They slammed their badges on my table. No "hello," "come with us' please," or any other standard bullshit people used these days. "Just waiting for my sandwich." I leaned back. I could see they both had guns, the heavy forbidden type that made walls look like Swiss cheese. Not the type of people to get intimidated. The taller one flipped the safety off. I could literally smell his eagerness. "Guys, I just want my sandwich." My muscles tensed up. Instinct flushed out whatever calm the alcohol had brought me. "Hey, can you hurry it up, buddy?" I shouted at the bar. There was no one there. [i]Of course.[/i] I'd roll my eyes, but with two geared up idiots in front of me I preferred not to. Last time some little piece of shit had seen that as an opportunity and had taken a shot at me. "You're Simmic." The shorter one placed an infopad before me. His uniform was dull and grey, almost invisible under his gleaning battle armour. "Purifier of worlds," he spat my title out with hatred I'd only heard once before. "We want you to leave." "Fine." [i]Fuck the sandwich! Probably tastes like shit anyway![/i] "I'm gone." I tried to stand up. Two guns instantly pointed at me—one at the head, the other at the chest. The tall one smirked. It's his moment now. His eyes sparkled with the maniacal gleam of one who can taste glory on the tip of his tongue. "Academy of Junior Gods," he mocked as he spit on my face. "Please don't." I clenched my first. Why must it always end up like this? For once I wanted to enjoy a sandwich among people, not locked up in the Academy's bunkers. One lousy sandwich! Is that so much to ask. "Did you stop when Saturn 7 asked you the same?" He squeezed the trigger. The whole world around me vanished, bursting like a soap bubble. Sound, vision, smell, all had gone. No shitty little diner full of smelly hicks and slutty girls laughing at stupid jokes, no glorified lead-spitters with delusions of grandeur, just darkness, agony, and rage. [i]You motherfucking piece of shit![/i] I felt my atoms explode as a surge of energy pulsed through my very core. A cocktail of hatred and pain ripped through whatever shreds of self control I had left. "You motherfucker!" I snapped his arm as my face reconstructed. His gun started leaving his hand, but I caught it in time. "Do you know what a junior god is?" I pressed onto his trigger finger shooting his parter's head clean off, along with half the wall behind him. "Do you?!" I shot twice more. Finding itself without three walls the diner creaked in a final effort to remain upright, then collapsed upon us. At this point pain didn't even matter. Things were already in motion—I would purge this planet of every sentient being, leaving it bare for recolonization. That's what I did, again, again, and again. "Do you even know what it takes to enter the academy?" I shot his legs off along with mine. Unlike him, however, I remained standing. He convulsed, the amount of pain bringing him into shock. "You have to wipe out an entire fucking race!" His body exploded as I fired the final shot. The gun was useless now—its owner dead it had initiated self-lockdown mode. I cast it aside like a useless piece of junk, then made my way through the remnants of the diner, searching for signs of life. I didn't find any, but there was something that caught my attention: a phone lying in the rubble. The display was cracked and the casing was barely holding it together, but it seemed to function. [i]Shit on a stick![/i] I picked it up. Carefully, I typed in the number and waited. "Hello?" a male voice asked. My eye twitched. I hated making these sort of calls. "Dad, it's Jenny." I tried to sound natural. [i]Some daughter I am.[/i] "Sorry about this, but I won't make it for the holidays this year..."