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Celestia gently nosed open the door to her sister’s chambers, quietly sticking her head into the dimly lit room.
“Luna? Are you still up?” She asked quietly. Finding her little sister was hardly a difficult task. The only light in the room came from a few small illuminating globes floating above the desk where the other Alicorn sat, still oblivious to her visitor’s arrival.
With a small tsk Celestia ventured further into the room, coming up behind Luna. She made no real effort to hide the sounds of her hoof-falls, yet her sister remained oblivious.
As she drew closer, she could see what had so completely captured Luna’s attention. The sight of her sister pouring over documents and schematics with such focus and attention brought a smile to her lips. Reference books, old and new, were stacked around the edges of her work area, each sporting a mass of bookmarks. It seemed that when she ran out of proper bookmarks Luna had begun to use scraps of paper, bits of cloth, other books, and it seemed even a few of her own feathers.
Directly in front of the distracted alicorn was a scattered mass of paperwork covered in calculations, drawings, schematics, and notes. And the mass continued to grow as a quill held in a blue aura scribbled away madly.
After several minutes of remaining unnoticed despite literally hanging over her sister’s shoulder, Celestia finally settled on wrapping one of her wings over Luna’s back to get her attention.
“WAH!” Luna sat upright with a start, her wings starting to flare before she recognized the pure white feather’s across her withers, and tasted the aura of the pony beside her.
“Tia! You should not sneak up upon Us like that!” She huffed, hurriedly adjusting the paperwork her sudden movement had disturbed. She frowned unhappily at the droplets of ink her abrupt motion had left upon her drawings.
“My humblest apologies your highness.” Celestia simpered, a smile clear on her face. “Next time I enter your room I shall be sure to send in a ten pony marching band to announce my presence.” The smile slid from her face as she took on a more serious mien.
“In all seriousness Luna, you really are working yourself too hard. You can’t keep pushing yourself like this.”
“But We must!” Luna rose to her hooves in agitation. “We are so very far behind in so many things!” She gestured at the stack of books piled upon her desk. “So much has passed us by in a thousand years! And yet…” She frowned, trailing off.
“And yet what, Lulu?”
Luna snorted and rolled her eyes at the juvenile nickname her sister had given her, though a hint of a smile tugged at the edges of her lips.
“We just expected that our little ponies would be further along by now.” She frowned at the thought. “It hast been a thousand years Tia. We had so many plans and ideas to improve things for our ponies, before the Nightmare. We had hopes that Our writing and notebooks at least would have survived. That our ponies would make use of Our efforts and grow from there. Yet things seem little better than when We… left.”
“I’m sorry Lulu.” Celestia smiled sadly, hugging her sister tighter with her wing. “But after your… departure… There was something of a backlash against those who had followed you. And sadly enough, even for those whom you had merely been a patron of. I did what I could, but there was some backsliding…”
The Year 19 ANM (After Nightmare Moon)
Celestia sighed as she carefully slid the last of the notebooks and journals onto the solid wooden shelf beside their brethren. It was dank and musty in the stone vault buried deep in the Canterhorn. Hardly an appropriate environment for one to store books. But once she sealed the door the powerful preservation spells built into the stones themselves would keep her little library safe and protected.
Before sliding the final volume into place, Celestia held it before her in her, slowly flipping through the pages. The prose was dense and technical, interspersed with equally complicated drawings, diagrams, and blueprints. With a sigh she closed the book and glanced around at the collected volumes surrounding her.
It was a one of a kind collection, since most of the books were either unique hoof written tomes or the sole remaining copies of their printings. Pride of place was given to the journals and workbooks of her beloved sister. But as prolific as she had been, she made up only a portion of the material on these shelves.
No, the rest was the work of those Luna had sponsored. Where Celestia had always been a patron of the arts, her sister had been a patron of the sciences. Physics, mechanics, biology, alchemy. She loved and supported them all, and had worked tirelessly to improve the conditions of ponykind.
Efforts which were sadly ignored of undervalued by her subjects.
A fact which made it easier for Celestia to bury her work and knowledge, removing it from the public domain.
Here, deep in the heart of the mountain lay the collected works of her sister, and of her most devoted disciples. Plans for fanciful flying machine that would allow Earth ponies and Unicorns to ply the skies alongside their Pegasi brethren. Complex machines that would make use of steam to accomplish a host of tasks from pumping water to moving ships. Ideas for forging stronger metals faster and more cheaply. A room full of potential and possibilities.
With a heavy sigh, Celestia returned the book and stepped out of the room, sealing the door behind her with a dull thud. Sparing it one last glance, she turned and walked back up the roughhewn stairs, emerging into the work in progress that would someday be called Canterlot Castle. The construction site was silent now, a frozen tableau only dimly visible under the light of the moon.
