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#13782 · 1
· on Luna Upon Sulva · >>horizon
“Thou thoughtest that I was altogether such a one as thyself.”

'Will sprawl, now that the heat of day is best,
Flat on his belly in the pit's much mire,
With elbows wide, fists clenched to prop his chin.

"Caliban Upon Setabos".

*disappears again*
#1816 · 1
· on We Are All Made from Silence
You know, I am legitimately terrified of the dark. Leave me in a room with no light and no way out and I'll hyperventilate myself into a full blown panic attack in about five minutes.

So, when I say I liked this, I say that with the knowledge that you've encapsulated my greatest fear into a tiny fiction ball and rolled it towards me.

I found myself wondering if this were imagination run wild or something actually supernatural, and I honestly still haven't decided.
Paging WIP