“Nurse Redheart,” said Twilight, “I’m here for reading to the foals.” “Ah, Princess Twilight! I’ll bring you to the room right away. Though…” “‘Though’ what?” “I just... wanted to ask you... it’s not important. Let’s get you to those foals then, shall we?.” “No,” Twilight said too quickly. “Well, what I mean is, I’d like to answer your question first, if possible.” “Well, alright. I just wanted to ask you how you have time to read here every week?” “Oh, Nurse Redheart, I always make time for my friends.” “Yes, but... you’ve never even met most of these foals, how can you be friends with them?” Redheart’s eyebrows were raised, he lips pursed. “Just because I’ve never met them doesn’t mean they can’t be my friends,” Twilight spewed out. “I always count everypony as a friend until proven otherwise.” “Princess Twilight, I mean no disrespect, but if you could everypony as a friend, and you always make time for friends, that brings us back to the original question: how do you have time for [i]everypony[/i]?” “I... I don’t know. I just do. There’s no method to it, I just always have enough time in my schedule for whenever somepony needs help.” “Do you think it’s possible, and I’m sorry for even suggesting such a thing, that you’re favoring certain ponies over others?” “What? No! That can’t be possible, I treat everypony the same way, no matter what.” “Princess, just last week you were reading here for over 10 hours. Was there really nothing else to be done during that time?” “I don’t think so. I mean, I could've gone to Canterlot that day for my aunt’s birthday, but I just didn’t feel like it.” “Princess, please correct me if I’m wrong, but you decided not to show support for your family so you could read to foals you don’t even know?” “Uh, yeah, I guess so. But I never thought of it like that. I mean, family is always there no matter what, right? But friendships you have to work on to keep up… you know?” “Yeah, I suppose that makes sense. Now, I think those foals have been kept waiting long enough, don’t you?” Redheart turned and began walking down a hallway. “Yeah, yeah they have,” said Twilight to nopony in particular. After a short walk, Redheart stopped at a door and opened it. “Here you are, Princess. And will this be enough books? I don’t want you to run out.” “Ehh, better grab a few more, I could be here awhile.” Nurse Redheart frowned and nodded before slowly turning away. “Actually, Nurse Redheart,” Twilight called after her, “could you maybe come get me after an hour instead? I want to make sure I have time to catch the 2-o'clock train to Canterlot.” Redheart smiled. “Of course I can, Princess. It would be my pleasure.”