Celestia bowed her head in mourning at the sight of the pony shaped disfigurement on her sister’s sphere, before spreading her wings and flying back towards her chambers.
“We understand dear sister, and We blame you not at all.” Luna replied, returning the hug. “The blame lies upon Ourselves, not thee. Still, it is vexing to see. We have fallen behind the times. And I do not mean the royal We.”
“How so?”
“Here, look upon this.” Luna slid a sheet of paper out of the pile, gesturing at the numbers displayed. “Over half of our manufactured goods doth be imported from Minotaura! Half, Tia!”
She shook her head sadly. “We have nothing against Minotaurs, of course. A fine, upstanding folk, and excellent allies in the past. But when last We saw them, they were barely beyond living in their quaint mud huts and thinking that wheeled carts were an amazing technology! And now they design and built most of what Our little ponies use?”
She shook her head in disbelief.
“Well, things do change over a thousand years Luna.” Celestia soothed, leaning against her sister. “There’s not much I could do to stop that.” She sighed.
The Year 327 ANM (After Nightmare Moon)
“President Steel Heart is most pleased to meet you Highness to discuss trade agreements!” Steel Heart bellowed, pounding his fist on the stout oak table Celestia had selected specifically for meeting minotaur leaders at. Experience and the careful application of magic kept her tea cup from flying off its saucer and spilling across the table.
“And I am most pleased to have the opportunity to negotiate with yourself, Mr. Steel Heart.” Celestia replied pleasantly. “I understand that Minotaura’s farmers have had a rather poor yield this year?”
The minotaur’s ears drooped as he nodded. “Minotaura’s farmers are buff and tough, but this year has been rough! Not enough sun and too much dust have made this year's crop a bust!”
“Well, Equestria is always willing to help our friends and neighbors. Our Earth Pony managed farms have had a banner crop this year.” Celestia raised an eyebrow, her voice turning concerned. “Have you considered that all of this new equipment you’ve been using to tend your crops may be the cause of your recent hard times?”
Steel Heart rubbed his chin, considering her words. “There has been some talk that those new plows that Angled Earth pony invented might have been the cause. But Steel Heart is not sure such a useful thing could have caused so much trouble!”
Celestia nodded in understanding. “I wish Angled Earth had come to me before releasing his plow design. Equestria has decided against such ‘improvements’ for the moment, and our farms have been doing wonderfully.” She took a small sip of her tea before artfully raising an eyebrow. “Perhaps your people should consider sticking to traditional farming methods as well?”
“Steel Heart is not so sure, princess. New technologies are making Minotaura a better place to live.”
“Well, if you say so Mr. President. I suppose even the minotaurs change with time. Why, I don’t recall your ancestors ever needing anything besides their own muscles to get by day to day.” Watching Steel Heart’s reaction, she smiled internally while sighing dramatically. “But if the current generation isn’t up to the standards of their predecessors…”
The minotaur president snorted, slamming his fists onto the table once more. “There’s nothing we Minotaur’s can’t do by strength and will alone!” He growled. “We’re just as tough as our ancestors, if not tougher!”
“As you say, Steel Heart. A people as tough and strong as yourself hardly has need to use such equipment as a crutch.”
Seeing the seeds of doubt planted, Celestia rewarded herself with another sip of tea.
“Why, even the Gryphons are getting ahead of us Tia!” Luna rolled her eyes. “Only in the arena of weaponry of course. Those hotheads have always been more militant than is good for anyone.”
Celestia nodded, a look of concern gracing her face. “Is it anything we should be worried about?”
“Well, perhaps a bit. It does seem that the Gryphons have learned of the value of peace during Our absence. At least somewhat. War hardly seems likely. However, We are concerned by these new-fangled crossbows they are beginning to field. They might well put our little ponies at a severe disadvantage should war come. Why, they might even be able to match our unicorns at range!”
“Yes, that would be concerning indeed.”
The Year 327 ANM (After Nightmare Moon)
Bloodbeak had been High-Talon for almost fifteen years, an impressive tenure considering the competition for the position. He had ruled over the Gryphon nation during times of peace and times of strife, with the latter being far more common. Most recently he had ruled during a time of actual, proper War.
And now, regrettably, he was ruling during a time of defeat.
So now the poxy pony Princess sat before him in his office, daintily sipping her tea while he was forced to read her ridiculous ‘peace treaty.’ As if there could ever be peace between feeble ponies and noble gryphons! Their victory was a fluke, and when war came again the gryphons would be stronger, smarter, and better prepared. This so called peace treaty was doing little more than sullying his desk!
