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It's All Rather Confusing, Really
#26402 ·
· · >>Heavy_Mole

Maybe the recipe:

Will be for cookies. Can cookies ever be a disaster?

#26400 ·

I didn't get the story I was working on finished in time to submit it here, but thank you, Writeoff, for pushing me to try. I'd been trying to put a story together for the science fiction contest over on Fimfiction, but I'd only managed a couple hundred words. Trying to meet the deadline here pushed the story to just over 2,000 words and let me figure out what the whole thing was actually gonna be about.

So thanks again!
#26399 ·
I couldn't figure out:

How to make this prompt work with the rule that states, "Participants may not start creating their work(s) until the prompt has been selected". The pictures are very nice, though: I may come back here for inspiration when I'm looking to put a story together to submit to the magazines... :)

#26384 · 1
· on Chiaroscuro

Why, I remember:

Back in the good old days, years and years and years ago, there was a round where three or four stories ended up being disqualified. A couple folks used to regularly identify their stories themselves in order to get them disqualified because they didn't want to go through the ranking and judging process...

But https://www.fimfiction.net/story/550743/chiaroscuro is the link to the story. I've set up the link back to your DA site, too.

Mike Again
#26382 · 2
· on Chiaroscuro · >>GroaningGreyAgony
Thanks for the artwork:

GGA. If you don't mind, I'll use it when I post this to Fimfiction later today.

It also occurred to me yesterday that this story technically should be disqualified because it breaks rule 3c: "Participants may not submit works explicitly connected to another work of theirs," and this is essentially a prequel to an AugieDog story of mine called "Shadow Heart." But I s'ppose it's too late for that now... :)

#26379 · 1
Depending on how long:

It takes me to bail the rainwater out of my car--it's got a leak somewhere--I might have a story...

#26363 · 2
· on Decision at the Apex · >>Heavy_Mole
I'm not gonna get it done:

Before the deadline, but I started a pretty weird little thing inspired by this photo involving the troll from "The Three Billy Goats Gruff" grouchily expecting another wunna them damn goats crossing his bridge and finding a kitten instead. It may yet turn into a story, but not for this contest, alas...

#26359 · 2
· on Cultural Relativism
Christmas Eve Eve:

I found myself with a couple unbespoken hours and thought I'd see what was going on on the Writeoff site, something I hadn't done in a while. I saw that there was a minific contest happening right then and there, and then I saw that no one had submitted a prompt. This struck me right in the spot where nostalgia meets melancholy, so I settled in to write. This is what came out.

It really needs a middle section showing Sludge interacting with the Spirits, but that oughtta get the whole thing above 1,000 words for posting on FimFiction, maybe even later today.

And a Happy Annual Incrementation to us all!

#26347 ·
· on The Hubble Constant

Thanks, Pasco:

And thanks, everyone who voted. The form's called a rondeau redouble', and it's become one of my favorites the past couple years. The prompt got me thinking about the expansion of the universe and from there to Dr. Martin Luther King's line about how “the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” There are some things we maybe don't want to go back to, and with the universe expanding, here's hoping we can all keep expanding as well. :)

#26342 · 2
· on Masked Traveler · >>GroaningGreyAgony
Here's something fun:

I started a story called "The Ring of Destiny" for this round based on this photo, but I didn't finish it in time. I kept working on it during the first part of this year, sent it out to a couple magazines over the spring and summer, and just got word that Space & Time magazine would like to buy it for their issue #146, Spring/Summer 2024. So it won't be out for a while, but it'll be out someday! :)

#26183 · 2
· on Camemberment · >>GroaningGreyAgony
If I'd had the time:

This is definitely the one I would've put together a story about. :)

#26133 ·
· on Love Flies Innuendo

Thanks again, folks:

I added a third act, redid the little robot characters as versions of Spike, Rarity, and Twilight, and posted it to Fimfiction. In case anyone's interested... :)

#26106 · 1
· on Love Flies Innuendo · >>Pascoite

Thanks, Pasco:

Your comment has made me realize that the story is currently lacking a third act. When the three go to see Olive, she should yell at them some more and demand that they leave. Fishbone should then actually leave the apartment--and get picked up almost immediately by Simon who's waiting outside. That would let me expound a bit on the Simon/Olive relationship and let Fishbone put everything on the line to show Olive that he just wants to help her.

It'll also likely push the story past 5,000 words which'll put it over the limit for Zooscape, the magazine I wanted to try selling the story to, but oh well...

And yes, that's a Pee Wee's Playhouse reference. I don't remember there being a Carl in the cast, though--Laurence Fishburne played Cowboy Curtis, of course, and there were some cat and dog puppets who had a little beatnik band, it seems to me. But I only made the stuffed animal in the photo into a dog so I could have a cat/dog relationship. That's something that Simon needs to talk about in the third act when he rants in a calmly unhinged manner about "proper" male and female roles in the world.

But I've got today off from work, so I know what I'll be doing. Act Three awaits!

#26097 · 1

For the first time in way too long, I've got a rough draft in! And still half a day to make revisions!

#26003 · 1
· on Reassured Destruction

Thanks, folks!

The prompt struck me immediately as the perfect first line to a parody Emily Dickinson poem--our first person narrator would throw the rose away, but the rose would refuse to go. But I couldn't decide on what sort of tone to use: make it a humorous "The Cat Came Back" sort of thing or go for more of a horror thing, the rose's stem digging its thorny stem into the narrator's arm and like that.

So I went a completely different way and came up with this. Some rewriting, and there might be something here...

#25995 · 2

I seem to be, too.

#25944 · 1
· on Steal Drums

Thanks, Pasco:

And everyone who voted, too. Yeah, I think another stanza ot two shoehorned into the middle will help set the scene better, then it's off to Silver Blade magazine to see if they're interested in renting it from me. :)

#25654 · 1
· on Shot Down

Thanks, folks:

And congrats to the other medalists. This is a form I might've made up, or maybe Kipling does something like it--I don't recall. It's a variation on what's called either "common meter" or "fourteeners" with a couple extra lines stuck in to make those couplets in the middle.and at the end. I was going to call this "No Means No" originally, but all the bloody imagery made me change the title. :)

#25618 · 1
Me, too!

It's a veritable plethora!

#25591 · 1
· on Neighbors
My problem:

With this story is that it doesn't seem to be about anything. A lot of stuff happens, but when I asked myself, "What's this story about?" I couldn't come up with an answer. I'm hoping to figure something out before I post it at Fimfiction. :)

#25590 · 1
· on Night Fight · >>GroaningGreyAgony

I've been there... :)

#25583 · 1
Depending on how things go:

This afternoon, I might have one to submit, too.

#25512 ·

It's looking less and less likely that I'll have enough words finished by the deadline.

#25509 ·
>>Bad Horse

I might have something by Tuesday:

But then again, I might not...

#25501 ·


There was only foive pictures from you, not aught...

Paging WIP