's still morning and she will probably not arrive that early.”
“That's right,” Sweetie Belle supported the suggestion. “Plus, Twilight knows what she did, so even if Flurry Heart should arrive early, she will ensure that we can avoid her. I don't think we will run into Flurry Heart.”
Apple Bloom suddenly narrowed her eyes at something in the distance. “Ya two might wanna correct yaselves... Talk of t' manticore and he is bound ta appear. Guess who's walkin' inta Twilight's castle right now?” She pointed ahead of them with one hoof. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle looked up and followed it.
In front of them, just far away enough to not notice them yet, Princess Flurry Heart of the Crystal Empire – her purple and blue mane falling gracefully over her shoulders – and a guard in a golden armor trotted up the stairs at the castle's entrance.
Their mouths open, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle stared at the scene.
“Flurry Heart,” Scootaloo said, then their faces collectively darkened...
“Who would have thought that, suddenly, new-born foals are unable to get a cutie mark?”
“None of us know how to continue and what our own jobs should be, now that the Cutie Mark Crusaders became pointless...”
“It's t' first time in three years me an' Big Mac have ya here!”
“T' last time must 'ave been when Granny Smith was still with us!”
“Haven't you heard? Princess Flurry Heart arrives today!”
“She's comin' ta see Twilight just when we do?”
“Talk of t' manticore and he is bound ta appear.”
“Flurry Heart.”
[center]My Little Pony: Guardians of Crystal Growth
''The Crystal Princess - Part 2''
Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle stared at the castle entrance with grim faces. After a few seconds, Scootaloo turned to her friends.
“So... what now?” she asked them. “Should we postpone our meeting with Twilight?” Her face showed a mix of uncertainty and conviction.
“Ahm in favor of this!” Apple Bloom shouted, directing her anger at the spot where she had just seen Flurry Heart.
Sweetie Belle turned to face Apple Bloom. “I don't know about this... Twilight will want to know about everything as soon as possible. I think we should still go.”
“Then without me, Sweetie Belle!” Apple Bloom yelled at her in response. “Ahm not goin' anywhere near this ratbag of a filly!” She huffed.
Scootaloo watched Apple Bloom's reaction with a sad expression, then she directed her eyes at Sweetie Belle. “I'm sorry, Sweetie, but I'm kind of on Apple Bloom's side here. Seeing Flurry Heart would just create more trouble.”
Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes. “Fine! But you two are going to explain this to Twilight!” she snapped at them a little. “You know how she can get if she is denied research.”
The white mare turned at the spot and began trotting into the opposite direction of the castle. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo followed right on her hooves. They had been on their way only for a few seconds, as a pink blur zipped into their midst and tried to squeeze itself past them. Sweetie Belle got pushed to the side by the sudden impact and landed in the dirt. Laying on all fours, her head swayed for a moment, then she shook it and looked up to find out who the sudden assaulter was. Her eyes grew wide in surprise. “You?” she asked in utter disbelief.
In front of her stood nopony else than Princess Flurry Heart! She was staring at them with a grin. Not a wide one, it was rather subtle and had a lovely charm to it, but it made clear that she was more than happy to see them. On her was a simple, blue dress, almost too casual for a princess.
Confused, Sweetie Belle trotted back at the side of her friends. Apple Bloom was huffing again, repeatedly this time and Scootaloo raised an eyebrow, sporting a wary expression. Sweetie Belle decided to address the situation before Apple Bloom could say anything and looked at the young alicorn intensely.
“Flurry Heart? Why did you come to see us?” She tried to voice the question as neutral as possible, but her scepticism came through.
The filly reached out, grabbed their forehooves and shook them enthusiastically. A squeal was leaving her throat while she greeted each of them like that. She had barely let go of Scootaloo's hoof as she responded to Sweetie Belle's question.
“You three! It has been five years since the last time we've seen us, isn't it?” she spoke in a chirpy voice, not quite answering the question that was posed to her.
None of the mares said something, they just stared at her, sceptically
“Oh, you are so surprised, but I am, too!” She giggled. “I can't believe that you are here in Ponyville again just when I come for a visit to see Aunt Twilight. We absolutely have to go and see her together! I already told her that we could come together!” During her last words, Flurry Heart ignited her horn. As she was finished talking, she wrapped the three mares in front of her in her yellow aura and, without their consent, pulled them along with her. Her victims in tow, she made her way back to the castle smiling, with a cheer in her trot.
Apple Bloom growled. “Great, now she has grown from a ratbag inta a hyperactive ratbag!” Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle hung their heads and sighed.
The guard that was accompanying Flurry Heart on this trip suddenly came trotting into their direction, a stoic and worried look on his face. The princess' expression changed as she went past him and she gave the guard a scowl. Her face returned to the happy expression almost instantly as she had passed the guard and she continued with a spring in her hoofsteps.
“I can't believe it!” Twilight exclaimed in front of them, full of surprise.
Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle sat on the carpet in the entrance hall of Twilight's castle, freshly dragged into it by the excited teenage princess. She stood at Twilight's side and was still wearing the grin she had greeted them with minutes earlier. Their faces showed how peeved they were over the sudden assault, especially Apple Bloom. And the way how Twilight smiled at them made everything just worse.
“I never would have guessed that you would come together with Flurry Heart to visit me!” Twilight continued. “It's good that you finally seem to get along with Flurry again after all those years, friendship is much better than holding needless grudges,” she said, matter of factly. She cast her eyes over the three mares with a proud smile. As she noticed their looks, she frowned. “But you still look tired from your journey, so we should better come to the reason for your visit.”
The Princess of Friendship turned to Princess Flurry Heart and gave her an apologetic smile. “How about you get settled in the guest room while I talk over some things with your friends? I know you're only here for a day, but I promise it won't take long!”
Apple Bloom furrowed her brow. “Did she jus' call us Flurry Heart's frie–” Sweetie Belle quickly thrust a hoof into her ribcage, firm enough to prevent her from finishing that sentence. She gave her a warning look. Apple Bloom frowned at her, but stayed silent now.
Twilight gave them a glance from the corner of her eyes, then turned at them again. “Is anything wrong?” she asked.
“No, not at all!” Sweetie Belle startled up. “We're just still surprised that we met Flurry Heart here, that's all!”
“I see,” Twilight answered, some scepticism apparent in her voice and face. “Don't worry, there will be plenty of time for you to talk with Flurry Heart about old times later!”
Flurry Heart beamed over Twilight's choice of words, unlike Apple Bloom, seemingly not having noticed the small commotion. “Sure thing, Aunt Twilight!” she said, her voice still sounding full of excitement and joy. “I want to talk with them, too, but I can wait!” She came closer and gave her aunt a hug, head draped over her neck. Then she pulled away and trotted up the stairs, followed by her guard who was now carrying a heavy suitcase.
Twilight turned around and looked after her until she had disappeared on the second floor, then she turned back to face her other visitors again. She pointed with her hoof to the right, at an unsuspicious door close to the huge staircase. “Now come! I bet you have tons of things to tell me about your journey and we better bring this behind us before Flurry Heart gets impatient!” She trotted to the door and opened it with her magic, then entered it. Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle followed closely behind.
Behind the door, a large throne room with a massive table and surrounded by six thrones, some of them adorned with the cutie marks of their big sisters, came into their view. They stopped and looked over everything.
Twilight trotted around the table and took seat on the throne at the opposite side, the one with her own cutie mark on it. She looked at her three visitors, her expression showing that she could guess their thoughts. “Don't worry, just take seat on the thrones! The map rarely calls us for friendship missions these days.”
With a bit of hesitation, the other three mares followed her invitation. They slowly approached the thrones of Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Rarity and halted for a moment in front of them, awe-struck. Then they finally sat down.
Twilight waited patiently until all three of them had gotten comfortable. Then she leaned forward, her face full of curiosity. She looked over the three of them for a moment before she started to ask the questions that were burning on her mind. “So, what did you find out during your journey? Could you find an explanation for why foals suddenly get born without cutie mark magic? Are there any places in Equestria where ponies can still get cutie marks?”
The three of them locked eyes with Twilight, wearing a serious expression now, their antipathy towards Princess Flurry Heart having made room for something more important. A few seconds of silence followed, then Apple Bloom answered.
“Well, unfortunately, we don't come back with good news, Twilight.”
The next hours were spent with them informing Twilight about the discoveries during their journey. Apple Bloom took the lead in re-telling their journey from the day they had left Ponyville three years ago to the day they had decided to return. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle occasionally added some details Apple Bloom had forgotten to mention and, here and there, Twilight interrupted them to ask further questions. The whole time, she took down notes about their discoveries and experiences, sometimes frowning at the words on the parchment when her mind already tried to make connections and find explanations for everything before the report she received was even finished. As Apple Bloom had ended and Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle had no further details to add, a long roll of parchment had been filled with Twilight's notes. The parchment was reaching back to the wall behind her throne and piled itself up there. Looking at it from the front, it resembled the folds of an accordion.
