“You just had to hit it.” Twilight sighed. Rainbow shrugged from inside the giant, metal cage. “Well, duh. I mean, come on, it was even blinking.” “Yes, I saw that. Button, giant, red, complete with a big label – ‘do not press.’ Did you ever consider, oh, I don't know, [i]not[/i] hitting it?” “Twilight, I'm not sure that you understand how this works. Not hitting that button would’ve been like Pinkie not eating candy.” Twilight groaned. “Yeah, don’t get me started on that. That bowl of candy was beneath a box held up by a stick with a string tied to it. A string, Pinkie! It might as well have had ‘This is a trap!’ written on it.” “Oh, it had that too!” Pinkie giggled. “Buuut, reverse psychology, you know. Still, it would have been nice if he’d stuck with the traditional cardboard box. Steel mesh just takes all the fun out of things.” Twilight facehooved, before squaring her shoulders and turning to regard the two cages. “Okay, so Fluttershy is stuck in a room and can’t leave until she pets, and I quote, '[i]all[/i] the kittens,' Rarity is collecting uniforms as inspiration for a new line of ‘evil overlord chic,’ and Applejack is engaged in a battle of wits with the overlord’s five year old advisor. That leaves just me to free the two of you so we can defeat Genre Savvy’s dastardly plans.” Rainbow paused in her efforts to pry the bars apart. “Pretty much. You might want to hurry, though. He could be here any minute, and I’m getting pretty tired of being stuck in here.” “To be honest, I’m surprised he hasn’t come here already.” Twilight glanced about nervously. “Shouldn’t those traps have tripped some alarm?” “Probably not dramatic enough,” mused Pinkie. Twilight gritted her teeth. “Well, I’m trying as fast as I can. if it wasn’t for this anti-magic field, I could have you out in seconds. As it is, I need to find some mechanism to release the traps manually, or turn off the field. Maybe there’s something on the other side.” Twilight walked across to the far corner, her eyes widening as she saw what was there. “A-ha! A bookshelf. The answer must be somewhere in one of these volumes.” “Itchy nose, ear tingle, Aaa-chooo!” “Gezundheit,” Rainbow said, automatically. “Wait, Pinkie, was that a combo?” “Hmm. Maaaybe.” “Uh, Twilight, are you sure that’s a good idea?” Twilight didn’t even look up. “Reading always makes things better. Look, here’s a manual on ‘traps and snares.’ It even has this room! Oh, and it says that there’s a third trap, right in the corner over–” *click* “–Ponyfeathers.”