I’d ask you to stop reading this story right away, but of course you can’t. I know for a fact that you can’t stop reading this story. The moment you try and look away, your eyes are drawn back to the page. But I don’t know why. You could easily stop reading it, if you try, but I know that you won’t. I could even say, “Please, don’t read this story!” but you’d still read it. That’s the power of cutie marks, I suppose. My cutie mark, if you’re wondering, allows me to write stories that no one can stop reading. It’s more of a curse than a gift, trust me. Of course, you’d know. You’re reading this right now, and you can’t stop. Not until it’s over. Fortunately for you, this is one of my shorter ones. I’d tell you my name, but there’s not really a point. I just have to carry on writing these stories, until the end. My power could very easily be used the wrong way, you know. I’ll be surprised if anyone actually manages to read this story. Oh, I know I’m talking to you, but you might not even exist. But that’s my curse, and I must bear it. Here, locked in the tower of my own decisions, I often get lonely. But there’s nothing I can really do. Every day it seems like I could just walk out the door and back into a normal life, but I know I can’t. I just stay up in the furthest level, and write my stories, and throw them into the ocean. I’ve tried, you know. Writing things other than stories. But they all have the same effect, sadly. Poems, instruction manuals, magic spells, no one can stop reading them until they’re done. Of course, to begin with, I visited other unicorns, but they could never help me. They said I was impossible, a fluke of cutie mark magic, and yet here I am. Even the greatest unicorn of my time couldn’t help me, saying there was nothing to be done, nothing at all. Oh, don’t take this story the wrong way, by the way. I’m just telling you a little about myself. You’ve got the time… I hope. Maybe you picked this up in a burning house, and your eyes accidentally skimmed the first words. If that’s what happened, I apologize. Not that that’s likely or anything. I sometimes wonder if anypony has read my work, apart from those I first showed it to. That’s how I found out, through my family. Curiously enough, I can stop reading this story anytime I want. Too bad you can’t, though. Oh, look at me, just waffling on. Why, you’ve got a burning building to escape! But then, maybe from the beginning, you were fated to read this story. Do you believe in fate? Oh, I know cutie marks are literal manifestations of our destiny, but do you believe in fate itself? I don’t, oddly enough. Sure, my stories play a part in your life, a part I can’t control, but that doesn’t mean I believe in fate. So here I am, sitting in my tower, all by myself with naught but my words and my scrolls besides me. But do you know what? I’m happy. In here, I don’t have to worry about hurting anypony at all, and that’s all that matters. So many others have tried to exploit my talent, and I’m sick of it. That’s why I reside in this tower, on top a cliff, next to the sea. Maybe you’ll meet me one day, maybe you won’t. But you still can’t stop reading this. But I can. And I have the power of choice. But you can never stop reading my stories. - False Choice, Unicorn Wizard, who lives in a tower on top of a cliff by the sea.