Twilight removed her magical grip from the quill and let it drop down on the table. She leaned back in her throne, then lifted her hooves to her temples, closed her eyes and started massaging them in circles.
Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle exchanged worried glances, then Apple Bloom looked over to the princess. “Everythin' alright with ya, Twilight?”
Twilight kept massaging her temples, occasionally breathing in and out. Only after a few seconds, she stopped, opened her eyes and addressed Apple Bloom's inquiry. “I'm fine, don't worry. This was just a lot to take in, even for me.” A grim expression appeared on her face and she paused for a moment, panning over the former cutie mark counselors. “What you just told me confirms that the situation is worse than I thought and much more bad than I hoped it would be...” she spoke, the tone of her voice making clear that something was at stake.
Scootaloo locked eyes with Twilight again, her face full of concern. “What are we going to do?”
Twilight breathed out again. It sounded almost fitful. “Nothing... At least for now. I need to do more research on what you told me before we can think about further steps. But now...” She got up from her throne, trembling slightly, then looked at them again. “Now let's go and have lunch. I'm sure Flurry Heart is waiting already and we all need a break now.” She turned around, wrapped the parchment into her magic and began rolling it into a scroll.
Confusion appeared on Apple Bloom's face, which got quickly shared by her friends. “It's lunchtime already?” she wondered out loud. “Ah didn't notice this much time has passed...” She looked into the faces of her friends, regret in her own, and her ears dropped. “Guess that's it fer havin' lunch tagether at Sweet Apple Acres.”
Scootaloo, however, smiled. “Don't worry, Apple Bloom. We can still head over for dinner later.”
Apple Bloom twisted her mouth. “Ah know... Applejack's waitin' fer us, though.”
Now Sweetie Belle gave her a smile. “I'm sure Applejack will understand. And Big Mac too. What we did was important and it was important to let Twilight know about every detail.”
Before Apple Bloom could respond, Twilight appeared at Sweetie Belle's side. “Exactly,” she confirmed her words. She finished rolling the scroll before she continued. “Applejack and I saved Equestria countless times in the last fifteen years. She will understand.”
Twilight's interjection was met with smiles by the trio of mares.
“But now, let's go into the dining room. I'm hungry and I'm sure Spike is done preparing lunch for us all.” She trotted away from the map table and approached the door.
Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle looked after her for a moment, then they slipped down from the thrones and followed.
Outside, Twilight startled and stopped, as she almost bumped into Flurry Heart, who was waiting right in front of the door. Her face showed anxiety and excitement.
Twilight looked at her, slightly lowering her head to meet her eyes. “Oh, Flurry Heart!” she exclaimed in surprise. “I'm sorry for coming so late. Have you been waiting here for a long time?” Her voice sounded guilty.
The younger alicorn shook her head. “I just came here to ask if you and the Crusaders want to come for lunch!” she chirped, her voice full of youthful energy. Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were leaving the throne room behind Twilight as she spoke, none of them appearing happy to see her again.
Twilight smiled down at her niece. “Then you came in the right moment, Flurry. We just wanted to head to the dining room to do that!”
Flurry Heart beamed up at her aunt with a grin, a wide one this time.
Twilight folded out a wing and nudged her playfully. “I bet you're hungry as well.” She winked at her.
The filly winked back at her aunt, then turned around. Twilight joined her side and draped a wing over her, then they followed the three mares in front of them who had already gone ahead.
In the dining room, Flurry Heart was sitting right next to her aunt at one end of the big table, engaged in a conversation with her. Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle had chosen the seats at the other end. They were eating away at a sumptuous meal and all three of them did their best to not look at the crystal princess opposite of them. Only Apple Bloom occasionally cast a glance at her, eyes like daggers.
Twilight and her Flurry Heart were eating as well, but the young princess showered Twilight in an almost constant stream of words. Her face showed an excited expression and a smile, although the latter faltered more and more the longer she was talking.
“And after that happened, mom and dad said that it can't go on like this. It was just a tiny mishap... But they blew it out of proportion. They said, now that I'm a teenager, this could happen more often and that I need a guard to watch over me when I leave the castle or when they are too busy... And now, I'm stuck with him.” Princess Flurry Heart stretched her hoof to the right. Her guard she was pointing at scowled over the blunt display of her dislike that the young princess put on.
At the other end of the table, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle rolled their eyes.
Twilight hovered a glass away from her mouth and put it down on the table, then swallowed, her eyes on her niece. “So your parents gave you a personal guard to keep you out of more trouble. That's not such a bad idea, especially during a travel like this.” Her voice sounded persuasive.
“Yes, but they could have thought of something better!” Flurry Heart complained in response. She looked down at her plate and began to angrily stuff herself with the food on it.
It was silent in the dining room for a few minutes, until she looked up again and directed her attention at the three mares that were sitting opposite of her, at the far end of the dining room. “So, how are you three doing?” she asked them, striking up a conversation.
Immediately, all three of them stopped eating and looked at Flurry Heart, their eyes showing a mix of surprise, shock and reluctance to answer. They glanced over at Twilight, who gave them a smile somewhere between encouraging and smug, then back at the other princess. For a moment longer, they just stared, then Sweetie Belle put down her fork and her knife. She gave Flurry Heart the best smile she could muster.
“We're doing fine, thank you,” she said, then returned her attention to her food.
Scootaloo gave her a short glance, as well. “Yeah, everything is fine,” she answered the question, using almost the same words.
Apple Bloom, however, just continued to stare at Flurry Heart. Only a poke by Scootaloo brought a basic response out of her. “Uh-huh,” she said, without interrupting her glare.
Flurry Heart started smiling at them. “Oh, that's great!” she cheered. “I'm glad all of you are doing okay!” Her face took on a curious expression. “What happened during your journey? Was it exciting? Did you find out anything new about cutie marks?”
Once more, Scootaloo glanced at her for a short moment. “Yeah, it was.”
“But nothing new about cutie marks,” Sweetie Belle added for her friend, not looking up this time.
Apple Bloom just mumbled something incomprehensible.
The ears of the princess went down a little. “Oh...” she said. Her whole face showed that she was not satisfied with the response she had gotten. But the disappointment did not last long. A second later, her ears went up again and she smiled once more. “Hey, what are you three going to do now? You know, because there aren't any cutie marks anymore you can help ponies with finding!”
Simultaneously, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle locked their eyes on her; in addition to Apple Bloom, who still sent out her glares. It was not hard to see in their faces that this question made them uncomfortable, yet Flurry Heart did not seem to notice. She smiled at them eagerly.
“Nothin',” Apple Bloom responded stoically. There was a growl in her voice.
Her friends looked at each other and exchanged alarmed glances. Sweetie Belle swallowed the piece of food in her mouth, wrapped Apple Bloom's head in her green aura and moved it down gently, to redirect the attention of her friend back to her food. Begrudgingly, Apple Bloom continued eating. Sweetie Belle breathed out in relief, then looked to the other end of the table. “Apple Bloom means we don't know. We need to figure something out now that we are back in Ponyville.” She turned to face her plate again, lifted up her fork and put another piece into her mouth.
“That's great!” it came from the other side. “Hey, I know something you could do!”
Sweetie Belle did not react this time. She kept her attention on their end of the table and continued eating quietly. Only as Scootaloo gave her a prompting glance, subtly pointing into Flurry Heart's direction with her head, she looked at her and whispered “Your turn”.
Scootaloo's eyes began to express annoyance. She let her shoulders hang and breathed out sharply. Reluctantly, she looked at the filly. “What is it?” she asked.
Princess Flurry Heart showed them her small, charming grin again, the same they saw her with in front of the castle a few hours ago. “You three could become my personal guards!”
To Scootaloo's left, Apple Bloom suddenly coughed. She spluttered a few bits of the food in her mouth across her plate and on the table. Apple Bloom coughed a few more times, then brushed a hoof over her mouth and once more glared at Flurry Heart. “We could become WHAT?!” she shouted in response. “How can ya reckon any of us would ever want ta–” Under the table, she got kicked by Scootaloo with a hoof and stopped in the midst of her sentence.
Scootaloo signaled Apple Bloom with a stern glance to be silent. Then she looked at Flurry Heart. “She means, what's the reason that you want us to be your guards?”
Flurry Heart lowered her eyelids and turned her head to her guard, giving him a disapproving look. Then she turned back at Scootaloo and continued her grinning. “I couldn't convince my parents that I don't need a guard... But when I saw you today, I figured I could at least have guards that are closer to my age.” She faced the guard again. “You know, guards I can actually do something with and have some fun with. Not like this old geezer...”
Now the guard gave her a glare and gnarled his teeth, but Flurry Heart just looked away again, unimpressed. “What do you think?” she then asked, having returned to her grin.
“I understand,” Scootaloo answered. “But we rather find something new to do here in Ponyville.” She looked to the left. “Apple Bloom thinks like that, too,” she answered for her friend.