And sullying his desk was no small thing. The desk itself was made from a solid piece of petrified iron-wood. One of the hardest substances on Equs, petrified iron-wood was both incredibly rare and next to impossible to work with. It was impervious to both magic and muscle, impossible to cut, sand, or alter in any way. The High-Talon’s desk was built around an incredibly rare piece of wood that had somehow been split and worn flat and smooth before its petrification, and it had been a symbol of the power of the office for centuries.
And now it was being dirtied by a pathetic princess and her delicate little china teacup and saucer. Bloodbeak glared across the desk, a sneer on his face.
“This so called ‘peace treaty’ is an insult to the Gryphon nation. It’s an offense to everything we stand for, and a mockery of our way of life.” He growled.
“I think it’s most generous myself.” Celestia calmly sipped her tea before setting it back down upon its saucer, completely unruffled by Bloodbeak’s aggressive statements.
“And this section here… A BAN on inventing or producing any weapons more complicated than sword or spear? Ridiculous!” He snorted. “You cannot possibly believe we would abide by any such thing? Give up our crossbows? Especially with how effective they’ve proven?”
Bloodbeak just laughed. It was inconceivable that they’d surrender such a powerful new advantage! Crossbows were a fairly new invention, but they had more than proven their worth in the war. They allowed his warriors to match the ranged attacks of unicorns, and gave them a substantial advantage against both pegasi and earth ponies. Why, if more of his flock had been outfitted with them at the beginning of the war…
“You’ll note that in return, Equestria agrees to abide by the same restrictions.” Celestia delicately pointed out.
Bloodbeak just snorted. “If you ponies wish to wallow about as in the days after Discord, be our guests. We Gryphons have no intention of being.. held… back…”The High-talon trailed off, eyes widening as he took in the scene before him.
Celestia’s tea cup was glowing. It hovered before her, wrapped in her golden aura as she lifted it to take another sip. But that was not the cause of the glow. No, the teacup itself was glowing white hot, actually incandescing before his eyes. It was only Celestia’s will and magic that kept the fine china from disintegrating.
Lifting the cup to her lips, she took a gentle sip. The substance within had long since ceased to be tea, or even liquid. Instead a small stream of plasma passed across the Alicorn’s lips and down her throat. A glowing conflagration of compressed sunfire, consumed with every appearance of enjoyment. And absolutely no sign of strain or effort.
Having completed her drink, Celestia gently set the teacup down upon its saucer.
Which slowly began to incandesce as well due to the heat transfer from the cup.
As far as demonstrations of power went, it was far from subtle.
“Ah… That is… The Gryphon nation and all of its flocks find your peace treaty to be more than equitable.” Bloodbeak swallowed with some difficulty, letting out a sigh of relief as the substance in the teacup quickly began to cool, eventually returning to a state more commonly found upon the surface of Equs.
Though not before a few small tendrils of smoke began to snake out from beneath the tea saucer.
Celestia smiled beatifically. “I knew that ponies and gryphons could come to a mutual understanding High-Talon”
“Of... Of course your highness.” Licking his beak and staring at the few curls of smoke, he hazarded a question. “I am confused about one thing however. The terms of the weapons ban sunset in six hundred and fifty years. Why?”
“Because there’s a time and a place for everything.” Came the serene reply.
In the centuries that followed, the Desk of the High-Talon remained a powerful symbol of office. And each High-Talon that sat at that desk was given the explanation of the circle burn-mark that marred the otherwise pristine surface.
“But surely we’re working on a way to counter the Gryphons new weapons?”
“Of course dear sister! Thou has naught to fear!” Luna beamed happily. “We are working closely with the Royal Guard. Soon We shall have our own devices, suitable for pony use, as well as specific defenses against them!”
“That’s excellent news Luna. And I’m happy to see you working with other ponies once again. I’m certain you’re doing a wonderful job.” Celestia smiled, relaxing as she leaned against her sister and took comfort in her presence.
“It.. It is good to be doing so, sister.” Luna replied, blushing a bit at the compliment. “Still, it does puzzle Us why our ponies have advanced so little over so much time.”
Celestia blushed slightly, turning away. “Well Lulu, you know I’ve always been more of a pony-person, and not very good with technology. I’m afraid I may not have made the best decisions regarding our little pony’s advancement over the years.”
The Year 457 ANM (After Nightmare Moon)
Lifting Bag sagged, his ears and tail drooping as he stared up at Celestia on her throne.
“But your highness, I’m certain that my designs will work properly. Think of all the benefits that a floating ship could bring to Equestria! Why, we could…”
Celestia cut his petition off with a small sigh and a shake of her head.
“I am truly sorry Lifting Bag, but the crown simply cannot support your research at this point in time. Your request for funding is denied.”
“But.. But why your Highness?” Lifting Bag’s eyes gleamed with unshed tears as his life’s work was dismissed and defunded.
