He was running late. Spike hurried along the streets of Ponyville to Rarity's boutique as fast as his stubby little legs could carrying him. It was 4:58 in the evening. On most days when Rarity was out of town he wouldn't bother with the shop, but today was not one of those days. Today he was taking care of her cat Opal. Typically this would be Sweetie Belle's job. However, thanks to some super important Cutie Mark Crusader business she wouldn't be able to take care of the finicky feline. So, Rarity turned to him. "Spike if you could feed my precious Opalescence promptly at five and maybe clean out her box I would be most appreciative," she'd said while batting her eyes. She didn't have to do that. Spike would have agreed to her simply asking please. Spike opened the door to the boutique with the aid of the hide-a-key under the mailbox and let himself in. He looked at the small clock that hung on the wall. 5:02. He was late. Spike shrugged. It was just a couple of minutes. It wasn't like the cat or Rarity would know. He walked into the kitchen and grabbed Opal's bowl. He sat it on the floor and grabbed a sealed box of dry cat food. He looked at the label. "See No Bits and Kibbles," read Spike, "Tuna Flavored. Huh. Never heard of it. Must be some designer brand." He shrugged and pushed on the tabs before opening the box and pouring its contents into the bowl. No sooner had he finished pouring the food that he got the feeling of being watched. His heart skipped a beat as he slowly turned his head to see Opalescence sitting at the edge of the kitchen. Her hair was out of its bow and stuck up at odd angles. Her eyes were darker than a moonless night. Spike gulped and offered a weak smile toward the feline. "Hi there Opa..." "You are late. You opened the box," Asked the cat in a deep commanding mewl. Spike's eyes widened, "What ... you?" The cabinet doors flung open, some plates fell to the floor with a crash. The fat feline slowly stepped forward a frown plastered on its round face. "You are late! You opened the box!" "What are you," said Spike as he quickly backed away from the food. "A cat to some. Demon to others. I am the ultimate traveler in the realms of experience and my desire now is for the flesh that is owed me by the one who opened the box!" "It wasn't me it was already opened," bellowed Spike as he backed away quickly. "Do not test me dragon. Your stubby legs and flames but a mere shadow of what I will inflict on upon you if I do not get my flesh. I will rip your...." The bell to the front door rang and a familiar voice called out from it, "Spike are you still here? Things wrapped up quicker than we thought." Spike stood stock still as he waited for the filly to come into the kitchen. When she did her mouth hung open in disbelief. "It wasn't me I swear!" "Then who ..." Spike pointed to Opalescence. Sweetie Belle's gaze shifted to the cat's who meowed at her and slowly walked toward her and wound its way through her legs. Sweetie Belle cast a disbelieving look to Spike. "I'm telling you Sweetie she did it! That cat can talk and it made all that stuff fall from ..." "It's a cat Spike. Add some wet food and she'll be fine," said Sweetie Belle with a sigh, "I'll clean up in here. You get the litter box and we'll be done in no time okay?" Spike sighed and nodded and walked over to the litter box at the far corner of the kitchen. He picked up the scooper and a couple of bags before setting to work. "If you were here..." "Spike it's a cat. Anyone who's been around one knows how they are," she paused, "Were you late?" Spike nodded. "Well that explains some of it. Opal is particular about when she eats," said Sweetie Belle as she looked for the dust pan. Spike leaned over the cat box and resumed scooping. If he'd been on time none of this would have happened. Then from above he heard it, Opal's guttural chuckling. "Welcome to oblivion," she said and pounced knocking him into the litter box.