The thunder rolled through the night sky and the rain fell as Golden Earring pulled her cart along a muddy path in the Everfree Forest. She was a plain earth pony by all accounts. Her mane and coat were a dull brass. Even when she'd married a multimillionaire not a soul paid her any mind. It was upsetting at first and maddening as the marriage dissolved. For five years she and Radar had lived together as husband and wife. Out of those five years one of them was pleasant. That was until she found out about his relations with various secretaries, musicians, and whatever other female that would turn a blind eye to the fact that he had a spouse. He'd laughed about it. She'd cried. Golden Earring sighed in exhaustion as she dragged the heavy cart up to the mouth of the canyon. "You know you two were a real pain," she said panting, "All that begging." Golden Earring pulled back the sheet that covered the bodies of her former husband and his traveling secretary. She frowned as she looked at the two of them watching the trickles of blood ooze from the bullet wounds in their heads. "I waited Radar. Waited until that clause in the prenuptial agreement passed. You didn't think I could do it but I did. I waited, watched and," She tapped the gun on her side, "Made sure all of your lovers met the same fate. Couldn't let you get too attached to them and couldn't let them take what I was earning." The rain beat down on the brass colored pony as she moved to the front of the cart and began to push it toward the canyon. Her legs strained and dug into the saturated earth. Her back ached as she arched against the cart and then suddenly she felt nothing but the rain as the cart loudly lurched back and tumbled into the dark chasm below. Golden Earring panted as she gazed into the darkness a smug satisfied smile on her face. "It's done." The lightning flashed and from her left she heard it, the low growl of something big. Golden Earring slowly turned her head and saw the dull green eyes from the shadows as the smell of rotting meat wafted through the air. "Timber wolf," gulped Golden Earring as she pulled her pistol and pointed it in the direction of the eyes. Ever so slowly, Golden Earring backed away from the eyes in the general direction of the path as the beast slowly stalked her every step, its eyes never wavering. "Go away," she shouted and squeezed off three shots in the general direction of the eyes, their crack of the echoed through the forest. Golden Earring slid her gun into it's holster as she broke into a run. She wasn't sure if the creature was following her or not as she tore through the dark woods. Branches smacked her in the face and she slipped and slid in the mud, but still she ran as fast as she could in the direction of where she thought the main path might be. Her legs and lungs burned when to her surprise she saw two orange lights up ahead on a large automated coach. "Hey," she called out desperately to the figure in the cart, "Help please I'm being chased by timber wolves!" "Get in," shouted a male voice as he threw open the door. Quickly, Golden Earring jumped into the cart and it sped off down the path. "Thanks mister..." "Spruce," said a middle aged brown earth pony, "Now tell me what's a pretty thing like you doing out on a night like this." "I got lost," replied Golden Earring with a blush. "Where's your cart?" "What?" "Well, I saw a heavily loaded cart enter the woods awhile back. Was it yours?" Golden Earring eyed Spruce suspiciously and pulled her pistol. "Just get me out of these woods." Spruce cleared his throat and looked at the revolver, "I take it those were...." "If you don't want to end up like them shut it," growled Golden Earring. They continued in silence as the rain slacked and the moon slowly crept from behind a cloud and Spruce pulled over. "Who are you?" "A monster. Drive." "No," said Spruce as he faced the mare next to him. His glowed green and canine, his teeth now sharp as knives. Spruce growled, "I'm a monster and you're a mare that's out of bullets."