"Twilight! Twilight! Is that you?" I exclaimed; as I saw the purple mare, trotting by the line of books, in the other end of the room. Of course she never stopped, turned around or answered; as if I had never been there. All of a sudden, my view started to go out in a blurry haze. The sound and scent went the same way. “[i]What is this?[/i]” I thought. I take a few more steps; before I noticed this white Unicorn mare, standing before me. While I missed it, she has a cutie mark, depicting three diamonds. “I am Rarity!” she declared. “Hello, Rarity!” I responded. “You know, you would look stunning, wearing a pair of boots and a saddle!” she added, smiling brightly at me. “If only I owned the shoes you spoke of?” I responded, giggling. “No problem, I have them right here!” she exclaimed; pointing her right hoof at a fresh set of boots and a saddle, before me. “Thank you, Rarity!” I said, tentatively stepping into the boots she so generously had given me. “You are welcome, Darling!” she responded, as she helped me putting the saddle om. As I look down, I could see the dark, shiny, pink boots. I feel Rarity strapping the shiny, black saddle tightly on my back. “Not too tight?” I tried to protest; but she clearly did not listen, as she continued tightening the saddle around my body. “There!” she merely stated, as she let go of the saddle on my back. All of a sudden, I noticed how my mane is curly in a deeper, darker and richer pink hue. As I look back, I notice the three balloons on my right flank, two blue and a yellow slightly above and in the middle. I take a step forwards, only to hear a strangely frisky and excited squeak, as my hoof hit the dark purple crystal that is the floor in the library of Twilight Sparkle’s castle of friendship. A momentary stop, then I started to bounce characteristically, towards the door out of the library with Rarity hot on my hooves. She tried her best to keep pace, while maintaining a measured and ladylike gait. “That is the Pinkie, we all know and love!” she said. I started to giggle, and the sound echoes through the long and cold hall. Window by window, we pass on our way to the throne room. At the end, the door swing open before us and we enter the large hall. As I stop; I see the roots of the old oak, the golden oak library in which Twilight had been living until Tirek had destroyed it. “Since you are here, the council can finally open!” Twilight stated.