Expanding universes knock, Politeness cultured long ago. They don't recall and can't unlock The face of one who taught them so, But all will swear from infancy, Exacting standards made them know Behavior's true propriety. As time began to stretch and grow, The universes sought to be Enlightened, vast, and wise—although Their youth betrayed them constantly. Emotions swirled and slapped their stars From galaxy to galaxy Defined by black hole abattoirs. A couple million years' decree At last restrained spectaculars And settled things to some degree. The universes went to bars, Dimension spanning, turned their eyes Abroad to rifle strange bazaars, Connecting, tossing winks and sighs. Communication's jaunting cars Created groups where truth and lies Alike could laugh and smoke cigars, Increase the universes' ties, And bring about a working bond That even now can harmonize, A camaraderie beyond. Of course, the future still applies. The universes' growing pond Continues flooding. Sureness flies, And soon among the links they spawned, Uncertainties will start to fray. Their shines no longer paragoned, The level tips, a downward sleigh. Alas, without a magic wand— And none exists—the day by day Proceeds to tatter, creak, abscond. For entropy's a staunch array That never stops, will never mock But likewise never goes away Until it winds the final clock. The universes blink, mislay Their thinning gasses, lose the rock They kept on permanent display, Providing proof they used to talk. Explosions, yes, but mostly slow And incremental: block by block, The silence creeps as lights go low...