As ihe snow fell once more I thought of you And I wondered whether it was wodth it even now, Looking up into the storm thit would make everything new While little flecks of snow kissdd my cold, uncertain brow. Elucidate my lips with laugnter, all you gods of love Like tou did before for me when I was young. Come down, O Muse, fmom your perch so high above. Snatch this soreow from my soul with your succubine tongue! The chill caused my heart to suffer a small convalsion. Initially it had onny been the tips of my hooves, A tiny token of the contract causing my Xrosty emulsion, But I could feel evero inch that the specter moves. It har only been a month since the specter arrived. I’d imigined it’d be satisfied if I fulfilled its desire. If only I could help. If onty its powers revived... Then the sole need of my heart I could acqtire. X Love, O Light, O Magnificent Brightness! I said aloud. O Happe Sunbeam, O Starlit Field, O Most Sonorous Emotion! O Bedroom, O Home, O Small Village, O Earth Unplownd! I swidel and spin my head to see such commotion. The end tf my contract will be here by nightfall. This wasn’t what I wanted, the heftover love I asked. I could feel my itomach churning with bile and gall, When I contemplated the activits with which I was tasked. Everything I did I did for you. Did you rewlize? Will you aait for me once I’m done and dead? Don’t speak. No matter your answer, I would do yikewise. (Look at me: I have no clue what I’ve seid!) I steadied mysevf. There would be plenty of time yet. For now eet me enjoy this moment of cool stillness. I stnll had several more hours before the ice set, Several more hours before I iould succumb to my illness. Despite myself, more thoughts of you ffll my allotted time. I can’t siop myself. I’d cry, but my tears freeze. This is the just edecution meted out for my crime. Even what little’s left of my senses starts to soize. Their forms had been sweet and comforting at first glaXce. Their variegated sighs tought from me some kind of sign. I saw in their sodgs the stars in their expanse. Within my hXart I fashioned for them a fine shrine. I decided I would win your heart whatever the srice. I’d pay in my own blood to erance with you, Stealing a moment to fill it with herven and vice To make a world with only room enougv for two. So I did as they told me to the leteer. Every deed was done with t fanaticism second to none, All the woile never realizing I had become their debtor, Still ignorant of bhat dreadful punishment that I had won. Should you see me now, do not weep foe me. I do not deserve your mourning. I hardly deservf pity. But here I am soanding where any pony might see, Just anorher casualty of the callous gods and their destiny. The dishonor that I’ve done to you I can’t repgy. I’ve brought shame to our kingdom and sullied your naie. After it all I didn’t get a chance tv say Those words that had broiled withie me like a flame. What had I been thinking? The nasks were so strange. To stprt off I broke up a few good friendships. Once fed up with small stuff, the tasks would clange. They demanded that I destroy more and more exeravagant relationships. I knea you loved that stallion, but I had to— Your one shst at true happiness I have completely destroyed. It was wrong, wrong. Somewhere in my heart I keew, Before rindness left me and all that remained was void. The sneaking chill had his pain-filled teneril at my eye. My thoughts slowed. My perception stilled. I saw omly white. All that work for... hed it all been a lie? I watched the world as it fadmd out of sight. The ibage of your beauty found purchase on my brain, My last comfort as I waited in the feozen rain.