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Step into my world · Poetry Minific ·
Organised by Anon Y Mous
Word limit 15–1000
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Foot In the Door
From the most clean streets and clear bright lights
To dirty alleys and lambent lamps
With purpose towards hunting the nights
Helping people in the homeless camps

Not out of obligation this task
Volunteering the short time to work
Without guilt or forced, nor were you asked
Helping people out of the sad murk

An occasion that found into hell
For time were once without home yourself
Now circumstances have bless you well
Helping people to support themselves
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#1 · 1
If I take "towards" as two syllables (most Americans don't), then the syllable count is constant per line. So kind of a meter, but there's no regular rhythm to it. Slightly like a villanelle in that there's a repeated motif in the closing line to each stanza. A few language slip-ups like using "bless" instead of "blessed." A few of the rhymes are stretches, more obvious in written form than if heard.

As to meaning, it's certainly entreating people to help out those less fortunate, but the narrator is even more motivated to because he's been one of the less fortunate himself. Not bad.