Celestia’s smiled down sadly upon him.
“I’m afraid the time just isn’t right yet.”
The Year 613 ANM (After Nightmare Moon)
Balloon Builder smiled excitedly as he finished writing the last bits of his presentation on the chalk board before him and turned to face the Princess once more.
The smile slowly faded however, as he noticed the small frown that marred the princess’s face.
“I’m sorry to say this Mr. Builder, but despite your wonderfully spirited presentation, I’m afraid the crown is not able to support your research.”
“But… But…”
Celestia smiled sadly. “I’m afraid your ideas are just a bit too far ahead of their time, my little pony.”
The Year 792 ANM (After Nightmare Moon)
Sky Captain sniffled, fighting back tears.
“It’s just too early my little pony. Rest assured, your plans and ideas will be kept safe and ready for the future in the Royal Archives…”
“Tis not your fault Tia.” Luna replied, wrapping her own wing around her sister to return her earlier hug. “Thou hast always been helpless when it comes to science and engineering. I’m sure thou didst thy best.”
“Thank you Lulu.” Celestia’s smile returned at Luna’s embrace. “And now that you’ve returned to us, you can once again be a patron of the sciences as before.”
Luna remained silent, eliciting a sigh from her sister.
“Don't worry Luna. I’m sure ponies will appreciate your efforts far more this time. After all, from what you’ve told me you’ll be helping them catch up to the other nations. I’m sure your efforts to improve things won’t go unnoticed.”
Luna snorted lightly, then sighed and nodded.
“We have noted some entrenched resistance to Our attempts to improve the lives out little ponies…”
The Year 802 ANM (After Nightmare Moon)
“Absolutely not!” Blueblood the thirteenth sneered down at the petitioner before him.
“Ponies have gotten along fine with the same tools for thousands of years! We have no need, nor desire to. .to.. to ‘shake things up’ with some newfangled gadget that’s only likely to introduce chaos into our society!”
Behind him Celestia’s ear’s twitched at the prince’s harsh words, and she sighed gently. She really wished he would soften his speech when speaking to other ponies. But she made no motion to correct his assentation…
“But from what We have read, this resistance seems to have lessened in recent years.”
The Year 912 ANM (After Nightmare Moon)
With a low grinding sound, the door to the restricted archives slowly submitted to Celestia’s will.
The collection in the small stone vault had grown quite a bit over the centuries, though the rate of growth had slowed considerably as the years passed. Giving the nobility control over academic sponsorship and funding had done an excellent job of slowing innovation and stifling technical advancement. Adding a few layers of entrenched bureaucracy had just been icing on the cake.
Hobbling the other nation’s technical growth had been far more difficult. And not quite as successful.
Regardless, the time for such efforts was reaching its end. Soon her beloved little sister would return. And it wouldn’t do for her little ponies to remain dismissive and disdainful of science and engineering. Not this time. This time they’d be eager and excited to receive the attention and efforts of a technologically savvy alicorn.
Skimming the tittles of the age worn tomes before her, she made her selection. Luna had been very excited about the potential of steam powered moving equipment. Locomotives, she had dubbed them. That would be a good place to start.
“Well, if you need anything to help with your projects, you need only ask.”
“I wouldn’t wish to inconvenience anyone.” Luna muttered, rubbing her forehoof in circles against the stone floor, looking abashed.
“Lulu, we’re Diarchs. Equals.” The smile she gave her sister was honest and heartfelt. “The royal treasury is at your disposal. Whatever support you need from me, you have.”
Luna looked up and returned the smile with one of her own. “We know. But… It is good to hear you say it, Tia.”
Celestia laid her neck over her sister’s, closing her eyes and smiling. “You’re my sister Lulu. I always have and always will love you. And I’ll do anything to make you happy.”
The Year 319 BNM (Before Nightmare Moon)
“Tia! Tia! Look what I made!”
“Oooph! Luna, watch where you’re running! We’re almost full grown mares. We can’t go running around like fillies anymore!”
“Sorry Tia….”
“Now then. What did you want to show me, Lulu?
“It’s a pump! I thought it up all by myself and Mr. Iron Monger helped me make it”
“Is that so? What does it do?”
“Well, it’s got a handle, see? And you move it up and down! I made this little valve thing here that let’s water go one way, but not go back, so more and more water moves up and…”
“Oh, Lulu. You know I’m not good with all that technical stuff. What does it do?”
“Oh. Well, it lets ponies get water out of the ground real easily! For drinking and plants and things!”
“That sounds wonderful! I’m sure ponies will love your invention Lulu!”
“Are you sure they'll like it, Tia?"
“Of course! Ponies everywhere will love your invention! And they'll love you for making their lives better!”