Sweetie Belle nodded, now looking at Flurry Heart, as well. “Right. We would have to come with you to the Crystal Empire, but we don't want to leave our hometown. Sorry, but no.” Sweetie Belle spoke quickly, but with truthfulness ringing in her voice.
Despite the rejection, Flurry Heart kept aiming her charming grin at them. “Oh, it's okay!” she said. “I understand that you don't want to leave Ponyville now that you just returned. But...” She hesitated for a moment. “But, please think about it, okay?” Her voice sounded pleading, now that she continued. “If you agree, you have a purpose again and Crystal Empire guards get paid really well, so it isn't just for me!”
Apple Bloom began to tremble. Her glare at Flurry Heart turned much more hateful. She opened her mouth to say something, but before she could, an orange hoof was shoved on it. Scootaloo looked at Twilight and Flurry Heart with a strained expression, then slipped down from her seat and pulled Apple Bloom out of her own. She put a hoof over her back and guided her away from the table, looking over her back while doing so. There was nervousness in her face and sweat ran down her forehead. “We think about it, but now excuse us!” She proceeded to lead Apple Bloom out of the room.
Sweetie Belle left her seat, as well, and followed them swiftly. “I'm sorry, Twilight, but we need to meet a friend now, one we haven't seen for years!”
Twilight watched them, a bit consternated about the sudden departure, but nodded. “I understand. The last thing I would want is to keep you from meeting a friend of yours. Bye, girls!”
“Bye, Twilight,” Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle responded in unison while leaving the dining room. The door fell shut behind them.
As they were gone, Twilight looked at her niece. “They really acted odd, don't you think?” she asked her, attempting to start a new conversation.
Flurry Heart answered her look. “Hm!” she said and shrugged her shoulders, a clueless expression on her face.
Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle sat at a table, sunken deeply in thoughts. A huge plate full of muffins that got suddenly put down in front of their faces did nothing to change their morose expressions. They directed their eyes up to the deliverer of the tasty treats, not moving an inch.
The blonde mare looked back at them, some pity visible in her crossed eyes. Derpy sat down on a chair opposite of them and placed her hooves on the table, not being left out of sight of the other three mares. “What happened?” she asked.
Apple Bloom lifted her head a little. “Flurry Heart happened,” she said, her voice sounding calm and weak. There was still a bit of visible anger in her face, but now, the cowmare seemed to lack the energy to act furious.
“Oh...” Derpy lowered her head and focused on the table's surface with one eye, while the other one wandered away to the left.
Sweetie Belle sighed. She looked over to Derpy. “More precisely, she made us an offer. She wants that we come to the Crystal Empire with her and become her personal guards.”
Scootaloo followed Sweetie Belle's example. “So she doesn't have to put up with her current, older guard,” she added to her friend's explanation.
“She wants ta have younger guards who don' jus' guard 'er, but can hang out with 'er, too,” Apple Bloom finalized everything, still looking at Derpy.
Derpy looked back into their faces. “And you don't want this,” she stated.
Sweetie Belle's expression turned serious. “Actually... It's something we talked about over and over again before we came here.” She lowered her eyelids a bit, just as Derpy's expression turned to one of surprise. “Me and Scootaloo, neither of us are too happy about her offer. But if we would take it, we would have something to do again. Being a guard for a princess is better than nothing and it's the only chance we really have.” She cast a short glance over to Apple Bloom, before she looked back at Derpy. “Apple Bloom can always just help her family on Sweet Apple Acres... But for me and Scootaloo, there's nothing to do here in Ponyville. And if we take Flurry Heart's offer, then we would have a purpose again... That's what she said, too. But...” She looked to the right again, into Apple Bloom's direction.
“But Apple Bloom says no, right?” Derpy inferred.
Sweetie Belle detracted her eyes from Apple Bloom again and looked over to Derpy, giving her a smile.
Apple Bloom, however, suddenly returned to the hateful expression she had last shown in the castle. “Of course ahm sayin' no!” she burst out, her energy suddenly having returned. “This dumb and vile brat is responsible fer everythin'! Without 'er, mah Granny would still be alive!” As soon as it had come back, the energy left Apple Bloom again. She slumped back in her chair, tears appearing in her still angry-looking eyes that were now directed at the table top.
Scootaloo looked over to her friend. “Apple Bloom, we don't know for sure if Flurry Heart is responsible for this, remember?” She put a hoof across Apple Bloom's shoulders and pulled her head closer.
Sweetie Belle got up from her chair and trotted at Apple Bloom's side, where she placed a hoof on her left hindleg. “Scoots is right,” she spoke softly. “And even though we have doubts about all of this, too, I think it's worth giving it a shot.”
Teary-eyed, Apple Bloom looked at her. “Y-Ya sure, Sweetie? She's such a t-troublemaker...”
Sweetie Belle nodded. “She is. But this was all five years ago now... Maybe Flurry Heart has changed. And if it doesn't work out, we can always resign. We could try it for just a few weeks...” She looked into her friend's eyes intensely. “Deal?”
Apple Bloom looked down, thinking. After a moment, she gazed at Sweetie Belle again, then redirected her eyes at Derpy. The older mare gave her a smile and nodded. Apple Bloom stared at Derpy for a moment, then looked at Sweetie Belle a second time. She lifted a hoof and brushed it over her nose. “D-Deal,” she said, attempting a smile.
Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle looked with stern conviction at the filly that stood in front of them in the entrance hall of the Friendship Castle. Knowing what they were here for, Princess Flurry Heart looked back at them expectantly. “Have you decided it? Do you want to become my guards?” She bit her lip.
The three mares exchanged glances, a last bit of doubt emerging in their eyes. Apple Bloom raised a brow, wearing the most sceptical expression of all of them. Then Scootaloo looked straight into the young princess' face. “We have. We are going to be your guards for a while, Flurry Heart,” she spoke quickly before they could change their mind.
The eyes of Flurry Heart began to glow and sparkle. Abruptly, she reached forward and wrapped the pegasus mare in front of her into a tight embrace. “Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!” she shouted with glee.
Scootaloo could not help but letting a faint smile escape her over this reaction. “Let's hope this wasn't a mistake,” she whispered, inaudibly for Flurry Heart, her friends looking at the scene with newfound scepticism...
We were always good at what we did, ever since we earned our cutie marks... Who would have thought that, suddenly, new-born foals are unable to get a cutie mark? It was something nopony saw coming when all those foals got born ten years ago, but then we had to find it out when they were old enough for a cutie mark, but just didn't get one, no matter how hard we tried it with them.
No scientists, doctors or mages could explain why this happened. But all three of us were so hopeful that we would find enough foals who still had the ability to get cutie marks, that the disease (or whatever caused the disappearance of cutie marks) had only affected Ponyville. I still can't believe that we found the same conditions in all of Equestria!
It was only a few days ago that we had decided to give up and to return home. All foals who could still get a cutie mark that we found were over the age of seven and it didn't take us long to help them. This was the first time we ever cursed ourselves for having gotten so good at helping other ponies...
For three years, we tried to establish ourselves as simple talent scouts, but recently, we had to realize that it's no use. Turns out, if ponies can't get marks anymore that show them what they're best at, they don't care anymore what their special talent is and just pursue all sorts of occupations and jobs they're good at.
None of us know how to continue and what our own jobs should be, now that the Cutie Mark Crusaders became pointless... But at least we can be pointless in our hometown, that's something all three of us agreed on.
Focusing her magic, the white mare with the purple and pink mane put pressure on the journal she had just written in and slammed it shut, which freed her view of the landscape in front of her again; a brown dirt path, occasionally lined with trees protruding from the wild, tall grass.
With a heavy sigh, the mare hovered the journal and her quill behind her and let them disappear inside the wagon that was harnessed to her.
“We're almost there now.” Her voice was somber, yet could not conceal the small trace of a squeak, a remnant of foalhood days from long ago.
The mare and her two friends – one wearing a thick, brown cowmare hat on top of her flowy, red mane; the other one bearing several scars and missing one of her wings – had almost reached the peak of a steep hill now.
The cowmare looked over to the white unicorn, a longing expression in her eyes. “Ah can't believe it has been three years since ah saw mah family t' last time...” The tone of her voice was contrastingly deep compared to the unicorn mare's.
“Three years and it was all for nothing...” the mare with the scars spoke to their right, her voice raspy and frustrated.
The two other mares turned their heads, empathy for their friend in their faces.
Mere seconds later, the trio of young mares climbed over the crest of the hill. As they had reached its peak, they stopped. They looked down on the town that spread out under them. The sun was already glowing in a bright, orange light on the horizon, a sign that nightfall was nearing, but they did pay no attention to it.
“Has it gotten bigger?” the unicorn mare asked. She squinted, then lifted a hoof and held it over her eyes.
“I don't think so...” her pegasus friend answered. She turned her head around and scanned the town with her eyes. “Maybe a few more houses here and there. I think Ponyville stretches out farther beyond the castle than it did at our departure.”
