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I'm me. Usually.
#87 ·
I can't help but wonder if a whole new forum is going to deter new people from joining in, though.

As someone who's very nearly a new person, I'd hazard a guess that people who want to write ponyfic will be (to some degree) put off by the need to register on another site in addition to Fimfiction, whereas people who want to write original fic will be (to some degree) attracted by the lack of need to register on Fimfiction itself. I'd also hazard a guess that the Writeoff may start to feel more and more like an original fic event that sometimes has pony rounds, rather than the other way round. Whether that's a good, bad or neutral thing is another question entirely!
#44 ·
It works and it's quite nippy. Two good things to start with. For some reason, the thing that's disorientating me the most is having a blue background to my name. Also, having to read to find out who's made each comment. I mean, who does that?
Paging WIP