"Wow! Do you really think so?"
"I promise they will Lulu!"
“Luna? Are you still up?” She asked quietly. Finding her little sister was hardly a difficult task. The only light in the room came from a few small illuminating globes floating above the desk where the other Alicorn sat, still oblivious to her visitor’s arrival.
With a small tsk Celestia ventured further into the room, coming up behind Luna. She made no real effort to hide the sounds of her hoof-falls, yet her sister remained oblivious.
As she drew closer, she could see what had so completely captured Luna’s attention. The sight of her sister pouring over documents and schematics with such focus and attention brought a smile to her lips. Reference books, old and new, were stacked around the edges of her work area, each sporting a mass of bookmarks. It seemed that when she ran out of proper bookmarks Luna had begun to use scraps of paper, bits of cloth, other books, and it seemed even a few of her own feathers.
Directly in front of the distracted alicorn was a scattered mass of paperwork covered in calculations, drawings, schematics, and notes. And the mass continued to grow as a quill held in a blue aura scribbled away madly.
After several minutes of remaining unnoticed despite literally hanging over her sister’s shoulder, Celestia finally settled on wrapping one of her wings over Luna’s back to get her attention.
“WAH!” Luna sat upright with a start, her wings starting to flare before she recognized the pure white feather’s across her withers, and tasted the aura of the pony beside her.
“Tia! You should not sneak up upon Us like that!” She huffed, hurriedly adjusting the paperwork her sudden movement had disturbed. She frowned unhappily at the droplets of ink her abrupt motion had left upon her drawings.
“My humblest apologies your highness.” Celestia simpered, a smile clear on her face. “Next time I enter your room I shall be sure to send in a ten pony marching band to announce my presence.” The smile slid from her face as she took on a more serious mien.
“In all seriousness Luna, you really are working yourself too hard. You can’t keep pushing yourself like this.”
“But We must!” Luna rose to her hooves in agitation. “We are so very far behind in so many things!” She gestured at the stack of books piled upon her desk. “So much has passed us by in a thousand years! And yet…” She frowned, trailing off.
“And yet what, Lulu?”
Luna snorted and rolled her eyes at the juvenile nickname her sister had given her, though a hint of a smile tugged at the edges of her lips.
“We just expected that our little ponies would be further along by now.” She frowned at the thought. “It hast been a thousand years Tia. We had so many plans and ideas to improve things for our ponies, before the Nightmare. We had hopes that Our writing and notebooks at least would have survived. That our ponies would make use of Our efforts and grow from there. Yet things seem little better than when We… left.”
“I’m sorry Lulu.” Celestia smiled sadly, hugging her sister tighter with her wing. “But after your… departure… There was something of a backlash against those who had followed you. And sadly enough, even for those whom you had merely been a patron of. I did what I could, but there was some backsliding…”
The Year 19 ANM (After Nightmare Moon)
Celestia sighed as she carefully slid the last of the notebooks and journals onto the solid wooden shelf beside their brethren. It was dank and musty in the stone vault buried deep in the Canterhorn. Hardly an appropriate environment for one to store books. But once she sealed the door the powerful preservation spells built into the stones themselves would keep her little library safe and protected.
Before sliding the final volume into place, Celestia held it before her in her, slowly flipping through the pages. The prose was dense and technical, interspersed with equally complicated drawings, diagrams, and blueprints. With a sigh she closed the book and glanced around at the collected volumes surrounding her.
It was a one of a kind collection, since most of the books were either unique hoof written tomes or the sole remaining copies of their printings. Pride of place was given to the journals and workbooks of her beloved sister. But as prolific as she had been, she made up only a portion of the material on these shelves.
No, the rest was the work of those Luna had sponsored. Where Celestia had always been a patron of the arts, her sister had been a patron of the sciences. Physics, mechanics, biology, alchemy. She loved and supported them all, and had worked tirelessly to improve the conditions of ponykind.
Efforts which were sadly ignored of undervalued by her subjects.
A fact which made it easier for Celestia to bury her work and knowledge, removing it from the public domain.
Here, deep in the heart of the mountain lay the collected works of her sister, and of her most devoted disciples. Plans for fanciful flying machine that would allow Earth ponies and Unicorns to ply the skies alongside their Pegasi brethren. Complex machines that would make use of steam to accomplish a host of tasks from pumping water to moving ships. Ideas for forging stronger metals faster and more cheaply. A room full of potential and possibilities.
With a heavy sigh, Celestia returned the book and stepped out of the room, sealing the door behind her with a dull thud. Sparing it one last glance, she turned and walked back up the roughhewn stairs, emerging into the work in progress that would someday be called Canterlot Castle. The construction site was silent now, a frozen tableau only dimly visible under the light of the moon.