In the distance, the crystal castle that was the town's landmark sparkled brightly, reflecting the light of the descending sun.
“Not much has changed,” the cowmare concluded, eyes resting on the crystal structure. “Looks like friendship is still magic here.” Her lips curled up into a smile.
Her two friends nodded, now wearing smiles as well.
“Should we go down now?” the unicorn mare looked at the other two, her voice sounding upbeat now.
“No point in waiting!” the orange pegasus responded, rearing up for a moment. “The town won't come up to us!”
Unable to argue over such a fact, the mares to her left agreed. Silent again, they detracted their eyes from the town and began to move down the hill...
My Little Pony: Guardians of Crystal Growth
''The Crystal Princess - Part 1''
''The Crystal Princess - Part 1''
The first, warm rays of the rising sun shone down on the barn of Sweet Apple Acres. They reached inside through the windows, their light gently gracing a cowmare hat situated on a nightstand on the second floor of the old building.
Steadily rising, the sun sent its rays further into the small room, until they warmed the face of the mare sleeping in the bed next to the nightstand. She stirred as she felt the slight heat, but it took until a voice from downstairs found its way into her ears that she awoke fully.
“Apple Bloom, are ya still asleep up there? We got breakfast ready fer ya!”
The mare in the bed stirred more. “Breakfast?” she mumbled. “Please don' be Sweetie Belle's half-burnt cupcakes again...” She turned to the side, her face grimaced in disgust.
Her eyes shot open as she finally recognized the voice and as the realization where she was now kicked in. Hastily, Apple Bloom sat up in her bed. “Breakfast!” she shouted. The young mare kicked the covers off her body and jumped on all fours. “Oh, I can' wait ta finally get some real breakfast again!” she cheered while she leaped down onto the floor and rushed out of the room.
A wide grin on her face that reached from ear to ear, Apple Bloom bolted down the stairs and zipped over to the kitchen table, almost running her big sister over in the process.
Still grinning, Apple Bloom found herself looking straight into the eyes of her big brother on the opposite side of the table. Big McIntosh stared back at her, eyes wide from surprise over the sudden appearance of his youngest sister.
“Good Mornin', Apple Bloom!” he said after a moment, as his mind had processed it. He smiled warmly.
“Mornin', Big Mac!” Apple Bloom replied politely, then immediately proceeded to stick her nose into the air. Eyes closed, she sniffed, which got a chuckle out of her big brother.
“What's this smell?” she asked. “Is it... pancakes? Or waffles?”
Before she could try any more guessing, Applejack appeared behind her and put a plate in front of her. “Both!” she exclaimed.
Apple Bloom opened her eyes and looked down in front of her, full of disbelief.
Applejack trotted around the table and put another plate in front of Big Mac, then sat down at his side, with a third plate full of the delicious treats for herself.
She looked over at her little sister, her face showing a content smile. “It's t' first time in three years me an' Big Mac have ya at t' table fer breakfast here, so ah made sure that it's extra special!” She took one of the pancakes into her hooves and began eating.
On the other end of the table, Apple Bloom was still staring down at her plate. Her face got reflected by the sirup on her pancakes. She gulped. As a little bit of drool began to form on her lips, she lifted a hoof and wiped it off, finally moving again.
The faces of her siblings couldn't have looked more amused over her reaction. “Ya don' wanna eat?” Applejack asked, her voice sounding ironic.
“Eeyup,” it came from Big Mac, the stallion signaling to be in agreement with this question.
Apple Bloom nodded, reverently, then finally reached for one of the pancakes and took a huge bite out of it. Following a sudden sparkle in her eyes, three more bites happened, then almost all of the pancake had disappeared inside her mouth.
“Thif if the bewt bweakfaft of mah life!” she spoke while simultaneously chewing down on the tasty bits.
Applejack raised an eyebrow. “Whadd'ya say?” she asked, still tongue-in-cheek.
Finished with her first bites, Apple Bloom swallowed. “Ah said: This is the best breakfast of mah life!” She did not wait for any response, instead, she grabbed one of the big waffles next and continued her feast.
“Ah, shucks, Apple Bloom!” Applejack looked down for a moment, slightly blushing. “But ah won't deny it!” she then said, looking in front of her again. “Ah don' even remember when we had pancakes and waffles fer breakfast t' last time! Must 'ave been when Granny Smith was still with us!” Applejack lifted her pancake to her mouth to take another bite, but then stopped and let her hooves slowly sink as she realized what she just said.
All of a sudden, the temperature in the kitchen seemed to drop. The three siblings hung their heads. Now feeling unable to eat, they stared at their food heavy-hearted. It had become completely silent in the room.
After a few moments, Big Mac sighed. He looked up. “Let us not be like that, y'all. Ya know Granny wouldn't have wanted this.”
Apple Bloom looked up into her big brother's face and Applejack did a look to the left, only slightly peering at him. “Ya right, Big McIntosh.” This was all she said and then she returned her attention to her plate and slowly continued eating.
“Mhm.” Apple Bloom nodded, then followed her big sister's example.
Big McIntosh looked from Applejack to Apple Bloom, then he continued eating in silence, as well.
A few minutes later, Apple Bloom put the last piece of her breakfast into her mouth and swallowed it almost instantly. Then she broke the newly fallen silence.
“Ah need ta head out ta meet Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo now,” she announced.
Big McIntosh and Applejack looked up. “Right,” Applejack said, her voice sounding like she had forgotten her little sister's plans.
Apple Bloom slipped down from her seat, rounded the table to the other side and gave Big McIntosh, then Applejack, a hug, wishing goodbye to both.
“Give Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle mah regards, will ya?” Applejack inquired as Apple Bloom had released her hug.
“Sure thing!” Apple Bloom responded, now slightly more upbeat again. “An' maybe ah'll bring them fer lunch later, if that's okay.”
“Sure is, Apple Bloom.” Now a smile returned into Applejack's face. “Extended family is as welcome 'ere as our own family!”
Apple Bloom acknowledged the assent with a smile of her own and a nod, then trotted away to the door. “See ya'll later!” she said, turning around at them, then opened the door and slipped through it.
Outside, Apple Bloom took a moment. She let her eyes wander over the surrounding acres and took a long, deep breath of the fresh farm air. “Sure feels good ta finally be home again!” she spoke to herself. Then she started moving and left Sweet Apple Acres for the old, well-trodden path to Ponyville.
Arrived at Scootaloo's house, Apple Bloom wasted no time to trot up the few stairs between the pillars that flanked the entrance. She raised a hoof and knocked on the door, then did a step back to wait for it to be opened.
It did not take long. Apple Bloom could hear approaching footsteps and a second later, the door got opened and Scootaloo poked her head out. Her mane was messy and sticking out into all directions, like she had just gotten knocked out of bed. Though, there were crumbs in the corners of her mouth, which indicated that she had breakfast already.
“Howdy, Scoots!” Apple Bloom greeted her friend, once more raising a hoof. “Ahm headin' ta see Twilight. Ya ready?”
Instead of answering the question, the pegasus mare just stared at Apple Bloom from heavy-lidded eyes. After a few seconds, she closed them and looked to the side, releasing a strong yawn. Then she stared back at Apple Bloom.
“Uh, ya alright, Scoots?” Apple Bloom asked, ears dropping slightly. “How did ya sleep?”
“As well as in most nights,” the tired mare finally responded. She yawned again. “But I'm ready.”
Scootaloo stretched out her wing and flexed it a little, then bent her forelegs, a groan leaving her mouth. As she was done with her exercise and stood tall again, her face looked slightly refreshed. “Let's go and catch Sweetie Belle!” she said, doing a step forward.
“Not like this!” A stern and rather deep voice sounded over from further inside the house.
Scootaloo twitched and gritted her teeth.
Behind her, an older pegasus mare with a turquoise coat trotted through the corridor into her direction. She took position at Scootaloo's side and, right hoof under her chin, turned her head towards her. Using her left hoof, she wiped the crumbs off Scootaloo's face. “First we need to clean your face, you didn't really think you could leave the house like this, now, did you?” As she was finished and had let go of her victim, she smiled satisfactory.
Scootaloo grimaced. “Stop doing things like this, Lofty!” She turned at her stepaunt and growled. “I am an adult! I stopped being a filly years ago!”
Lofty scowled, unimpressed. “Then you shouldn't behave as careless as one.”
“Ugh... That's not something I looked forward to at our return!” Scootaloo hastily smoothed her mane, then looked at Apple Bloom, hectically. “Let's leave, before she gets the idea to put diapers on me!”
Without awaiting an answer by Apple Bloom, Scootaloo left the house and trotted out onto the street. Apple Bloom looked after her, then turned around one last time, glaring at Lofty, before she followed Scootaloo.
Having caught up with her, Apple Bloom gave her friend a look of empathy. “Hard ta believe she's still actin' like this after so many years... That event really turned 'er upside down.”
