"This doesn't look too promising." the voice of the chairman sounded from across the room. "No it doesn't, our results seem rather conclusive." he turned from the projected image displaying the results from the last two years of experiments. He glanced around the room, apart form the chairman and himself there were four more precent, the secretary and three members of the board. The chairman leaned forward and grabbed his glass form the table, brought it to his lips and after a brief look at the data took a long sip form it. "We have to do something about that" he said. "I agree," the secretary said turning a few pages in her copy of the report. "This simply will not do." A mumble of agreement could be heard from the other three. "Well there's not much we can do. These-" he gestured towards the displayed image. "are the results. As I said they seem conclusive to say anything else would be a lie." The chairman frowned. "What about those three..." he squinted " or four points on the left. What are those?" He turned back to the results. "Those are faulty, either mechanical errors or human, and there are seven of those." "Really?" the chairman smiled. "What if these are the ones that are correct and the others that are wrong?" He fiddled with his notes, brining the ones on said test runs to the top. " You mean the one where the assistant came in drunk and failed to measure accurately, or the one two points above that when they forgot to check the coolant levels?" "Exactly. If we exclude everything but those seven the results are much more in line with what we expected, the others must be wrong." The chairman's smile broadened as he nudged the secretary with his elbow. The secretary looked up from her papers a smile slowly appearing on her lips as well. "Yes, that's a great idea discount the results that give us a negative results and write a new report with just the positives. That will get us more funding for next quarter." Ones again a murmur of consent could be heard from the otherwise silent three. "You can't be serious!" he let his astonished gaze pass between all assembled, all of the squirming in their seats. "You are joking right?" "No!" the chairman spoke up. "All but those seven must be false, they alone give us the results we are expecting, and are the only ones going into the official report." "What makes you think I'll write something like that?" he said. "You will write the report as per our instructions..." the secretary said. "Or we will find someone who will. Perhaps that assistant that you keep asking us to fire." she smirked.