Celestia bowed her head in mourning at the sight of the pony shaped disfigurement on her sister’s sphere, before spreading her wings and flying back towards her chambers.
“We understand dear sister, and We blame you not at all.” Luna replied, returning the hug. “The blame lies upon Ourselves, not thee. Still, it is vexing to see. We have fallen behind the times. And I do not mean the royal We.”
“How so?”
“Here, look upon this.” Luna slid a sheet of paper out of the pile, gesturing at the numbers displayed. “Over half of our manufactured goods doth be imported from Minotaura! Half, Tia!”
She shook her head sadly. “We have nothing against Minotaurs, of course. A fine, upstanding folk, and excellent allies in the past. But when last We saw them, they were barely beyond living in their quaint mud huts and thinking that wheeled carts were an amazing technology! And now they design and built most of what Our little ponies use?”
She shook her head in disbelief.
“Well, things do change over a thousand years Luna.” Celestia soothed, leaning against her sister. “There’s not much I could do to stop that.” She sighed.
The Year 327 ANM (After Nightmare Moon)
“President Steel Heart is most pleased to meet you Highness to discuss trade agreements!” Steel Heart bellowed, pounding his fist on the stout oak table Celestia had selected specifically for meeting minotaur leaders at. Experience and the careful application of magic kept her tea cup from flying off its saucer and spilling across the table.
“And I am most pleased to have the opportunity to negotiate with yourself, Mr. Steel Heart.” Celestia replied pleasantly. “I understand that Minotaura’s farmers have had a rather poor yield this year?”
The minotaur’s ears drooped as he nodded. “Minotaura’s farmers are buff and tough, but this year has been rough! Not enough sun and too much dust have made this year's crop a bust!”
“Well, Equestria is always willing to help our friends and neighbors. Our Earth Pony managed farms have had a banner crop this year.” Celestia raised an eyebrow, her voice turning concerned. “Have you considered that all of this new equipment you’ve been using to tend your crops may be the cause of your recent hard times?”
Steel Heart rubbed his chin, considering her words. “There has been some talk that those new plows that Angled Earth pony invented might have been the cause. But Steel Heart is not sure such a useful thing could have caused so much trouble!”
Celestia nodded in understanding. “I wish Angled Earth had come to me before releasing his plow design. Equestria has decided against such ‘improvements’ for the moment, and our farms have been doing wonderfully.” She took a small sip of her tea before artfully raising an eyebrow. “Perhaps your people should consider sticking to traditional farming methods as well?”
“Steel Heart is not so sure, princess. New technologies are making Minotaura a better place to live.”
“Well, if you say so Mr. President. I suppose even the minotaurs change with time. Why, I don’t recall your ancestors ever needing anything besides their own muscles to get by day to day.” Watching Steel Heart’s reaction, she smiled internally while sighing dramatically. “But if the current generation isn’t up to the standards of their predecessors…”
The minotaur president snorted, slamming his fists onto the table once more. “There’s nothing we Minotaur’s can’t do by strength and will alone!” He growled. “We’re just as tough as our ancestors, if not tougher!”
“As you say, Steel Heart. A people as tough and strong as yourself hardly has need to use such equipment as a crutch.”
Seeing the seeds of doubt planted, Celestia rewarded herself with another sip of tea.
“Why, even the Gryphons are getting ahead of us Tia!” Luna rolled her eyes. “Only in the arena of weaponry of course. Those hotheads have always been more militant than is good for anyone.”
Celestia nodded, a look of concern gracing her face. “Is it anything we should be worried about?”
“Well, perhaps a bit. It does seem that the Gryphons have learned of the value of peace during Our absence. At least somewhat. War hardly seems likely. However, We are concerned by these new-fangled crossbows they are beginning to field. They might well put our little ponies at a severe disadvantage should war come. Why, they might even be able to match our unicorns at range!”
“Yes, that would be concerning indeed.”
The Year 327 ANM (After Nightmare Moon)
Bloodbeak had been High-Talon for almost fifteen years, an impressive tenure considering the competition for the position. He had ruled over the Gryphon nation during times of peace and times of strife, with the latter being far more common. Most recently he had ruled during a time of actual, proper War.
And now, regrettably, he was ruling during a time of defeat.
So now the poxy pony Princess sat before him in his office, daintily sipping her tea while he was forced to read her ridiculous ‘peace treaty.’ As if there could ever be peace between feeble ponies and noble gryphons! Their victory was a fluke, and when war came again the gryphons would be stronger, smarter, and better prepared. This so called peace treaty was doing little more than sullying his desk!