Scootaloo looked at her, a compassionate smile on her face. “Yeah...” She looked back at the path in front of her. “But let's not talk about this. I don't want that our first day back in Ponyville is sad and all that...”
Scootaloo had barely finished her sentence, as she suddenly got buried under a mountain of letters dropped right on top of her head. Hovering above her was a grey pegasus mare with blonde mane, giving Scootaloo a sheepish, apologetic grin. She flew down and landed in front of Scootaloo. “Oh, I'm so sorry!” she said. “I just opened my mailbag for one second... I free you of those letters right away!” She reached out to the mare in front of her and began to pluck the letters off of her.
“It's fine, Derpy!” Apple Bloom said, happily beaming at the clumsy mare. “Not like we aren't still used ta that... And ah kind of missed that even.” She came closer and helped Derpy with freeing her friend.
“Yeah!” Scootaloo agreed, as she could finally poke her head out from under the paper mountain. “Leave it up to you to prevent a conversation from becoming even more depressing!”
Derpy halted her efforts for a moment and looked to the side with a blush. “You're still so kind.”
“Don' mention it! And, hey, how's Dinky doin'?” Apple Bloom asked, using her chance.
Derpy stuffed the last letters into her mailbag, then looked up, smiling brightly. “Oh, Dinky is doing fantastic! She writes a letter every week and she is making so much progress at Princess Celestia's school, I'm so proud of her!” Her face turned into a grin and she reared up a little.
“Great ta hear!” Apple Bloom smiled in return. “But, uh, now me and Scoots need ta hurry. We're goin' ta pick up Sweetie Belle and then have ta go an' see Twilight.”
“Oh, that's okay!” Derpy closed her mailbag. “I need to continue my tour anyway, but I hope we can talk later. I'm really glad that you're back!”
“Sure thing!” Apple Bloom assured her.
Derpy exchanged a hoofbump with them and gave them a single wave, then took off into the sky again.
Apple Bloom and Scootaloo looked up and followed her with their eyes for a moment, still smiling, then they continued their way through the town.
As they knocked on the door of the Carousel Boutique, where Sweetie Belle had spent the last night, it was Rarity who opened the door for them. “Oh, good morning, darlings!” she said as she noticed their faces. Rarity stepped forward and presented each of them with a welcome hug. Back in the doorway, she gave them a charming smile. “Don't worry, I'm sure Sweetie Belle will be here any moment.”
She turned around, facing the inside of her boutique. “Sweetie Belle, darling? Apple Bloom and Scootaloo are here for your meeting with Twilight!”
“I'm coming!” it returned faintly from upstairs. A minute later, the door at the other end of the boutique opened with a green glow and Sweetie Belle trotted out gracefully. She carefully closed the door with her magic and joined Rarity's side.
“Hi, girls!” Sweetie Belle greeted them, giving them a smile. “I'm sorry for being late.”
“It's okay,” Scootaloo said. “We just arrived here. Are you ready?”
Before she could answer, Rarity interjected a question. “Sweetie Belle, darling, did you brush your mane?” Her face looked slightly nervous.
Sweetie Belle turned to her. “I did,” she confirmed swiftly, then turned her attention back to her friends. “Let's go, we don't wanna be late for–”
“A-Are you sure, Sweetie Belle?” Rarity interrupted her with another question. “Maybe I just brush it one more time!” She ignited her horn and hovered over a brush from a nearby table. Humming, she started to brush her little sister's mane.
Sweetie Belle looked at Rarity from the corner of her eyes, doubtful. “Why? I said I brushed it. I even brushed it twice! What's wrong, Rarity?”
Rarity's face was calm again now. “Oh, nothing, darling. We just want to make extra sure that you really look fabulous enough for meeting a princess!”
Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo exchanged glances. “Uh, Rarity? We're just going to see Twilight... We know her for years. And you know her for years, too.” Sweetie Belle clarified, confused.
“Oho, darling, I'm not talking about Twilight! I'm talking about the other princess, of course!” She continued to hum while carefully going through Sweetie's mane.
Sweetie Belle stared blankly and so did Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. “The other princess? Who?”
Rarity stopped for a moment, disbelief forming in her face. “Oh, haven't you heard? It's spoken about all over town... Princess Flurry Heart arrives today!”
The pupils of the trio of young mares shrunk as they heard the name.
“Flurry Heart comes to Ponyville? Today?!” All of a sudden, the old squeak returned into Sweetie Belle's voice.
“Yes, darling,” Rarity answered, her voice sounding slightly uncomfortable now. “She is coming to see Twilight, one of the rare days she has time to visit her aunt... “
A cold glistening appeared in Apple Bloom's eyes. “Fer real?! She's comin' ta see Twilight just when we do, too?” Her voice was noticeably raised. It caused Scootaloo to give her a careful look, that was somewhere between empathic and worried.
“Uh, yes.” Her brush was shaking slightly now, but the fashionista covered it up excellently. “Twilight showed me a picture of her niece yesterday and you should have seen it! She has grown into such a beautiful, young lady! She is only twelve, but already gives Princess Cadance a run for her bits!” She returned to her humming for a few seconds, then hovered the brush back to the table. “And there, now we are done with you! What do you say?” She held a mirror in front of her sister.
Sweetie Belle did not answer, instead, she stared at her reflection with a less than enthusiastic expression. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom had similar looks in their faces, although the latter also showed traces of anger.
Rarity noticed the tension. She hovered the mirror away. “Don't worry, girls, I'm sure there will still be plenty of time for you to tell Twilight about your journey!”
Sweetie Belle shook her head a few times, freeing herself of the paralyzis. She looked at her sister. “It's not this, Rarity, but you know what... uh, nevermind.” She glanced at her friends, then back at her older sister. “We need to go now, Rarity, we don't want to let Twilight wait!” she said quickly, then turned away from her and trotted out of the boutique with hasty steps. In passing, she nudged Apple Bloom as a sign to come with her. “Bye, Rarity, I see you later!” she shouted back at her sister without turning around.
Scootaloo followed right in her tracks, while Apple Bloom stayed behind and gritted her teeth.
After a few seconds, both Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle called out for her. “APPLE BLOOM!”
It seemed to awaken Apple Bloom from a trance. She stopped gritting her teeth, gave a last, cold look into Rarity's direction, then she turned around slowly and trudged after her friends.
Rarity looked after her, frowning. “I hope this goes well...” she whispered, then stepped back into the boutique and closed the door behind her.
Now on the way to Twilight's castle, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle trotted at each other's side with frowning faces. In the distance, they could already see their destination. They weren't far away anymore.
“What a bunch o' horseapples!” Apple Bloom yelled, giving her frustration and anger free reign. “Ah don't wanna see this insufferable brat for even jus' one second!”
Her friends looked at her, understanding in their faces.
“I don't look forward to this either, Apple Bloom,” Scootaloo said. “We should avoid her as best as we can.”
“Flurry Heart has chosen the worst day for visiting Twilight...” Sweetie Belle added. “Even though it's been five years now, I still can't like her again. Now I wish we would have returned just a few days later...”
Apple Bloom and Scootaloo gave her agreeing nods.
“But maybe we don't even have to see her,” Scootaloo suggested. “It's still morning and she will probably not arrive that early.”
“That's right,” Sweetie Belle supported the suggestion. “Plus, Twilight knows what she did, so even if Flurry Heart should arrive early, she will ensure that we can avoid her. I don't think we will run into Flurry Heart.”
Apple Bloom suddenly narrowed her eyes at something in the distance. “Ya two might wanna correct yaselves... Talk of t' manticore and he is bound ta appear. Guess who's walkin' inta Twilight's castle right now?” She pointed ahead of them with one hoof. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle looked up and followed it.
In front of them, just far away enough to not notice them yet, Princess Flurry Heart of the Crystal Empire – her purple and blue mane falling gracefully over her shoulders – and a guard in a golden armor trotted up the stairs at the castle's entrance.
Their mouths open, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle stared at the scene.
“Flurry Heart,” Scootaloo said, then their faces collectively darkened...
To be continued...
Previously on My Little Pony
“Who would have thought that, suddenly, new-born foals are unable to get a cutie mark?”
“None of us know how to continue and what our own jobs should be, now that the Cutie Mark Crusaders became pointless...”
“It's t' first time in three years me an' Big Mac have ya here!”
“T' last time must 'ave been when Granny Smith was still with us!”
“Haven't you heard? Princess Flurry Heart arrives today!”
“She's comin' ta see Twilight just when we do?”
“Talk of t' manticore and he is bound ta appear.”
“Flurry Heart.”
[center]My Little Pony: Guardians of Crystal Growth
''The Crystal Princess - Part 2''
Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle stared at the castle entrance with grim faces. After a few seconds, Scootaloo turned to her friends.
“So... what now?” she asked them. “Should we postpone our meeting with Twilight?” Her face showed a mix of uncertainty and conviction.
