Looking to the left, It’s the women you notice first. The black milk of this day is that who they are, is not Known. Only claims, and conjecture is not nearly good enough for this. This was the beginning of their path to heaven. Their start caught in one sepia moment. The women are the eldest of the ones who should be Known. Even with their hands raised, they work to keep the group together. You can see a girl with them, her face quick as she enters the camera still. But, at least, she is there, with them, with this memory. The other men, and the other boys, save one, are behind them. The black milk of this dusk as they walk into night is that they, too, are not Known. These unknown are together in one moment walking forward in sun to the deadliest place. [right]Looking to the right, The men in gray form their own group. Four Meisters aus Deutschland, lightning bolts on their collars, guard the exodus of their prey from the final haven they will know. Only the one in the front, the one with his weapon ready, one out of all the bodies there, is Known. Death is a low man from Friedland-in-Böhmen, there is steel on his head. He cradles his gun with casual care, his bullets strike you dead. This pacification is mere business to him and his leaden comrades-in-scales, for the vipers they play with slither deep in their dark.[/right] [center]in the middle is the boy with a soft cap and eyes his long jacket and knee socks on his far too thin legs both his hands are raised up to the air where there will be graves in the clouds where one will lie unconfined[/center]