The self-titled “Bringer of Death and Destruction” sat atop his mountain looking down on the people below both physically and metaphorically. His spite for the residents of Ponyville grew as they slept peacefully through the night, but for Steve the darkness dragged on for what seemed like at least 18 hours, and keep in mind this is like May, so that’s pretty rough. His name is Steve by the way. He wouldn't want me telling you that, but I’m a narrator so who’ll know? Steve was the kind of Pony to act like scrabble and IQ score was more important to him than any kind of social interaction, but deep down the lack of friendship hurt badly. Before turning back into night, Steve straightened his trench coat and adjusted his fedora, because he knew what tomorrow would hold. [hr] Pinkie Pie woke up to a knock on the door, which was odd as the mail service was on strike after the tragic stable fire which occurred last week. There were no survivors. As Pinkie Pie opened the door, she noticed the fact no one was actually there, but did see a folded piece of paper by the doorstep. She opened it up and to her surprise she found a treasure map. Wanting to find out more about this map, in addition with never being taught by her parents to never follow random treasure maps, Pinkie Pie left home to gather her friends so they can uncover the mysteries behind the map and it’s treasure. At the bottom of a particularly evil looking mountain was Pinkie Pie, along with her friends: Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, and the one which likes clothes or whatever. Applejack sadly could not take part as she got a job in the mail service 8 days earlier. “It says to go up the path here and enter what looks like a cave near the peak of the mountain” Pinkie Pie said thoughtfully. The clothes one then left because I can’t remember her name, but the others assumed the mountain was just too spooky looking for her. After just a few minutes of walking, a skeleton popped out of a bush and started shaking about. None of the crew were particularly frightened, as they had never seen a human skeleton before and didn’t understand its symbolism. The rest of the journey upwards was relatively spook-free. At one point they thought they saw a spooky face among the trees, but it was just Gerald having a JO sesh, which wasn’t out of the ordinary as it was a Wednesday and they had all learn’t by now not to come by that area on a Wednesday due to Gerald's known activity. They apologized and moved on. Soon the 3 ponies made their way to the cave near the peak and noticed a few lights inside. “Well, I suppose this is where the treasure is.” Twilight Sparkle Thought out loud, but just too quiet so that she had to repeat herself to the group. As the trio walked in they noticed someone inside. They questioned as they approached “Oh, did you get a treasure map too?” “No… I made the map… Remember me!?” The figure spoke as he turned around. The turning tilted his fedora to the left a bit, so once adjusted, Steve glared at Pinkie Pie. Before Pinkie Pie responded, Steve ripped off his trench coat and fedora, only to reveal that he was a buff ass wizard. All ponies in the 5 mile wide area’s panties dropped. Which was weird because 1. Horses don’t wear panties and 2. Some of them were male. But that just goes to show how ripped this guy was. Well, all the ponies except our 3 main protagonists, as they were too busy trying to work out how a wizard hat could fit under a fedora. “After you made fun of me in Middle School I retreated into the mountains to train my magic and body for this day… The day of my revenge!” As Steve said this, he cast a spell which turned Rainbow dashes head into a skeleman head, and it then did a 1080 degree spin and she died. No one minded, as it was a pretty metal death, which was rad. Pinkie Pie quickly explained “What I didn’t bully you! That was Dinkie Pie, a pony with a comically similar name as me!” Steve realized his mistake and responded with “Word limit” And no one was satisfied.