“Ahm in favor of this!” Apple Bloom shouted, directing her anger at the spot where she had just seen Flurry Heart.
Sweetie Belle turned to face Apple Bloom. “I don't know about this... Twilight will want to know about everything as soon as possible. I think we should still go.”
“Then without me, Sweetie Belle!” Apple Bloom yelled at her in response. “Ahm not goin' anywhere near this ratbag of a filly!” She huffed.
Scootaloo watched Apple Bloom's reaction with a sad expression, then she directed her eyes at Sweetie Belle. “I'm sorry, Sweetie, but I'm kind of on Apple Bloom's side here. Seeing Flurry Heart would just create more trouble.”
Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes. “Fine! But you two are going to explain this to Twilight!” she snapped at them a little. “You know how she can get if she is denied research.”
The white mare turned at the spot and began trotting into the opposite direction of the castle. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo followed right on her hooves. They had been on their way only for a few seconds, as a pink blur zipped into their midst and tried to squeeze itself past them. Sweetie Belle got pushed to the side by the sudden impact and landed in the dirt. Laying on all fours, her head swayed for a moment, then she shook it and looked up to find out who the sudden assaulter was. Her eyes grew wide in surprise. “You?” she asked in utter disbelief.
In front of her stood nopony else than Princess Flurry Heart! She was staring at them with a grin. Not a wide one, it was rather subtle and had a lovely charm to it, but it made clear that she was more than happy to see them. On her was a simple, blue dress, almost too casual for a princess.
Confused, Sweetie Belle trotted back at the side of her friends. Apple Bloom was huffing again, repeatedly this time and Scootaloo raised an eyebrow, sporting a wary expression. Sweetie Belle decided to address the situation before Apple Bloom could say anything and looked at the young alicorn intensely.
“Flurry Heart? Why did you come to see us?” She tried to voice the question as neutral as possible, but her scepticism came through.
The filly reached out, grabbed their forehooves and shook them enthusiastically. A squeal was leaving her throat while she greeted each of them like that. She had barely let go of Scootaloo's hoof as she responded to Sweetie Belle's question.
“You three! It has been five years since the last time we've seen us, isn't it?” she spoke in a chirpy voice, not quite answering the question that was posed to her.
None of the mares said something, they just stared at her, sceptically
“Oh, you are so surprised, but I am, too!” She giggled. “I can't believe that you are here in Ponyville again just when I come for a visit to see Aunt Twilight. We absolutely have to go and see her together! I already told her that we could come together!” During her last words, Flurry Heart ignited her horn. As she was finished talking, she wrapped the three mares in front of her in her yellow aura and, without their consent, pulled them along with her. Her victims in tow, she made her way back to the castle smiling, with a cheer in her trot.
Apple Bloom growled. “Great, now she has grown from a ratbag inta a hyperactive ratbag!” Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle hung their heads and sighed.
The guard that was accompanying Flurry Heart on this trip suddenly came trotting into their direction, a stoic and worried look on his face. The princess' expression changed as she went past him and she gave the guard a scowl. Her face returned to the happy expression almost instantly as she had passed the guard and she continued with a spring in her hoofsteps.
“I can't believe it!” Twilight exclaimed in front of them, full of surprise.
Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle sat on the carpet in the entrance hall of Twilight's castle, freshly dragged into it by the excited teenage princess. She stood at Twilight's side and was still wearing the grin she had greeted them with minutes earlier. Their faces showed how peeved they were over the sudden assault, especially Apple Bloom. And the way how Twilight smiled at them made everything just worse.
“I never would have guessed that you would come together with Flurry Heart to visit me!” Twilight continued. “It's good that you finally seem to get along with Flurry again after all those years, friendship is much better than holding needless grudges,” she said, matter of factly. She cast her eyes over the three mares with a proud smile. As she noticed their looks, she frowned. “But you still look tired from your journey, so we should better come to the reason for your visit.”
The Princess of Friendship turned to Princess Flurry Heart and gave her an apologetic smile. “How about you get settled in the guest room while I talk over some things with your friends? I know you're only here for a day, but I promise it won't take long!”
Apple Bloom furrowed her brow. “Did she jus' call us Flurry Heart's frie–” Sweetie Belle quickly thrust a hoof into her ribcage, firm enough to prevent her from finishing that sentence. She gave her a warning look. Apple Bloom frowned at her, but stayed silent now.
Twilight gave them a glance from the corner of her eyes, then turned at them again. “Is anything wrong?” she asked.
“No, not at all!” Sweetie Belle startled up. “We're just still surprised that we met Flurry Heart here, that's all!”
“I see,” Twilight answered, some scepticism apparent in her voice and face. “Don't worry, there will be plenty of time for you to talk with Flurry Heart about old times later!”
Flurry Heart beamed over Twilight's choice of words, unlike Apple Bloom, seemingly not having noticed the small commotion. “Sure thing, Aunt Twilight!” she said, her voice still sounding full of excitement and joy. “I want to talk with them, too, but I can wait!” She came closer and gave her aunt a hug, head draped over her neck. Then she pulled away and trotted up the stairs, followed by her guard who was now carrying a heavy suitcase.
Twilight turned around and looked after her until she had disappeared on the second floor, then she turned back to face her other visitors again. She pointed with her hoof to the right, at an unsuspicious door close to the huge staircase. “Now come! I bet you have tons of things to tell me about your journey and we better bring this behind us before Flurry Heart gets impatient!” She trotted to the door and opened it with her magic, then entered it. Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle followed closely behind.
Behind the door, a large throne room with a massive table and surrounded by six thrones, some of them adorned with the cutie marks of their big sisters, came into their view. They stopped and looked over everything.
Twilight trotted around the table and took seat on the throne at the opposite side, the one with her own cutie mark on it. She looked at her three visitors, her expression showing that she could guess their thoughts. “Don't worry, just take seat on the thrones! The map rarely calls us for friendship missions these days.”
With a bit of hesitation, the other three mares followed her invitation. They slowly approached the thrones of Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Rarity and halted for a moment in front of them, awe-struck. Then they finally sat down.
Twilight waited patiently until all three of them had gotten comfortable. Then she leaned forward, her face full of curiosity. She looked over the three of them for a moment before she started to ask the questions that were burning on her mind. “So, what did you find out during your journey? Could you find an explanation for why foals suddenly get born without cutie mark magic? Are there any places in Equestria where ponies can still get cutie marks?”
The three of them locked eyes with Twilight, wearing a serious expression now, their antipathy towards Princess Flurry Heart having made room for something more important. A few seconds of silence followed, then Apple Bloom answered.
“Well, unfortunately, we don't come back with good news, Twilight.”
The next hours were spent with them informing Twilight about the discoveries during their journey. Apple Bloom took the lead in re-telling their journey from the day they had left Ponyville three years ago to the day they had decided to return. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle occasionally added some details Apple Bloom had forgotten to mention and, here and there, Twilight interrupted them to ask further questions. The whole time, she took down notes about their discoveries and experiences, sometimes frowning at the words on the parchment when her mind already tried to make connections and find explanations for everything before the report she received was even finished. As Apple Bloom had ended and Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle had no further details to add, a long roll of parchment had been filled with Twilight's notes. The parchment was reaching back to the wall behind her throne and piled itself up there. Looking at it from the front, it resembled the folds of an accordion.
Twilight removed her magical grip from the quill and let it drop down on the table. She leaned back in her throne, then lifted her hooves to her temples, closed her eyes and started massaging them in circles.
Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle exchanged worried glances, then Apple Bloom looked over to the princess. “Everythin' alright with ya, Twilight?”
Twilight kept massaging her temples, occasionally breathing in and out. Only after a few seconds, she stopped, opened her eyes and addressed Apple Bloom's inquiry. “I'm fine, don't worry. This was just a lot to take in, even for me.” A grim expression appeared on her face and she paused for a moment, panning over the former cutie mark counselors. “What you just told me confirms that the situation is worse than I thought and much more bad than I hoped it would be...” she spoke, the tone of her voice making clear that something was at stake.
Scootaloo locked eyes with Twilight again, her face full of concern. “What are we going to do?”
Twilight breathed out again. It sounded almost fitful. “Nothing... At least for now. I need to do more research on what you told me before we can think about further steps. But now...” She got up from her throne, trembling slightly, then looked at them again. “Now let's go and have lunch. I'm sure Flurry Heart is waiting already and we all need a break now.” She turned around, wrapped the parchment into her magic and began rolling it into a scroll.
Confusion appeared on Apple Bloom's face, which got quickly shared by her friends. “It's lunchtime already?” she wondered out loud. “Ah didn't notice this much time has passed...” She looked into the faces of her friends, regret in her own, and her ears dropped. “Guess that's it fer havin' lunch tagether at Sweet Apple Acres.”
Scootaloo, however, smiled. “Don't worry, Apple Bloom. We can still head over for dinner later.”
