“Today Happiness Is Just Over the Horizon,” read Spike. “Hey, Twilight, can I have a free day? I bet I can find it.” Twilight Sparkle looked up from her daisy sandwich, eyebrows contracting. “Wait, find what?” “Happiness. It says here that it’s just over the horizon,” said Spike, jumping and pointing the crumbled cookie and the paper. “Spike, those cookies are just a superstition. They rarely come true.” Twilight massaged her brow. “But what if this one does? How can I know happiness isn’t out there?” “And anyway,” said Twilight, “how do you even know which direction to go? North, south, east, or west?” “Well, can’t I just look in all of them?” [i]That is Spike for you, stubborn as a…[/i] “Okay, you win. But I can’t go help you, I have the whole afternoon scheduled with meetings. And remember, the horizon works both ways, so if you can’t see the café you are already over the horizon.” “Thanks. I’ll be back with that happiness before you know it!” Twilight chuckled seeing the little dragon dash to the east. She glanced towards the clock tower; she had a few minutes to spare before the first meeting. Spike could take care of himself, but she sure would feel better if she could tell the weather team to keep an eye on him. [hr] “Just a moment, Mr. Rich. I need to talk to my assistant.” Twilight looked at Spike in confusion; he had a spring in his step and a smile in his face. “Did you really find happiness?” “Well, having tea with Fluttershy and her friends was very fun.” Twilight let her amazement show in her smile. “Then the message did turn true, you found happiness! I’m glad for you, Spike!” “I don’t know.” Spike scratched his head. “I mean, I can go have tea with Fluttershy any day. The cookie said today.” “Then…” “Yep, I’ll keep looking,” said Spike, this time racing to the west. [hr] Davenport had just left when Twilight saw Spike again, still smiling, even if the smile was tempered by tiredness. “Anything?” asked Twilight. “Can’t say a stroll through White Tail Woods wasn’t nice, but I didn’t find it.” “Why don’t you stay? Savoir Fare told me he can…” Started Twilight “Not now, I have two more places to search,” said Spike, already on his way south. [hr] “... And this is how —” Twilight’s eyes went wide as Spike, with a slight limp, came into view. “Spike! What happened?” The little dragon, covered in scrapes, started, “A diamond dog —” “What‽ Sorry, mayor, but I have to go.” In a flash Twilight had Spike on her back. “Now where did this diamond dog go?” Spike’s blank stare turned into panic. “Wait, he didn’t hurt me!” “Then,” said Twilight, her voice controlled again, “what happened? Why are you hurt?” “I.. fell into a Diamond Dog hole. Spots rescued me. Well, I helped him after, but he did rescue me.” “Oh, Spike.” Twilight glanced back at the table and said, “Sorry for the interruption, Mayor, I will be right back.” Then she looked back at the little dragon, already on his feet and walking to the north. “Why don’t you stay here, or at least rest a bit?” “I can rest after I’ve found it. See ya!” [hr] Concern slowly creeping into her eyes, Twilight followed the small dragon with her gaze, something limp and green hanging from one of his back fins. Was it a leaf, or… “Spike, what happened this time?” “Well, the happiness isn’t in the lake,” said the wet and crestfallen dragon. “I guess you were right.” “Sit here, Spike I have a surprise that will cheer you up,” said Twilight, absentmindedly removing the algae from Spike’s back. “You may come too, sir,” she said, this time to the pegasus stallion that was — finally! — her last appointment for the day. “I dunno, I…” Savoir Fare’s tray caught Spike’s gaze and held fast. “A ruby sundae! That is, like, happiness I can eat!” “Of course. I think my number one assistant —” Spike’s panicked face made Twilight follow his gaze. Savoir Fare had slipped on an algae strand, the prized sundae now sailing through the air. “Noooo!” Spike leapt, his clawtips barely scratching the cup. It hit the pegasus squarely. “A thousand pardons,” said Savoir Fare, napkin already in hoof. “I will clean all promptly. I’m truly sorry, mister…” “Horizon,” said the orange pegasus, wiping ruby sundae from his face.