The statement that reads that "all men must die" is not only false—it's extremely stupid, and dangerous. Even worse, it also has some horribly sexist connotations. Death is, of course, female. This is perfectly logical, and is accepted as a truth everywhere—we’re brought to the world by a woman, and so we’re taken away by another woman. This way, Death is said to be tall, dark-skinned, and breath-taking. The exact details vary depending on who you ask, though. Now, what is to be understood is that, while reasonable, Death still has some flaws. And really, we can’t blame her for what she’s doing. You see, before Life came to be—with his obnoxious adaptation and his constant, annoying evolution—Death reigned sovereign. Everything was [i]dead[/i], because life wasn’t there yet. And if you’ve never been alive, you’re dead. That’s pretty basic. But then, as we said, Life came to be. And, well, how was Death supposed to react? Life didn’t ask for permission, he just popped up and took everything from her hands without a warning. Everything was alive now. Especially humans—and most people only care about humans—which pretty much meant Death had nothing. That’s [i]extremely offensive[/i], and many would consider it an act of theft. It’s really Life’s fault, is the message here. Of course, some will say the opposite—and Death is accused by many of [i]seducing[/i] Life as retaliation, because she was so deeply offended. And, true, she [i]was[/i] angry, but to say that she actively tried to woo Life? No way. That’s stupid. Death has charisma, she has this mysterious aura that makes men wonder what hides behind her smile. She didn’t seduce Life. She didn’t [i]have to[/i]. And we all know how Life is. He can’t take a no for an answer. It was him, on his own volition, who decided to shower Death in gifts to gain her favor. A rather vapid action, but then again, Life was never intelligent to begin with. Should Death refuse those gifts? She doesn’t have a right to them, so the answer to this is definitely “yes”. Life is destroying his own creation for the sake of Death, and that’s just unsavory for all parties. But, well. Death [i]was[/i] offended by Life back in the days. Maybe she thinks that she deserves a little bit of recognition. And it’s not like she’s forcing Life to keep giving her stuff. Is she acting like a good person? No. But her actions make sense, if you have at least a little bit of empathy. It’s understandable. Everybody has at least a little bit of pride, and Death’s took quite a blow. Still, not [i]all men[/i] must die. Sure, a couple of them have, and a couple of them will. But time heals all wounds, and Death is a pretty smart lady. She’ll see the error of her ways eventually, and then she’ll stop accepting those gifts that are not hers to begin with. Repeating that nonsense does nothing but convince Life that he’s doing the right thing here, and that’s making the whole situation actively worse. So don’t blame Death for people dying. She’s not doing anything, she’s just hurt. Hurt people do dumb things. Rather, blame Life. He’s so busy breeding to get new gifts that he will never realize killing people is not getting him laid.