The doctor's office was modern and cozy, with large glass windows providing good view of Manehattan's cityscape. Coco stretched her hooves on the couch, watching the expensive carpet and the potted plants standing all around the place. The doctor levitated a clipboard, watching her from behind a large, mahogany desk. Coco sighed. She kept visiting this doctor for the last three months and she still felt that for some reason, he wasn't really interested in her. This, along with his strange fondness of potted plants made her wonder if he was gay. "Recently, I noticed that all the stallions in my life suddenly disappear," Coco said, staring at the particularly impressive snake plant standing next to the desk. "We meet, we start hanging out together, it's all fun... But then, out of the blue, the guy vanishes from my life, never to be seen again." She shrugged. "I know that I'm busy working and I don't really have time for long-lasting relationships, but this is just strange. Why does it keep happening to me? Will I ever be loved?" Coco immediately noticed that the doctor winced. She furrowed her eyebrows – after all, weren't therapists supposed to listen to their patients, no matter what they said? Especially since he was apparently a very good doctor – Rarity herself recommended him. "So, what do you think, doctor?" she asked. "For starters, I'm not your psychiatrist," the doctor replied. "However, when it comes to infectious diseases, I am one of the best experts in Equestria. The problems of your love life, while undeniably interesting, are none of my concern." He levitated a stack of papers from the desk. "According to the lab tests, you have a rare genetic mutation which makes you immune to any sexually-transmitted disease in the world." He nodded and this time Coco noticed a tinge of respect in his eyes. "Which is actually good, since, as young kids say, you've apparently caught 'em all." "Oh," Coco muttered. "Is it bad?" "Not for you," the doctor replied. "However, it means you're still a carrier. And since your actual psychiatrist also diagnosed you with, as he put it, 'raging nymphomania', I regret to inform you that as a result of your actions, about ten percent of stallions in Manehattan were infected with unusually virulent strains of syphilis, gonorrhoea, Chlamydia, and Burning Knot Disease, which is especially interesting since this one normally only occurs in Diamond Dogs." "I swear, that's the last time I ever go to that club above our store," Coco said. "Also, ten percent of stallions?" "Not to mention a few dozens of mares," the doctor deadpanned. "I'm far from judging but I've heard one of them weighed about half a ton." Coco smiled sheepishly. "I like challenges." "Oh, I'm sure of that." The doctor nodded. "I'm not sure if you realise how much of a threat you are. Most of those ponies have partners. As you may guess, it all spread a bit." Coco frowned. "What do you mean by 'a bit'?" "Currently there's a detachment of royal guards at the every road leading to Manehattan, shooting anyone who tries to get out." The doctor sighed. "Same with the airspace. We pumped you full of antibiotics, which caused side effects such as short-term memory loss or you thinking I'm your psychiatrist." "Wait, you are not?" Coco asked. "Nevermind." The doctor rolled his eyes. "Anyway, I'm begging you, stop trying to flirt with every nurse who comes to your house to administer your medication. Some of the less assertive ones already ended up infected." "It's the uniforms," Coco replied. "I can't help it, doc." "I figured it out once your chastity belt mysteriously broke due to metal fatigue." The doctor shook his head. "Anyway, I think that's all for today. Come back next week to discuss the new results. And remember about the psychiatrist appointment tomorrow." "Sure thing, doc." Coco replied, getting up from the couch and giving the potted plants one last look. A short trip across the surprisingly empty streets of Manehattan later, Coco was back home. Unfortunately, nopony was there. Even her bed, usually completely ruined by countless lovers, was neatly made. Coco looked at it and sighed, shaking her head. She walked to the closet and opened it, looking at the various unspeakable things inside. Leather and plastic, metal and glass... She smirked. She wasn't allowed to invite anypony home, so this had to do. "Guess it's just you and me now..." she muttered.