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End of an Era
FiM Short Story
The End of an Era
#3857 ·
· on Heartbreak
This fic conveyed that it really was a new era very well, and its somber tone. Some nice parallels to canon as well. Overall very well written and I enjoyed reading it.
#4142 ·
· on Writer's Sin · >>007Ben
Last minute! YAY! Okay, I actually enjoyed reading this, at least for most of it. I was enticed by the idea that for some reason, Twilight Sparkle of all ponies would plagiarize something. Why would a pony like Twilight ever plagiarize something? I was never told why. That's what made it so interesting, and that definitely would have worked, had a justification been given.

My only other issue is that Twilight predicts Celestia's punishments for her pretty much verbatim. If this was supposed to be funny, that would work wonderfully, but as is, it feels more out of place than Twi plagiarizing. Other than that, the fic itself was well written aside from the plot elements I mentioned.