And sullying his desk was no small thing. The desk itself was made from a solid piece of petrified iron-wood. One of the hardest substances on Equs, petrified iron-wood was both incredibly rare and next to impossible to work with. It was impervious to both magic and muscle, impossible to cut, sand, or alter in any way. The High-Talon’s desk was built around an incredibly rare piece of wood that had somehow been split and worn flat and smooth before its petrification, and it had been a symbol of the power of the office for centuries.
And now it was being dirtied by a pathetic princess and her delicate little china teacup and saucer. Bloodbeak glared across the desk, a sneer on his face.
“This so called ‘peace treaty’ is an insult to the Gryphon nation. It’s an offense to everything we stand for, and a mockery of our way of life.” He growled.
“I think it’s most generous myself.” Celestia calmly sipped her tea before setting it back down upon its saucer, completely unruffled by Bloodbeak’s aggressive statements.
“And this section here… A BAN on inventing or producing any weapons more complicated than sword or spear? Ridiculous!” He snorted. “You cannot possibly believe we would abide by any such thing? Give up our crossbows? Especially with how effective they’ve proven?”
Bloodbeak just laughed. It was inconceivable that they’d surrender such a powerful new advantage! Crossbows were a fairly new invention, but they had more than proven their worth in the war. They allowed his warriors to match the ranged attacks of unicorns, and gave them a substantial advantage against both pegasi and earth ponies. Why, if more of his flock had been outfitted with them at the beginning of the war…
“You’ll note that in return, Equestria agrees to abide by the same restrictions.” Celestia delicately pointed out.
Bloodbeak just snorted. “If you ponies wish to wallow about as in the days after Discord, be our guests. We Gryphons have no intention of being.. held… back…”The High-talon trailed off, eyes widening as he took in the scene before him.
Celestia’s tea cup was glowing. It hovered before her, wrapped in her golden aura as she lifted it to take another sip. But that was not the cause of the glow. No, the teacup itself was glowing white hot, actually incandescing before his eyes. It was only Celestia’s will and magic that kept the fine china from disintegrating.
Lifting the cup to her lips, she took a gentle sip. The substance within had long since ceased to be tea, or even liquid. Instead a small stream of plasma passed across the Alicorn’s lips and down her throat. A glowing conflagration of compressed sunfire, consumed with every appearance of enjoyment. And absolutely no sign of strain or effort.
Having completed her drink, Celestia gently set the teacup down upon its saucer.
Which slowly began to incandesce as well due to the heat transfer from the cup.
As far as demonstrations of power went, it was far from subtle.
“Ah… That is… The Gryphon nation and all of its flocks find your peace treaty to be more than equitable.” Bloodbeak swallowed with some difficulty, letting out a sigh of relief as the substance in the teacup quickly began to cool, eventually returning to a state more commonly found upon the surface of Equs.
Though not before a few small tendrils of smoke began to snake out from beneath the tea saucer.
Celestia smiled beatifically. “I knew that ponies and gryphons could come to a mutual understanding High-Talon”
“Of... Of course your highness.” Licking his beak and staring at the few curls of smoke, he hazarded a question. “I am confused about one thing however. The terms of the weapons ban sunset in six hundred and fifty years. Why?”
“Because there’s a time and a place for everything.” Came the serene reply.
In the centuries that followed, the Desk of the High-Talon remained a powerful symbol of office. And each High-Talon that sat at that desk was given the explanation of the circle burn-mark that marred the otherwise pristine surface.
“But surely we’re working on a way to counter the Gryphons new weapons?”
“Of course dear sister! Thou has naught to fear!” Luna beamed happily. “We are working closely with the Royal Guard. Soon We shall have our own devices, suitable for pony use, as well as specific defenses against them!”
“That’s excellent news Luna. And I’m happy to see you working with other ponies once again. I’m certain you’re doing a wonderful job.” Celestia smiled, relaxing as she leaned against her sister and took comfort in her presence.
“It.. It is good to be doing so, sister.” Luna replied, blushing a bit at the compliment. “Still, it does puzzle Us why our ponies have advanced so little over so much time.”
Celestia blushed slightly, turning away. “Well Lulu, you know I’ve always been more of a pony-person, and not very good with technology. I’m afraid I may not have made the best decisions regarding our little pony’s advancement over the years.”
The Year 457 ANM (After Nightmare Moon)
Lifting Bag sagged, his ears and tail drooping as he stared up at Celestia on her throne.
“But your highness, I’m certain that my designs will work properly. Think of all the benefits that a floating ship could bring to Equestria! Why, we could…”
Celestia cut his petition off with a small sigh and a shake of her head.
“I am truly sorry Lifting Bag, but the crown simply cannot support your research at this point in time. Your request for funding is denied.”
“But.. But why your Highness?” Lifting Bag’s eyes gleamed with unshed tears as his life’s work was dismissed and defunded.
Celestia’s smiled down sadly upon him.
