“I’ll be right back Spike.” Twilight announced as she put on her saddlebags. “I just need to pick up a few library books from the post office.” Spike quickly scampered into the room. “Twilight,” he exclaimed “Don’t you know saying that gives you bad luck? You could fall in a ditch where no one can hear you, or trip and crack your horn. Please don’t go, I don’t want you to hurt yourself.” “Silly Spike,” Twilight chuckled. “That’s just an old mare’s tale. Saying a few words isn't going to put me in any danger. I’ll make dinner when I get back,” Twilight finished as she closed the door behind her. [i]I swear that dragon has been reading too much fiction. Zombies, ghosts and now old superstitions? I need to talk to him about his comic books,[/i] Twilight pondered as she trotted toward the Ponyville post office. Suddenly, a shout filled the air. Before she had an opportunity to react, Twilight’s world became a blur of purple and cyan. When her vision finally stopped spinning, Twilight gently picked herself up and dusted herself off. “Impeccable aim as always Rainbow” she said, nursing a few spots that were definitely going to bruise. “Sorry about that Twilight, guess I pushed myself a bit far that time,” the cyan pegasus replied as she took to the air again. “Sorry, but I gotta go, see ya later Twi!” “Rainbow wait!” Twilight cried as her friend receded in the distance. [i]That pony is always in a hurry,[/i] Twilight mused, trotting off to her destination. Outside of the post office a group of construction ponies were working on a scaffold above the entrance. A light brown stallion dangled his legs over the edge, watching ponies come and go while he ate lunch. As Twilight entered the building a small spider crept onto the stallion’s hoof. Surprised, he accidentally knocked a paint can over the edge of the scaffold, drenching a surprised Twilight Sparkle. After recovering from the shock Twilight quickly cast a spell and removed all of the paint from her coat. Unfortunately, the quick-drying paint had already turned parts of her fur a bright green. The stallion smiled sheepishly as Twilight glared at him. Resigned to a long walk home and an even longer bath, the bright purple and green pony simply sighed and stepped into the Ponyville post office. A few moments later the librarian stepped out into the bright sun, her saddlebags laden with several new volumes for the library. Twilight ignored the odd looks she was getting as she made her way back home. Covered in scrapes, bruises and splotches of green paint the tired pony knocked on the library door. Spike opened the door, took one look at the multi-hued pony in front of him and slammed the door right into Twilight’s nose. From outside the tired and grumpy pony could hear the young drake shouting something about the Mane-iac coming to get him. Too tired to deal with her young charge’s antics, Twilight stepped into the library and dropped her saddlebags. “Spike it’s me, Twilight. You and I need to have a talk.” Spike stepped into the room, tail held in his claws. “Sorry about that Twilight, I guess I was a bit startled,” he said, pulling the new books out of the saddlebags. “You look like you had a rough day, I told you not to go out today.” “About that, you really need to be careful with those comic books. It’s given you quite an imagination, and I am not sure it is a good one.” Twilight gently chided as she began walking upstairs to clean up. “Spike, while I’m getting this paint out of my fur could you put those books on the shelves?” “Sure Twilight. Want me to start up a bath?” Spike asked as he began placing books on the shelves. “No thanks Spike, I am a grown mare and can draw my own bath. What’s the worst that could happen?”