I regret nothing. That is what the last page will say when they come to find my life's work. When they come with their questions, their anger, their fear. When they come to stop from ever happening again what I am about to do. So I write the last entry of a lifetime; the first of the next. I regret nothing. This does not mean I do not bear guilt, nor frustration, nor sadness. So heavy are those upon my back, they exhaust me so. Could it have been that I had more time... But I am so tired. I have no more time. And I regret nothing. I do not regret those who died for my knowledge. Nor those who will die with the results of it. But I shed a tear for them. I do not regret the butter feuds and terrible insults given to those who called me mad or foolish or evil. But I burn with frustration for their lack of vision. I do not regret that I will be labeled a criminal--no, a monster--for the terrors I have wrought upon those under my care and guidance. Upon my own flesh and spirit. But the infinite burden of the chains of my guilt will be my most assured end. But I regret nothing as I take the next heavy step. The next step to power. To security. To undo the injustice those pandering fools in Canterlot call monarchs. With my work, my efforts, I will become equal to them. I will do what no other pony has done in all time. I, a lowly Duke, will become a King. A King for all time, ruling with strength and dignity. Protecting my citizens with my own power, not relying upon those same citizens to defend me. With my own unicorn essence. With the essences of two hundred earth ponies and pegasi... With the dark powers of alicorn magic, distilled in crystalline form. All I must do is consume it. It will change me. But I regret nothing. They call it dark, but truly it is a beacon. Look how it shines in the crystal. The crystal... It is so beautiful. And with it, with no regrets, I too will be beautiful. Forevermore. As I always should have been. Just one last terror. One last pain. I regret nothing... ...For I am King Sombra. And this is my birthright. I regret nothing.