Outside of the Canterlot Castle, in the Gardens, a pink pony sat on the stone bench and waited. Every so often she'd gaze up, hopeful to see the familiar face appear once again. She checked the clock and sighed; it was a quarter before five. She had been early, but she wanted to make sure she wasn't late. "Hello Pinkie." Pinkie's ears perked up and her eyes lifted to see a familiar grey pony. She was carrying a large case on her back. Before she could blink, Pinkie pounced on her and embraced her in a hug. Pinkie lifted her up into the air and squeezed. "Can't... breath... please let go." Pinkie slowly lifted her back down to the ground and pinced her cheeks. "Inky! I missed you! You should call more often." "Sorry. Been a bit busy." Inky pointed at her suitcase. "I just lost track of time." She held up a piece of paper. "I received your letter. What did you want?" "Oh nothing special! Just wanted to say hello to my dear ol' sis!" Pinkie placed a foreleg around Inky's shoulder. "Haven't heard from you in so long, I thought you died." Inky slowly lifted Pinkie's foreleg off. "I wasn't the one who left." "Oh. Right." Pinkie stared at her hooves. "Anyway, I'm a busy pony Pinkie. You said you wanted to ask me a favor, so what was it?" Pinkie fiddled with her hooves some more. "I... I was wondering if you'd like to help me with a song. Since you're good with music and all." "Go on." "Some friends and I have been invited to the Grand Galloping Gala and I heard you were playing there. Do you think you could play a song for us? For old time's sake?" Pinkie stared into Inky's eyes pleadingly. Inky sighed. "Depends on what it is. I can't make any promises." "Great! How about 'Pony Pokey?'" "Ugh." Inky put a hoof to her head. "You know how much I hate that song." "You do? But you liked it so much as a foal." Inky threw her hooves out. "That's because it was one of the very first songs I've learned. It's just so... basic." Pinkie sagged. "So you won't do it." Inky crossed her forelegs. "I didn't say that." She looked off into the distance. "If that's what you want, I'll do it." "Yippee!" Pinkie jumped into the air about twenty feet and did several backflips before landing neatly on her hooves. "I'm so excited!" She ran forward and hugged her sister around the neck again. "Thank you! Thank you so much!" Inky smiled. "Anything for you, Pinkie." She turned to walk away. "If there's nothing else, then I have to go now. Really busy, you see." Pinkie watched as she walked away. It had only been for a short while, but she was glad she got to see her sister once again. A smile appeared on her face that was so wide, it stretched out like she was trying to eat a banana sideways.