“Oh my God, Rafe! It’s the most horrible thing to ever have happened since 911! Why are you just standing there?!?” My brother Gregory screamed in my face as he held me by the shirt. I was not amused. “Greg-” “It’s terrible!” “No, Greg. It-” “We’re all gonna die!” “Greg, this is-” “THE WORLD IS ENDING! MY GOD!” “GREG! THIS IS STUPID!” I shouted. Greg let go of his grip on my shirt and stared at me shocked. He looked as if I said I kicked puppies and hate babies. “What?” He breathed. “Could you repeat that, please?” “You heard me.” I pushed him away from me and glared at him. “This. Is. Stupid.” Greg looked mortified. He looked like I was a murderer standing in front of him. No. Even worse. He looked like I was a TERRORIST standing in front of him. “Rafe! How could you say that?!?” Greg exclaimed. “This is a crisis! This is a catastrophe! This is-” “Stupid.” I finished his sentence, holding my hand out in front of me, before he went off on a rant. “But, Rafe-” He started to complain. “Nope.” I shook my head. “This is not that big of a deal. I’m not going to go through this everything time one of your favourite shows goes on hiatus. I’m just not, Greg.” I crossed my arms. “But, Rafe…” He whined. “No…” I averted my eyes. He would not trick me into buying him ice cream like he did last time. “Rafe…” He whined again, getting down on his knees. “No.” I growled and shut my eyes. “Please…” Greg pulled on my pant leg and whimpered. I flinched and struggled with the impulse to look down. Don’t look down, don’t look down, don’t look down, don’t look down… My eyes met blue eyes that looked like an innocent puppy’s. My heart melted and I groaned. Dammit, I looked down. “Fine…” I groaned. In an instant Greg’s face lit up like the several Christmas lights hanging on the homes outside, “Yes!” He cheered, hopped up, and hugged me. “Thank you, thank you, thank you! You’re the best ever, Rafe!” “Yeah, whatever…” I groaned and hugged him back. “I swear you’re like a puppy…” “Ooooh! Can we get a puppy?!? Can we Rafe?!? Can we?!?” Greg hopped up and down like a small child asking for candy. “No.” I chided him. “We cannot.” “Awww!” He groaned and kicked the floor with his foot. “You’re no fun…” I shook my head and sighed. I grabbed my keys from the hook on the wall and gestured for him to follow me out to the car. This was a common occurrence with my brother. He’d throw a tantrum and get what he wanted. All the time. It doesn’t help me that mom spoiled him. And it really doesn’t help that he can do the “puppy eyes” even as a grown man. He doesn’t have a job, he doesn’t pay the rent, and he refuses to get a girlfriend. I understand part of the way he acts is MY fault. But I’m at least TRYING to get him to get off his lazy butt and get a LIFE! I drove us to his favourite ice cream shop, but when we got there. “CLOSED FOR THANKSGIVING WEEKEND!” Greg screamed. “NO, THIS IS TERRIBLE! THIS IS A CATASTROPHE! THIS THE END OF THE WORLD!” I groaned. It would be a LOOONG weekend.