“I’m afraid the time just isn’t right yet.”
The Year 613 ANM (After Nightmare Moon)
Balloon Builder smiled excitedly as he finished writing the last bits of his presentation on the chalk board before him and turned to face the Princess once more.
The smile slowly faded however, as he noticed the small frown that marred the princess’s face.
“I’m sorry to say this Mr. Builder, but despite your wonderfully spirited presentation, I’m afraid the crown is not able to support your research.”
“But… But…”
Celestia smiled sadly. “I’m afraid your ideas are just a bit too far ahead of their time, my little pony.”
The Year 792 ANM (After Nightmare Moon)
Sky Captain sniffled, fighting back tears.
“It’s just too early my little pony. Rest assured, your plans and ideas will be kept safe and ready for the future in the Royal Archives…”
“Tis not your fault Tia.” Luna replied, wrapping her own wing around her sister to return her earlier hug. “Thou hast always been helpless when it comes to science and engineering. I’m sure thou didst thy best.”
“Thank you Lulu.” Celestia’s smile returned at Luna’s embrace. “And now that you’ve returned to us, you can once again be a patron of the sciences as before.”
Luna remained silent, eliciting a sigh from her sister.
“Don't worry Luna. I’m sure ponies will appreciate your efforts far more this time. After all, from what you’ve told me you’ll be helping them catch up to the other nations. I’m sure your efforts to improve things won’t go unnoticed.”
Luna snorted lightly, then sighed and nodded.
“We have noted some entrenched resistance to Our attempts to improve the lives out little ponies…”
The Year 802 ANM (After Nightmare Moon)
“Absolutely not!” Blueblood the thirteenth sneered down at the petitioner before him.
“Ponies have gotten along fine with the same tools for thousands of years! We have no need, nor desire to. .to.. to ‘shake things up’ with some newfangled gadget that’s only likely to introduce chaos into our society!”
Behind him Celestia’s ear’s twitched at the prince’s harsh words, and she sighed gently. She really wished he would soften his speech when speaking to other ponies. But she made no motion to correct his assentation…
“But from what We have read, this resistance seems to have lessened in recent years.”
The Year 912 ANM (After Nightmare Moon)
With a low grinding sound, the door to the restricted archives slowly submitted to Celestia’s will.
The collection in the small stone vault had grown quite a bit over the centuries, though the rate of growth had slowed considerably as the years passed. Giving the nobility control over academic sponsorship and funding had done an excellent job of slowing innovation and stifling technical advancement. Adding a few layers of entrenched bureaucracy had just been icing on the cake.
Hobbling the other nation’s technical growth had been far more difficult. And not quite as successful.
Regardless, the time for such efforts was reaching its end. Soon her beloved little sister would return. And it wouldn’t do for her little ponies to remain dismissive and disdainful of science and engineering. Not this time. This time they’d be eager and excited to receive the attention and efforts of a technologically savvy alicorn.
Skimming the tittles of the age worn tomes before her, she made her selection. Luna had been very excited about the potential of steam powered moving equipment. Locomotives, she had dubbed them. That would be a good place to start.
“Well, if you need anything to help with your projects, you need only ask.”
“I wouldn’t wish to inconvenience anyone.” Luna muttered, rubbing her forehoof in circles against the stone floor, looking abashed.
“Lulu, we’re Diarchs. Equals.” The smile she gave her sister was honest and heartfelt. “The royal treasury is at your disposal. Whatever support you need from me, you have.”
Luna looked up and returned the smile with one of her own. “We know. But… It is good to hear you say it, Tia.”
Celestia laid her neck over her sister’s, closing her eyes and smiling. “You’re my sister Lulu. I always have and always will love you. And I’ll do anything to make you happy.”
The Year 319 BNM (Before Nightmare Moon)
“Tia! Tia! Look what I made!”
“Oooph! Luna, watch where you’re running! We’re almost full grown mares. We can’t go running around like fillies anymore!”
“Sorry Tia….”
“Now then. What did you want to show me, Lulu?
“It’s a pump! I thought it up all by myself and Mr. Iron Monger helped me make it”
“Is that so? What does it do?”
“Well, it’s got a handle, see? And you move it up and down! I made this little valve thing here that let’s water go one way, but not go back, so more and more water moves up and…”
“Oh, Lulu. You know I’m not good with all that technical stuff. What does it do?”
“Oh. Well, it lets ponies get water out of the ground real easily! For drinking and plants and things!”
“That sounds wonderful! I’m sure ponies will love your invention Lulu!”
“Are you sure they'll like it, Tia?"
“Of course! Ponies everywhere will love your invention! And they'll love you for making their lives better!”
"Wow! Do you really think so?"
"I promise they will Lulu!"