"Shit. Stop the drill!" "But don't you want it open?" "Shh! Just turn it off. There's someone outside." "I told you we should've left the lights out." "Shut up. You take hours with no lights." "You're free to try kick the safe open like you did the front door." "Quiet. He's close." "Fucker's coming in." "What do we do? Do we knock him out? We could get out through the kitchen." "Shut it!" "Hello? Is anybody? Anybody here?" "What is he doing here in the middle of the night?" "Shh!" "Is he seriously just sitting down there?" "Shut it!" "Hello? Could I order? I'd like to order, please?" "Why would he? What do we do?" "Oh fuck it! You drill quietly. I got this." "Sir! Over here. I'll take your order." "Ah. Thank you. Two, erm, I'd like one farmer's egg and cheese sandwich please." "Sir, of course. I'll tell the kitchen team." "Old fucker wants a sandwich. At 3 a.m." "He won't leave quickly, will he? How do we get rid of him? The drill's almost through. What do we do?" "Make him a sandwich." "You sure? But I don't know, can we do that? What if-" "Shush. Back there's the store room. Farmer's egg and cheese sandwich. Find some egg. Find some cheese. Find some bread. Use a pan. We got this." "Sir, your sandwich's coming." "Thank you, young man. Could you bring one, please, one bottle of wine as well? No, one glass only. Dry red please." "Sir, of course. Be right back." "Wine as well! Old fucker. You're cooking?" "It shouldn't take more than a few minutes. The drill should be through by then, too. I saw a few bottles of wine in the store room." "I'll find it." "Sir. Your glass, and your wine." "Thank you, young man." "That all, Sir?" "Yes. Yes, it's just.. When.. When I came in, young man, I couldn't help but notice your front door. Your front door's damaged." "Really? Vandals! I'll write a note. We'll have it fixed. Damn kids." "Language, young man. Weren't we all.. In our time we all were like that, weren't we?" “I guess.” "You can pick the farmer's egg and cheese sandwich up now." "Sir, I'll get your sandwich." "Old fucker's eating." "What in the world is he doing here now?" "Who cares. How's the safe?" "The drill got through the lock. I just had a look at it, but maybe we should wait till the old man leaves?" "The fuck? We fill our bags now." "FUmmph" "Keep it down! The old guy's still here. And don't bite me. It's not my fault." "Where the fuck is the money?" "I have no idea, it was empty when I looked through before I opened it." "Fuck." "Let's just pack up and leave out the back." "Excuse me? Young man! I'd like to pay. Young man?" "Shit. I'll go. You pack up. How much is this food stuff?" "How would I know? What can it be? Ten Pounds?" "That'll be fifteen Pounds, Sir." "Do you not have a receipt, young man?" "No. Sorry. Only during day shift." "Ok. That's ok. I don't keep those anyway. Here please, take these two." "Thanks. Did you enjoy your food, Sir?" "Ghastly, the sandwich. Even more stale than usual. Still my wife, she would have liked it still." "...?" "It was just.. just to her taste. Thank you very much. Goodbye, young man." "Goodbye, Sir." [hr] "Completely nuts, I tell you. Old man was completely nuts." "We were so lucky he was. He would have noticed something was off for sure." "No one did. Fuck this town. And fuck those broke ass shops." "We were so lucky we got out with no one noticing. And some money at least." "Fuck all of that. Fuck wine too. Pass me another bottle."