Once upon a time in the land of suburbia... The weather was very hot, near the end of the day and it seemed like little Freyja wouldn't break even on her lemonade stand. She spent a lot of her cash on supplies, the stand itself and the day permit from the housing association. Across the street there was a rival stand selling tomato juice on the other side. The boy over there was making cash hand over fist. The worst of it was that people said her drinks were “Meh”. It was not mostly okay or awfully, memorably bad – just meh. Her rival and sometime friend Mikey, shut down his stand early and came over to see how Freyja was doing. With a mischievous smile, Mikey asked, “What's with the long face?” “You know why! I'm not making enough money!” Freyja replied, throwing her hands and arms up in frustration. “That's not my fault, friend-do.” “Yes it is! Thanks to you, you stole all my customers.” "Nah, I just gave them an incentive to visit your booth.” Freyja was furious as she pointed her finger at him, “How can you say this? You stole my customers! If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be struggling. Why didn't you just stick with your lawn mowing jobs?” “Because all these 'good neighbors' ripped me off,” Mikey replied with a smirk and then asked, “Haven't you noticed a lot of my customers have come back to your stand later?” Freyja thought about this for a moment. Before the moment she didn't notice it, but Mikey was right. After a while, people would come up to the stand holding their stomachs in pain. They would be rude to her, but would order a glass of lemonade. They would down it quickly and sometimes order another one. “Oh, thanks Mikey. I think? How did you help me?” A woman hurried up to the stand and ordered a glass of lemonade. She drank it quickly and said, “Meh.” She then noticed Mikey and gave him a rude gesture as she left. In return, Mikey stuck his tongue out. Freyja rubbed the back of her neck and asked, “Why was she rude?” With hands on his hips and a laugh he explained, “I'm not selling tomato juice. I'm selling tomato juice with alcohol! On this hot day, adults want to have adult drinks. I'm making the big money!” “Okay, but why are they coming back sick to their stomach?” she asked, confused. “One time I stole some cookies from the cookie jar. Well, I did that a lot of times. My mom got tired of that and baked some of the herbs from the garden into them. They made my guts achy,” he replied with an evil grin. Freyja looked horrified and exclaimed, “Oh... oh no! You added them to your drinks.” The boy nodded, “And as to why back to you? Water has been off in the neighborhood for hours now. Guess someone turned off the main, broke its handle off and made sure the neighborhood sup' is not available. Bad for them.” Freyja looked annoyed, “At least it's not my fault I'm not doing well. I guess?” “You didn't drink any of your lemonade, did you?” Mickey asked with a smirk. “No, got a water bottle here.” “Good!” At this point in the distance, an angry mob came around the block and made its way towards the children. The boy broke off into a run and the girl soon followed on instinct. Freyja yelled as she caught up to Mikey, "This has been a pretty bad day for me. Worst of all, my lemonade tastes 'Meh'.” “It's not your fault. I'm the reason why your lemonade tastes 'Meh' because I added something to your mix while you weren't looking this morning,” Mikey chuckled out of breath. “You suck! This is the worst day ever for me!” “It could be worse. You could be running with shit in your underwear!”