Apple Bloom twisted her mouth. “Ah know... Applejack's waitin' fer us, though.”
Now Sweetie Belle gave her a smile. “I'm sure Applejack will understand. And Big Mac too. What we did was important and it was important to let Twilight know about every detail.”
Before Apple Bloom could respond, Twilight appeared at Sweetie Belle's side. “Exactly,” she confirmed her words. She finished rolling the scroll before she continued. “Applejack and I saved Equestria countless times in the last fifteen years. She will understand.”
Twilight's interjection was met with smiles by the trio of mares.
“But now, let's go into the dining room. I'm hungry and I'm sure Spike is done preparing lunch for us all.” She trotted away from the map table and approached the door.
Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle looked after her for a moment, then they slipped down from the thrones and followed.
Outside, Twilight startled and stopped, as she almost bumped into Flurry Heart, who was waiting right in front of the door. Her face showed anxiety and excitement.
Twilight looked at her, slightly lowering her head to meet her eyes. “Oh, Flurry Heart!” she exclaimed in surprise. “I'm sorry for coming so late. Have you been waiting here for a long time?” Her voice sounded guilty.
The younger alicorn shook her head. “I just came here to ask if you and the Crusaders want to come for lunch!” she chirped, her voice full of youthful energy. Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were leaving the throne room behind Twilight as she spoke, none of them appearing happy to see her again.
Twilight smiled down at her niece. “Then you came in the right moment, Flurry. We just wanted to head to the dining room to do that!”
Flurry Heart beamed up at her aunt with a grin, a wide one this time.
Twilight folded out a wing and nudged her playfully. “I bet you're hungry as well.” She winked at her.
The filly winked back at her aunt, then turned around. Twilight joined her side and draped a wing over her, then they followed the three mares in front of them who had already gone ahead.
In the dining room, Flurry Heart was sitting right next to her aunt at one end of the big table, engaged in a conversation with her. Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle had chosen the seats at the other end. They were eating away at a sumptuous meal and all three of them did their best to not look at the crystal princess opposite of them. Only Apple Bloom occasionally cast a glance at her, eyes like daggers.
Twilight and her Flurry Heart were eating as well, but the young princess showered Twilight in an almost constant stream of words. Her face showed an excited expression and a smile, although the latter faltered more and more the longer she was talking.
“And after that happened, mom and dad said that it can't go on like this. It was just a tiny mishap... But they blew it out of proportion. They said, now that I'm a teenager, this could happen more often and that I need a guard to watch over me when I leave the castle or when they are too busy... And now, I'm stuck with him.” Princess Flurry Heart stretched her hoof to the right. Her guard she was pointing at scowled over the blunt display of her dislike that the young princess put on.
At the other end of the table, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle rolled their eyes.
Twilight hovered a glass away from her mouth and put it down on the table, then swallowed, her eyes on her niece. “So your parents gave you a personal guard to keep you out of more trouble. That's not such a bad idea, especially during a travel like this.” Her voice sounded persuasive.
“Yes, but they could have thought of something better!” Flurry Heart complained in response. She looked down at her plate and began to angrily stuff herself with the food on it.
It was silent in the dining room for a few minutes, until she looked up again and directed her attention at the three mares that were sitting opposite of her, at the far end of the dining room. “So, how are you three doing?” she asked them, striking up a conversation.
Immediately, all three of them stopped eating and looked at Flurry Heart, their eyes showing a mix of surprise, shock and reluctance to answer. They glanced over at Twilight, who gave them a smile somewhere between encouraging and smug, then back at the other princess. For a moment longer, they just stared, then Sweetie Belle put down her fork and her knife. She gave Flurry Heart the best smile she could muster.
“We're doing fine, thank you,” she said, then returned her attention to her food.
Scootaloo gave her a short glance, as well. “Yeah, everything is fine,” she answered the question, using almost the same words.
Apple Bloom, however, just continued to stare at Flurry Heart. Only a poke by Scootaloo brought a basic response out of her. “Uh-huh,” she said, without interrupting her glare.
Flurry Heart started smiling at them. “Oh, that's great!” she cheered. “I'm glad all of you are doing okay!” Her face took on a curious expression. “What happened during your journey? Was it exciting? Did you find out anything new about cutie marks?”
Once more, Scootaloo glanced at her for a short moment. “Yeah, it was.”
“But nothing new about cutie marks,” Sweetie Belle added for her friend, not looking up this time.
Apple Bloom just mumbled something incomprehensible.
The ears of the princess went down a little. “Oh...” she said. Her whole face showed that she was not satisfied with the response she had gotten. But the disappointment did not last long. A second later, her ears went up again and she smiled once more. “Hey, what are you three going to do now? You know, because there aren't any cutie marks anymore you can help ponies with finding!”
Simultaneously, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle locked their eyes on her; in addition to Apple Bloom, who still sent out her glares. It was not hard to see in their faces that this question made them uncomfortable, yet Flurry Heart did not seem to notice. She smiled at them eagerly.
“Nothin',” Apple Bloom responded stoically. There was a growl in her voice.
Her friends looked at each other and exchanged alarmed glances. Sweetie Belle swallowed the piece of food in her mouth, wrapped Apple Bloom's head in her green aura and moved it down gently, to redirect the attention of her friend back to her food. Begrudgingly, Apple Bloom continued eating. Sweetie Belle breathed out in relief, then looked to the other end of the table. “Apple Bloom means we don't know. We need to figure something out now that we are back in Ponyville.” She turned to face her plate again, lifted up her fork and put another piece into her mouth.
“That's great!” it came from the other side. “Hey, I know something you could do!”
Sweetie Belle did not react this time. She kept her attention on their end of the table and continued eating quietly. Only as Scootaloo gave her a prompting glance, subtly pointing into Flurry Heart's direction with her head, she looked at her and whispered “Your turn”.
Scootaloo's eyes began to express annoyance. She let her shoulders hang and breathed out sharply. Reluctantly, she looked at the filly. “What is it?” she asked.
Princess Flurry Heart showed them her small, charming grin again, the same they saw her with in front of the castle a few hours ago. “You three could become my personal guards!”
To Scootaloo's left, Apple Bloom suddenly coughed. She spluttered a few bits of the food in her mouth across her plate and on the table. Apple Bloom coughed a few more times, then brushed a hoof over her mouth and once more glared at Flurry Heart. “We could become WHAT?!” she shouted in response. “How can ya reckon any of us would ever want ta–” Under the table, she got kicked by Scootaloo with a hoof and stopped in the midst of her sentence.
Scootaloo signaled Apple Bloom with a stern glance to be silent. Then she looked at Flurry Heart. “She means, what's the reason that you want us to be your guards?”
Flurry Heart lowered her eyelids and turned her head to her guard, giving him a disapproving look. Then she turned back at Scootaloo and continued her grinning. “I couldn't convince my parents that I don't need a guard... But when I saw you today, I figured I could at least have guards that are closer to my age.” She faced the guard again. “You know, guards I can actually do something with and have some fun with. Not like this old geezer...”
Now the guard gave her a glare and gnarled his teeth, but Flurry Heart just looked away again, unimpressed. “What do you think?” she then asked, having returned to her grin.
“I understand,” Scootaloo answered. “But we rather find something new to do here in Ponyville.” She looked to the left. “Apple Bloom thinks like that, too,” she answered for her friend.
Sweetie Belle nodded, now looking at Flurry Heart, as well. “Right. We would have to come with you to the Crystal Empire, but we don't want to leave our hometown. Sorry, but no.” Sweetie Belle spoke quickly, but with truthfulness ringing in her voice.
Despite the rejection, Flurry Heart kept aiming her charming grin at them. “Oh, it's okay!” she said. “I understand that you don't want to leave Ponyville now that you just returned. But...” She hesitated for a moment. “But, please think about it, okay?” Her voice sounded pleading, now that she continued. “If you agree, you have a purpose again and Crystal Empire guards get paid really well, so it isn't just for me!”
Apple Bloom began to tremble. Her glare at Flurry Heart turned much more hateful. She opened her mouth to say something, but before she could, an orange hoof was shoved on it. Scootaloo looked at Twilight and Flurry Heart with a strained expression, then slipped down from her seat and pulled Apple Bloom out of her own. She put a hoof over her back and guided her away from the table, looking over her back while doing so. There was nervousness in her face and sweat ran down her forehead. “We think about it, but now excuse us!” She proceeded to lead Apple Bloom out of the room.
Sweetie Belle left her seat, as well, and followed them swiftly. “I'm sorry, Twilight, but we need to meet a friend now, one we haven't seen for years!”
Twilight watched them, a bit consternated about the sudden departure, but nodded. “I understand. The last thing I would want is to keep you from meeting a friend of yours. Bye, girls!”
“Bye, Twilight,” Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle responded in unison while leaving the dining room. The door fell shut behind them.
As they were gone, Twilight looked at her niece. “They really acted odd, don't you think?” she asked her, attempting to start a new conversation.
