Primordial insects, an eye on their phones, Were safe for they'd multiple eyelets to track Positions and where they were going. Their drones, Their workers and queens would refrain from the slack And empty obsession with screens that can wrack, Creating a danger when flying about. But still, they collided, a clattering stack Encrusted in amber from stinger to snout. Technology wasn't inscribed in their bones— As insects, they didn't possess them. But back In time immemorial, starting with stones Through millions of eons, they learned how to hack, Constructing from silicon such bric-a-brac That moderns would recognize, point at, and shout. Tectonics subsumed it, but bodies don't crack, Encrusted in amber from stinger to snout. A civilization that stretches and hones Material culture is prone to attack By earthquakes and weather. Advancement postpones Destruction but doesn't inhibit a sack: Exploding volcanoes deliver a whack. Predictable? Yes, but avoidance is out. The best you can hope for is seeing your pack Encrusted in amber from stinger to snout. Perhaps I exaggerate. Surely the lack Of evidence indicates something. I doubt That bugs had computers. I'm clearly a quack, Encrusted in amber from stinger to snout.