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I'm Soaring's alias.
Oh, and Soaring wrote this.
There will be an expanded version of this story out on Fimfiction with detailed analysis by me when it comes out. But safe to say, no this isn't a trollfic.
It was just based off a second prompt that sounds troll-ish. :D
Oh, and Soaring wrote this.
There will be an expanded version of this story out on Fimfiction with detailed analysis by me when it comes out. But safe to say, no this isn't a trollfic.
It was just based off a second prompt that sounds troll-ish. :D

This felt extremely rushed and the formatting makes it hard to read. I wish there was more to it then just us being told that the vocals were expressive or the melody was sweet. Or in terms of Lyra's performance, anything at all. Actually, it probably would've been better to focus on Lyra's performance than Sweetie Belle's, since Lyra was the main performance that we are supposed to care about (I think). This story concept would've been better for a short story comp than for a minific.
Paging WIP