Flurry Heart answered her look. “Hm!” she said and shrugged her shoulders, a clueless expression on her face.
Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle sat at a table, sunken deeply in thoughts. A huge plate full of muffins that got suddenly put down in front of their faces did nothing to change their morose expressions. They directed their eyes up to the deliverer of the tasty treats, not moving an inch.
The blonde mare looked back at them, some pity visible in her crossed eyes. Derpy sat down on a chair opposite of them and placed her hooves on the table, not being left out of sight of the other three mares. “What happened?” she asked.
Apple Bloom lifted her head a little. “Flurry Heart happened,” she said, her voice sounding calm and weak. There was still a bit of visible anger in her face, but now, the cowmare seemed to lack the energy to act furious.
“Oh...” Derpy lowered her head and focused on the table's surface with one eye, while the other one wandered away to the left.
Sweetie Belle sighed. She looked over to Derpy. “More precisely, she made us an offer. She wants that we come to the Crystal Empire with her and become her personal guards.”
Scootaloo followed Sweetie Belle's example. “So she doesn't have to put up with her current, older guard,” she added to her friend's explanation.
“She wants ta have younger guards who don' jus' guard 'er, but can hang out with 'er, too,” Apple Bloom finalized everything, still looking at Derpy.
Derpy looked back into their faces. “And you don't want this,” she stated.
Sweetie Belle's expression turned serious. “Actually... It's something we talked about over and over again before we came here.” She lowered her eyelids a bit, just as Derpy's expression turned to one of surprise. “Me and Scootaloo, neither of us are too happy about her offer. But if we would take it, we would have something to do again. Being a guard for a princess is better than nothing and it's the only chance we really have.” She cast a short glance over to Apple Bloom, before she looked back at Derpy. “Apple Bloom can always just help her family on Sweet Apple Acres... But for me and Scootaloo, there's nothing to do here in Ponyville. And if we take Flurry Heart's offer, then we would have a purpose again... That's what she said, too. But...” She looked to the right again, into Apple Bloom's direction.
“But Apple Bloom says no, right?” Derpy inferred.
Sweetie Belle detracted her eyes from Apple Bloom again and looked over to Derpy, giving her a smile.
Apple Bloom, however, suddenly returned to the hateful expression she had last shown in the castle. “Of course ahm sayin' no!” she burst out, her energy suddenly having returned. “This dumb and vile brat is responsible fer everythin'! Without 'er, mah Granny would still be alive!” As soon as it had come back, the energy left Apple Bloom again. She slumped back in her chair, tears appearing in her still angry-looking eyes that were now directed at the table top.
Scootaloo looked over to her friend. “Apple Bloom, we don't know for sure if Flurry Heart is responsible for this, remember?” She put a hoof across Apple Bloom's shoulders and pulled her head closer.
Sweetie Belle got up from her chair and trotted at Apple Bloom's side, where she placed a hoof on her left hindleg. “Scoots is right,” she spoke softly. “And even though we have doubts about all of this, too, I think it's worth giving it a shot.”
Teary-eyed, Apple Bloom looked at her. “Y-Ya sure, Sweetie? She's such a t-troublemaker...”
Sweetie Belle nodded. “She is. But this was all five years ago now... Maybe Flurry Heart has changed. And if it doesn't work out, we can always resign. We could try it for just a few weeks...” She looked into her friend's eyes intensely. “Deal?”
Apple Bloom looked down, thinking. After a moment, she gazed at Sweetie Belle again, then redirected her eyes at Derpy. The older mare gave her a smile and nodded. Apple Bloom stared at Derpy for a moment, then looked at Sweetie Belle a second time. She lifted a hoof and brushed it over her nose. “D-Deal,” she said, attempting a smile.
Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle looked with stern conviction at the filly that stood in front of them in the entrance hall of the Friendship Castle. Knowing what they were here for, Princess Flurry Heart looked back at them expectantly. “Have you decided it? Do you want to become my guards?” She bit her lip.
The three mares exchanged glances, a last bit of doubt emerging in their eyes. Apple Bloom raised a brow, wearing the most sceptical expression of all of them. Then Scootaloo looked straight into the young princess' face. “We have. We are going to be your guards for a while, Flurry Heart,” she spoke quickly before they could change their mind.
The eyes of Flurry Heart began to glow and sparkle. Abruptly, she reached forward and wrapped the pegasus mare in front of her into a tight embrace. “Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!” she shouted with glee.
Scootaloo could not help but letting a faint smile escape her over this reaction. “Let's hope this wasn't a mistake,” she whispered, inaudibly for Flurry Heart, her friends looking at the scene with newfound scepticism...

I'm sorry. Moments like this make me hate rules. I don't like seeing effort go to waste.
Am I still allowed to vote for this one? Please say yes?
Outlaws aside, I enjoyed this. Dialogue is missing a lil consistency with accents, looking at Applebloom and AJ and Big Mc. Prose could be cut down some, maybe use some simpler wordage. The emotions feel a lil too dramatic, but I haven't watched the show in a long while. You're prolly being more faithful to it than my memory. Applebloom feels a bit off, emotionally. Too... negative? I dunno.
Seeing Big Mc without the "a" in his full name is weird, even though I know that's how Hasbro does it.
I don't want to be mean, but it feels... meandering? A little bland? There's this HUGE cutie mark problem, but it doesn't seem to be a focus or especially urgent in the writing we see here. There's the Flurry Heart bomb, but I can't bring myself to care because everything tastes a little like cardboard, only with too much sugar. Go back and read your dialogue aloud; try to imagine it as a conversation you're having with a friend.
Maybe I'm still seeing the CMC as too young for this role, given how they act with their family?
Am I still allowed to vote for this one? Please say yes?
Outlaws aside, I enjoyed this. Dialogue is missing a lil consistency with accents, looking at Applebloom and AJ and Big Mc. Prose could be cut down some, maybe use some simpler wordage. The emotions feel a lil too dramatic, but I haven't watched the show in a long while. You're prolly being more faithful to it than my memory. Applebloom feels a bit off, emotionally. Too... negative? I dunno.
Seeing Big Mc without the "a" in his full name is weird, even though I know that's how Hasbro does it.
I don't want to be mean, but it feels... meandering? A little bland? There's this HUGE cutie mark problem, but it doesn't seem to be a focus or especially urgent in the writing we see here. There's the Flurry Heart bomb, but I can't bring myself to care because everything tastes a little like cardboard, only with too much sugar. Go back and read your dialogue aloud; try to imagine it as a conversation you're having with a friend.
Maybe I'm still seeing the CMC as too young for this role, given how they act with their family?

This might work, author:
Posted to Fimfiction as the first few installments of a weekly serial or something featuring the new adventures of the CMC. But here where the terms of the contest call for a complete story using characters and situation all of your own invention, it doesn't work nearly as well. When all you do is introduce concepts ranging from no more cutie marks appearing to Scootaloo only having one wing to Flurry Heart somehow being involved in Granny Smith's death without giving them any sort of resolution, it makes the reading experience more than a bit frustrating.
I'll also echo >>This is a game I lost about the characters' voicings. If you want Scootaloo to have grown into the sort of pony who would say something as stiff and formal-sounding as, "I think Ponyville stretches out farther beyond the castle than it did at our departure," then have Apple Bloom reflect on how much Scoots has changed over the years...
But I think I'll have to abstain on this one since it's Pony in a non-Pony contest.
Posted to Fimfiction as the first few installments of a weekly serial or something featuring the new adventures of the CMC. But here where the terms of the contest call for a complete story using characters and situation all of your own invention, it doesn't work nearly as well. When all you do is introduce concepts ranging from no more cutie marks appearing to Scootaloo only having one wing to Flurry Heart somehow being involved in Granny Smith's death without giving them any sort of resolution, it makes the reading experience more than a bit frustrating.
I'll also echo >>This is a game I lost about the characters' voicings. If you want Scootaloo to have grown into the sort of pony who would say something as stiff and formal-sounding as, "I think Ponyville stretches out farther beyond the castle than it did at our departure," then have Apple Bloom reflect on how much Scoots has changed over the years...
But I think I'll have to abstain on this one since it's Pony in a non-Pony contest.

I like this story! I look forward to reading it on FiMFic, where I will say all manner of nice things about it.
Unfortunately, the author needed to read the rules of the contest more clearly:
As a result, this story is disqualified from winning a prize.
Unfortunately, the author needed to read the rules of the contest more clearly:
All stories must be fiction not dependent on work under U.S. copyright. You may write something about a potential Generation 5 of My Little Pony if you want, but if you do, you may not use characters or settings from previous generations of the show, including Generation 4
As a result, this story is disqualified from winning a prize.

Oh, we could have done a pitch for G5? Oh well, that ship has sailed.
You may write something about a potential Generation 5 of My Little Pony if you want
Oh, we could have done a pitch for G5? Oh well, that ship has sailed.