My pizza pie is nothing like the sun— Except it's round and warm and yellow... Um... No, wait! I'll start again. This [i]will[/i] be fun! A block of cheese is nothing like the gum That sticks beneath the desks within the school, Abandoned now to pandemonium— Except they're quiet, empty... I'm a fool To think I might summarily compose Some sprightly verse in times of such misrule. "My love is nothing like a red, red rose," I'll start to say, but then on second thought, "My love is nothing like a red, red nose. She clowns about more often than she ought, Descends the stairs with shoes that flop and squeak, Her purple hair—" But there! Again, I'm caught! She's nothing like, I say. It's super weak Enumerating just the opposite! So once again! A breath, then start to speak. The sun itself is nothing but a chit. Symbolic, standing in for love and light, It's just a ball of gas and quite unfit! Avoid clichés, I think's the message, right? Engage in fission—nothing like the sun— And find the parts beneath before you write.