"Shorts again, dear?" said Cookie Crumbles. Hondo Flanks cleared his throat. "Rarity's got a line for stallions, so I'm helping her show them off," he said. "Good for you! You know, my fillyfriends used to tease me about wearing pants. Like I don't know how to clean my bottom," said Cookie, shaking her head. "I hope the fellas don't treat you like that?" Hondo smiled. "Neigh. Stallions know better. We understand each other," he said, adding a shrug. Cookie giggled, then trotted downstairs. With a sigh of relief, Hondo walked into the master bathroom and locked the door. He lifted the lid, undid his shorts, and let the guy slide out. "Easy does it," he mumbled, taking aim. He'd been full for about an hour, but the longer he could hold it, the less frequently he needed to go. After his stream stopped, Hondo Flanks reached into his pants, just behind the boys. Firm, upward pressure back there, plus a gentle squeeze down the length, caused the rest to release. It burned a little, but this was normal. He'd always had prostate difficulties, even before puberty. Next came the spin. It was the easiest way to clear the remainder. Cookie never said anything about the walls. She probably thought the yellow stuff was mildew. Swinging a little too hard, he grunted from a pinch of pain in his urethra. A final shake confirmed it was empty. Then Hondo took a strip of toilet paper, folded it in half, and wrapped it around the tip. Sometimes it'd get stuck in the opening to his sheath. If he was careful enough, he didn't need the paper, but it provided him peace of mind. The shorts kept it private. Plus, they kept ponies from noticing his weird-looking varicocele. "Sweetheart! The Riches are here!" came the muffled shout of his wife. Hondo zipped up, washed his hooves, and carefully combed his mustache. Then he unlocked the door and trotted downstairs. "Hay, Rich," he greeted Filthy Rich. "How's it hangin'?" "A-[i]hem,[/i]" said Spoiled Rich. "We're [i]both[/i] Rich, so try not to get us mixed up, okay? My husband is [i]Filthy[/i]." Filthy Rich winced. "Ah, yes, darling," he said. "Hondo just calls me Rich, though. He's a friend." A deep sigh from his wife followed. "Well, [i]obviously[/i]. We wouldn't be visiting a middle-class family if you didn't have 'friends' among the rabble." "Oh Spoiled, could you come with me into the kitchen and leave the boys to chat?" said Cookie, the bright smile never leaving her muzzle. "I'm finishing up some petit fours I think you'll love." Spoiled actually smiled. "That sounds nice. Ugh, sorry about being a bitch—I'm having trouble sleeping..." The two mares headed into the kitchen, while the stallions entered the den. "How's it going?" asked Filthy Rich. "Must say, I envy your wife's demeanor," he added, in a whisper, as the two sat down together on a couch. "She's amazing," said Hondo. "Hay, do you think the shorts work?" Rich nodded. "Looks great. Still have the leak, I take it? There's a medicine for it now." Hondo Flanks sighed. "I'm not gonna share this with a doctor when I can manage. Besides, it wouldn't work. It's not just leaking, it's getting the piss [i]out[/i]." "Understood," said Rich, wearing a sympathetic frown. "I've never talked to a doctor about [i]my[/i] issue, either." "Oh right, the semen stuck in the tube thing?" "Turns to glue the moment urine hits it. You can imagine." "Ow," said Hondo, shuddering. "I used to know another guy with that. How do you handle it?" "I make sure I have an empty bladder, and haven't had anything to drink in two hours. It's usually by myself, which makes it easier to plan," said Rich. "You know something weird? It's not in the literature! There isn't even a name for it, unless it's that 'male pelvic pain syndrome' thing." "Pfft. That's probably five different things," said Hondo. "I'm sure. Most stallions won't share it. It's my fault, though. I kinked the line as a colt by doing it the wrong way. I didn't even know about belly-slapping until after I married." "They don't teach us in school. I used to use shampoo, and the skin would blister and peel off once a week—" Hondo stopped the moment the mares entered the den. "What are you boys up to?" asked Spoiled Rich. "Just... guy stuff," said Hondo. Spoiled rolled her eyes, and Cookie giggled before speaking. "You stallions are so silly."