Open sky[color=#ffffff] * [/color]blue and steel-bright[color=#ffffff] * [/color]barely hides the chill of space [color=#fafafa]Love slows, fires bank, world seeks to turn all life to stone[/color] Water drop dances in the wind[color=#ffffff] * [/color]grows skeletal[color=#ffffff] * [/color]joins tiny spider webs in the sky [color=#fafafa]The furnaces of Earth burn deep, and scarcely warm the fur-lined burrows[/color] Drifting like microghosts[color=#ffffff] * [/color]thieving bits of life when they touch[color=#ffffff] * [/color]living flesh [color=#fafafa]Slumber just short of death, tiny caves like graves in frosted ground[/color] Clean icy blankets[color=#ffffff] * [/color]cover the chaos[color=#ffffff] * [/color]that coming spring promises [color=#fafafa]Sleeping creatures curl and almost, [i]almost[/i] freeze from wintry compromises[/color]